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Walking the walk or just talking the talk: how do we make progress?

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Presentation on theme: "Walking the walk or just talking the talk: how do we make progress?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Walking the walk or just talking the talk: how do we make progress?
Richard Fluck Date: 16th March 2016

2 The strategic challenge
Numbers requiring RRT are growing Population is older with more comorbidities Home therapies are in decline – especially PD Economic downturn has implications for healthcare expenditure 19/04/2018 Home Therapies Richard Fluck

3 UK Renal Registry 16th Annual Report
Figure 2.2. Growth in prevalent patients by treatment modality at the end of each year 1997–2012 UK Renal Registry 16th Annual Report 19/04/2018 Home Therapies Richard Fluck

4 Falling PD UK Renal Registry 16th Annual Report
Figure 2.9. Modality changes in prevalent RRT patients from 1997–2012 UK Renal Registry 16th Annual Report 19/04/2018 Home Therapies Richard Fluck

5 Home Therapies Richard Fluck
Rise in home HD Figure Detailed dialysis modality changes in prevalent RRT patients from 1997–2012 * Scottish centres excluded as information on satellite HD was not available UK Renal Registry 16th Annual Report 19/04/2018 Home Therapies Richard Fluck

6 Variation UK Renal Registry 16th Annual Report
Figure 2.8. Percentage of prevalent haemodialysis patients treated with satellite or home haemodialysis by centre on 31/12/2012 ∗Scottish centres excluded as information on satellite HD was not available. No centres in Northern Ireland have satellite dialysis units UK Renal Registry 16th Annual Report 19/04/2018 Home Therapies Richard Fluck

7 Home Therapies Richard Fluck
19/04/2018 Home Therapies Richard Fluck


9 Home Therapies Richard Fluck
Ambitions 3. Self-management: All people with kidney disease are offered as much information as they would like in order to understand and manage their condition. 4. Person-centred care: Care is centred on the person, taking into account individual needs and preferences, quality of life, symptom burden and the presence of co-existing medical conditions. 19/04/2018 Home Therapies Richard Fluck

10 Home Therapies Richard Fluck
6. Preparation and Choice: All people approaching end-stage renal disease, or moving from one type of treatment for end-stage renal disease to another, understand and are given sufficient time and support to prepare for a treatment that is suitable for them, chosen from the full range of options. 19/04/2018 Home Therapies Richard Fluck

11 Home Therapies Richard Fluck
The House of Care 19/04/2018 Home Therapies Richard Fluck

12 Commissioning of RRT The base

13 Home Therapies Richard Fluck
Key principles Ensure patient pathway integrity Enable CCGs to better allocate their resources efficiently Move to accountability linked to population outcomes Improve financial incentives for commissioners and providers Offer value across the system and to individuals 19/04/2018 Home Therapies Richard Fluck

14 But at all times our guiding principle will be: walk in the shoes of the people we serve. Think like a patient, act like a taxpayer Simon Stevens, April 2014, Newcastle

15 Home Therapies Richard Fluck
Reimbursement Short term Mitigate short term issues Long term Process of internal and external consultation Review of pricing engine Challenge re reference costs Renal specific – strategic review of reimbursement structure Incentives? 19/04/2018 Home Therapies Richard Fluck

16 Service specifications
Modality specific Clear pointers to shared care CQUIN re shared care Better metrics 19/04/2018 Home Therapies Richard Fluck

17 Home Therapies Richard Fluck
Specialised status Advantages High costs and complexity Disadvantages Reimbursement structure One aspect of patient pathway Collaborative solution Reintegrate patient pathway Plan A, B and C Reestablish provider networks driven by peer review 19/04/2018 Home Therapies Richard Fluck

18 Patient participation The left hand wall

19 Home Therapies Richard Fluck
Engaging the patient on multiple levels Carmen, Health Affairs Feb :232 19/04/2018 Home Therapies Richard Fluck



22 Integration Care delivery Location Dependent Independent Home AAPD
?AHHD PD HHD (>4x week) In-centre HD (3x week) Self care HD (3-7x week)

23 Skills, knowledge and confidence matrix
Education, self-awareness, changing beliefs about patient‘s role, self-management support, skills development Skills, knowledge and confidence matrix Interventions High (Clinician support for patient activation) CSPAM scores Changing beliefs about clinician’s role, leadership, skills training e.g. MI, communication, coaching Low Low High PAM scores (patient activation) 19/04/2018 Home Therapies Richard Fluck

24 Measurement and improvement: the ceiling

25 Home Therapies Richard Fluck
Data Numbers Organisational process Outcomes Clinical Patient centred Value 19/04/2018 Home Therapies Richard Fluck

26 Survival by Dialysis Modality—Who Cares?
All-cause patient mortality rates, overall and by modality, US Renal Data System ESRD Database, Adjusted for age, sex, race, and primary diagnosis. HD, hemodialysis; PD, peritoneal dialysis. 19/04/2018 Home Therapies Richard Fluck CJASN 2016 ePub Martin B. Lee* and Joanne M. Bargman†

27 Home Therapies Richard Fluck
Value The Renal Alliance: UKRR, PHE, CVIN, RightCare and Commissioning for value 19/04/2018 Home Therapies Richard Fluck

28 Home Therapies Richard Fluck
Recovery time after HD Lindsay Clin J Am Soc Nephrol Sep;1(5):952-9. 19/04/2018 Home Therapies Richard Fluck

29 Home therapies: Patient Quality Markers - Restless legs and depression
Jaber Clin J Am Soc Nephrol 6: 1049–1056, 2011 (FREEDOM study group) 19/04/2018 Home Therapies Richard Fluck

30 The right hand wall: professionals

31 What do the professional stakeholders need to offer?
Leadership: vision, courage and commitment Individual Organisational Expertise Drive improvement – e.g. quality improvement 19/04/2018 Home Therapies Richard Fluck

32 Home Therapies Richard Fluck
Home therapies QI KQuiP Stakeholder led RA, BRS, BKPA, NKF, KRUK, BTS NHS England and home nations Strategic alliance to foster QI 19/04/2018 Home Therapies Richard Fluck

33 Home Therapies Richard Fluck
Improving the pathway Establish an MDT to assess new starters Consider legibility Shared decision making – ?Physician led PD insertion Training Late presentation Perit Dial Int May-Jun; 33(3): 233–241. Dialysis Measurement, Analysis and Reporting (DMAR: Oliver Medical Management, Toronto, ON, Canada) 19/04/2018 Home Therapies Richard Fluck

34 Home Therapies Richard Fluck
Home haemodialysis 19/04/2018 Home Therapies Richard Fluck

35 Home Therapies Richard Fluck
Summary 19/04/2018 Home Therapies Richard Fluck

36 Home Therapies Richard Fluck
19/04/2018 Home Therapies Richard Fluck

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