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Chapter 2 Review Game.

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1 Chapter 2 Review Game

2 1 What simplified writing system was typically used by everyday Egyptians for things like business transactions and record-keeping? Hieratic Script

3 2 An administrative organization that relies on officials and regular procedures is called a what? Bureaucracy

4 3 Egyptian civilization and religion was largely based around what important geographical feature? Nile River

5 4 Which period of Egyptian history saw the creation of the Great Pyramids of Giza? Old Kingdom

6 5 A family of rulers in which rule is passed down within the family is referred to as what? Dynasty

7 6 What is considered to be the most important contribution of the Phoenicians? Alphabet

8 7 Which Mediterranean peoples heavily influenced Greek art and culture, but were not considered to be Greek? Minoans

9 8 Which group of peoples were responsible for the spread of technology across the Eastern Mediterranean? Pastoral nomads

10 The Hittites were among the first peoples to first use what material?
9 The Hittites were among the first peoples to first use what material? Iron

11 What is considered the most unique characteristic of the Israelites?
10 What is considered the most unique characteristic of the Israelites? Religion/Judaism

12 11 What river in India serves both to provide fresh water and as a holy river in Hinduism? Ganges River

13 12 What characteristic of Indus Valley civilization was demonstrated with the drainage system and public wells of Mohenjo-Daro? Advanced cities

14 13 The descendants of the Indus Valley civilization eventually mixed with what Indo-European group on the Indian subcontinent? Aryan

15 14 The earliest writing developed in India around 1000 B.C.E. is called what? Sanskrit

16 Clear away dense jungle
15 The iron plow was particularly useful for the peoples of the Indus Valley for what reason? Clear away dense jungle

17 16 Chinese nobility based their wealth off of the amount of land they owned, making them part of the what? Aristocracy

18 What is considered to be the longest lasting Chinese dynasty?
17 What is considered to be the longest lasting Chinese dynasty? Zhou Dynasty

19 18 The responsibility of the family to meet the needs of the male head of the household is called what? Filial Piety

20 19 What were used by royal priests to ask the gods questions about the future? Oracle Bones

21 20 Chinese rulers were expected to follow the path of goodness, often referred to as what? The Dao

22 Teotihuacan was the capital city of what ancient civilization?
21 Teotihuacan was the capital city of what ancient civilization? Mayans

23 22 The Olmecs made many of their weapons out of what incredibly sharp material? Obsidian

24 What was the most precious commodity in Mayan religion?
23 What was the most precious commodity in Mayan religion? Blood

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