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Published byCollin Greene Modified over 7 years ago
CPRA Update ALBL Annual Meeting Johnny Bradberry December 8, 2016
committed to our coast committed to our coast
Executive Assistant to the Governor for Coastal Activities
What my friends think I do
Executive Assistant to the Governor for Coastal Activities
What I thought I would be doing
Executive Assistant to the Governor for Coastal Activities
What I actually do
Louisiana’s Problem 1' - 3' 4' - 6' 7' - 9' 10' - 12' 13' - 15'
v 4' - 6' 7' - 9' 10' - 12' 13' - 15' Over 15' 1' - 3' HIGH / YEAR 50 / 100-YEAR FLOOD DEPTHS Map represents the Future Without Action “Do nothing” Scenario at year 50, high assumptions for environmental change with a 100 year storm This is what flooding could look like across the coast
Why is there fight left in the frog?
Key Partnerships: USACE
Key Partnerships: LDWF
Key Partnerships: Environmental Groups
Key Partnerships: Local Government
Key Partnerships: ALBL
I’ll let you decide which one is Steve Wilson. The slogan, “without flood control nothing else matters” really sums it up. 41% of the U.S. drains through Louisiana 50% of the state is in a flood plain And some people in LA don’t know that—that is because of the work that gets done by the people in this room. We work together through disasters and near disasters, to get projects built, permitted, or finished And we work together every year at session to make sure that it doesn’t get any harder to protect the people of Louisiana from flooding than it already is.
I’m sure glad the hole isn’t in our end…
TEAMWORK IN REVERSE!!!!! I’m sure glad the hole isn’t in our end…
Projects Update
Recent Project Completion Celebrations
Bayou Petit Caillou Floodgate and Highway 56 Rollergate $20M floodgate and the first rollergate in the Morganza alignment Bayou Lafourche Saltwater Control Structure Barge gate to block saltwater intrusion Caminada Headlands Increment II Largest restoration project in CPRA history Storm surge reduction and crucial habitat Bayou Lafourche event and structure in Lockport
95 $7 B 12 30 5 48 Projects OVER Projects Overview
Completed last fiscal year and so far this year. 30 In Construction today or headed to construction (bid awarded) Projects 5 OVER $7 B Headed to Bid 48 Engineering & Design
Houma Navigation Canal Lock Complex
Submitted in Amended State RESTORE Plan $366 Million Regional Protection and Restoration Benefits The HNC lock complex is a multipurpose project that provides both ecosystem-related and flood protection related benefits located near the site of the Bubba Dove flood gate. While Bubba Dove is a much-needed protection feature, the added benefit of the lock will help to manage salinities in the area to help provide ecosystem benefits as well as flood protection. This is one of CPRA’s flagship projects. It is located in the Terrebonne Basin which is experiencing one of the highest rates of land loss in coastal LA. It will help restore the historic salinity regimes in the Terrebonne Basin, will provide storm surge protection as part of the Morganza to the Gulf system and will work synergistically with TE-110 (Increase Atchafalaya) to help restore and protect the Basin’s fragile ecosystem. Given its benefits it is a truly integrated coastal protection and restoration project. The total value of the project is approximately $384M. State surplus is funding $18M for E&D RESTORE will fund another $16 for E&D ($34M total for E&D) RESTORE covering remaining construction cost (Construction is estimated to be $350M) E&D timeline: Spring 2016 – Spring 2019 Construction: Winter 2019-Winter 2022
Master Plan Drives our Decisions
2017 Coastal Master Plan This map represents all of the projects evaluated for the 2017 plan.
Planning Framework 2017 Coastal Master Plan | CPRA Board Meeting
Planning Framework Nonstructural projects include
commercial floodproofing, residential elevation, and residential voluntary acquisition. Home elevations estimated at 82.50/square foot to per square foot depending on elevation height. Total project cost would include elements like appraisal, survey, title search, real estate transactionfees, 2017 Coastal Master Plan | CPRA Board Meeting
Planning Framework Structural Projects evaluated include Earthen levee
Concrete t-wall Floodgates Ring pumps (internal to levees) (miles of levee not an attribute of the projects available from Master Plan team) 2017 Coastal Master Plan | CPRA Board Meeting
A $50 Billion, 50 Year Plan 2017 Coastal Master Plan | CPRA Board Meeting
2017 Master Plan Update Draft plan release for public comment scheduled for first week of January, 2017 Public meetings 1/17 Lake Charles 1/18 New Orleans 1/24 Houma 1/25 Mandeville Also releasing FY2018 Annual Plan at these meetings Additional Outreach will be happening throughout the public comment period and leading up to the Legislative Session Political leaders: parish government, legislators NGO-hosted community meetings Golden Meadow Houma Thibodeaux Abbeville Meraux
Issues that affect us all
Coastal Protection and Restoration Authority of Louisiana
HCR 197 CPRA instructed by Legislature to investigate Multi- jurisdictional Funding of Levee Districts Issues Addressed: How can you pay for protection infrastructure that provides benefits across boundaries when money must be spent where it is collected? What are the constitutional, statutory, and policy challenges to resolving this? Report due to Legislature end of December Coastal Protection and Restoration Authority of Louisiana
Other Issues Working with Corps and other federal partners on permits for diversions Updating our contracting process Reorganizing land division at CPRA WRDA Bill set for approval Lessons learned Building goals and objectives for 2017 WRDA Details Deal expected this week on Flint, MI issue Comite Diversion Amite River and Tributaries Project Authorizations for West Shore Lake Pontchartrain & SW Coastal Streamline 408s? Clarified vegetation policy $125 M for subsidence of coastal levees
Managing our Money: Perception
Managing our Money HSDRRS payback issueGOMESA funds still at risk
Bonding question on GOMESA and oil spill revenues taken up at 12/13 meeting of the Coastal Protection and Restoration Financing Corporation Investigating innovative financing methods Natural Resources Damages Banking rules expected to be published late December
Special thanks to Steve Wilson
I believe I speak for everyone in the room when I say - Thank you for your dedication and leadership as the Vice President of ALBL in 2009 and President of ALBL from 2010 until now. Thank you for your service on the CPRA Board. Steve is one of our original members. Your passion to protect the communities of the state of Louisiana from flooding has not gone unnoticed and we are grateful for your service. You have made an impression on everyone you have worked with. Volunteering as President of ALBL, being President of the Pontchartrain Levee District Board and serving on the CPRA Board is a very time consuming and overwhelming task, but please know how much we appreciate you and your ideas, your time , your jokes and your failure to be prompt for any meetings. Although you will be stepping down as ALBL President, we know that you will be around to move our state forward in other capacities, and we look forward to working with you on those. Thank you for all you do, Steve. “The fact that one of the 20th Annual Coastal Stewardship Award nominees has a fully time day job, working in the petrochemical industry, is a demonstration to his commitment to preserving the coast and finding ways for partners, who may not always see eye to eye, to put their differences aside and work together for the greater good.” (Johnathan Hird, Moffatt and Nichol) “Those of us involved in the relentless fight to preserve, protect and restore our coastal wetlands and protecting our communities are fully aware that Mr. Wilson has been an integral part of this mission.”—Jason Lanclos, CPRA “Steve Wilson exemplifies what is great about those individuals who have dedicated their lives to serve, protect, and restore Louisiana—leadership, dedication, and willingness to serve.”—Sen. David Vitter Steve Wilson BIO: Steve Wilson is a resident of St. Charles Parish for over 35 years. Both within the parish and for the State of Louisiana, he has served and represented the residents in numerous capacities. In 2000, Steve Wilson was appointed to the Pontchartrain Levee District (PLD) which represents six (6) parishes on the East Bank of the Mississippi River, specifically, East Baton Rouge, Iberville, Ascension, St. James, St. John the Baptist and St. Charles Parishes. After 4 years, as a Commissioner At Large to the Board he became President of the Pontchartrain Levee District Board of Commissioners in 2004 and that is a , position he still presently holds. Among Mr. Wilson’s current, numerous, roles – he has served on the Coastal Protection and Restoration Authority (CPRA), that was created during the First Extraordinary Session of the Louisiana Legislature in 2005, and he still sits as the Levee Region 3 Representative, chosen from among and by the Presidents of Pontchartrain, Atchafalaya, Lafourche Basin and North Lafourche Levee Districts. Steve Wilson served as the Vice President of the Association of Levee Boards of Louisiana in In 2010, 2011,2012, 2013, 2014, 2015 and 2016 he passionately served as President for the Association of Levee Boards of Louisiana. He has chosen to step down for 2017 and allow someone else to lead the charge. He is retired from Shell Motiva.
Oil Spill Restoration Amended State RESTORE Plan to obligate all Bucket 1 and Bucket 3 funds (~$811 Million) Calcasieu Salinity Control Measures HNC Lock Complex Parish Matching Program Adaptive Management NRDA Restoration Plan 1 released for public comment $22.3 Million for E&D on marsh creation, bird islands, and shoreline protection projects Total Project Costs ~$460 Million NFWF Grant Award $245 Million for E&D and Adaptive Management on Sediment Diversions
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