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Presentation on theme: "WEEKLEY HOMEWORK AND COMMON TASKS"— Presentation transcript:

Common tasks are highlighted by the following colours: 1 Blue Focus: Investigation skills 2 Red Focus: Designing skills 3 Green Focus: Practical skills 4 Orange Focus: Evaluation skills It is expected that the common task is an extended task taking at least one hour to complete. As with all Design and Technology homework that you complete this task should be presented well with a title, date, a boarder and colour for any diagrams/pictures added. Other homework tasks will be recorded in your contact diary by the colour and will be set weekly at the teachers discretion.

2 BLUE common tasks TASK 1 Look at the Solar-Aid case studies or search for “PDF solar aid impact case studies” Then think about these two questions:  What problems do kerosene lamps cause children in East Africa?  How has solar energy helped children in East Africa? Write the disadvantages of the kerosene lamp and the advantages of solar power in each of the following contexts Health Education Money Environment TASK 2 Write a diary entry for a child who has just received their first solar light reflecting on the day they got a solar light and how it changed their lives. Your diary entry should be creative and show you fully understand the impact a solar light would have on child suffering energy poverty. You talk about their aspirations and how solar lights have enabled them

3 RED COMMON TASK Hints Task 1 Biomimcry – Science
Research and Identify the products that have been inspired by the following solutions nature has designed . Explain how each product has been improved by using inspiration from nature , Hints Clothing/ boats, adhesives, water bottles, trains, propellers/turbines, buildings , fastenings Shark skin Termite mound cooling system Geckos feet Burdock seed Humpback fin KINGFISHER Fog Beetle Task 2 Biomimcry - form Designers often use nature to inspire the form or shape of products for example the artichoke lamp (see fig1). Produce 3 detailed and well presented design ideas for your solar light that are clearly inspired by nature. include a picture of your inspiration Carefully used colour Detailed annotation High quality sketching skills Fig1

4 DO NOT take apart ANY product that uses Mains 240V power
ORANGE common task DO NOT take apart ANY product that uses Mains 240V power Product investigation / disassembly Investigate a simple product from home. Take it apart (if possible) and complete the following tasks Sketch and photograph each component of the product Identify the material each component is made from Use notes and sketches to explain how each component was commercially manufactured Explain the function and purpose for each component . Present your findings carefully and with style on A3 paper Success Criteria Detailed Information on a suitable material with explained justifications using technical language Detailed Information on a suitable production process with explained justifications using technical language You have suggested appropriate alternatives You make comment on the possible environmental impact of a material and process You have used your own photos which have been carefully taken considering the angle It is professionally presented and uses hand drawn diagrams to illustrate your findings. You have considered the layout of your sheet and have used consistent presentation You show an in depth understanding of a range of materials and processes You identify and present moulding witness marks

5 GREEN COMMON TASK Example Do not choose Trevor Bayliss TASK 1 HINT
Research a product that you feel solves a genuine problem using innovation (a new way of doing things) Complete blank template (available on the VLE) HINT Do not choose mobile telephones, games consoles, tablets etc , Task 2 Choose 2 of the followings designers and produce 2 posters - one for each designer using at least 10 images of their most famous work A short paragraph explaining their work and influence Present your work so it is suitable for display Example Do not choose Trevor Bayliss Dieter Rams Isambard Kingdom Brunel Zaha Hadid Joe Colombo Phillipe Starck Norman Foster Antoni Gaudí Eileen Gray Marcel Breuer Alec Issigonis Arne Jacobsen Ross Lovegrove Charles and Ray Eames Jasper Morrison Richard Buckminster Fuller Marc Newson Frank Gehry Charles Rennie Mackintosh Frank Lloyd Wright Richard Rogers Ludwig Mies van der Rohe Peter Saville Le Corbusier Verner Panton Sir Jonathan Ive Vivienne Westwood Edward Barber and Jay Osgerby Achille Castiglioni Thomas Heatherwick Wells Coates Sebastian Bergne Giles Gilbert Scott James Dyson Alvar Aalto Ron Arad


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