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Curriculum Night Third Grade German

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1 Curriculum Night Third Grade German 2015-2016

2 Wiki pages

3 Procedures Morning: Unpacking and Work Turning in Homework
Communications through Cubbies and Folders Library Books and Classroom Library Late Arrivals and Early Dismissals (Specials/English and Recess) Behavior Charts and Discipline German Stickers Computer Websites and Programs (Reading, Math, and Spelling)

4 3rd Grade German We expect students coming into Third Grade to be able to do the following:  Know all alphabet letters (names and sounds), “special” German characters (such as ß, Ä, ä, Ö, ö, Ü, ü), upper and lower case letters Read and write Second Grade high-frequency words in the target language Read and write high-frequency words Read a Second Grade text fluently Know HOW to write in their journal, a paragraph, story etc. Know HOW to write on a piece of paper or in a book (left to right, don’t skip pages, don’t write across 2 pages, write between the lines)

5 What Will They Learn? The Third Grade Will
Align with objectives of NCSCOS & Common Core Essential Standards/Pacing guide regarding Language Arts. Learn approximately 15 new spelling/vocabulary words biweekly. Make phrases with the new words. Make sentences with the new words. Create free writing/reading journals/book reports/lab reports/descriptive stories/arguments/essays Learn how to use a German-English dictionary and an agenda.

6 3rd Grade Math Main Concepts
Place Value, Addition and Subtraction, Multiplication and Division, Geometry, Fractions, Telling Time and Elapsed Time, Calculator Skills, Bar Graphs, Measurement of Length, Weight, and Capacity, Area and Perimeter Please refer to the North Carolina Standard Course of Studies and Common Core Essential Standards 8/16grade3

7 3rd Grade Math For math, the lesson is focusing on hands on and providing the opportunities for students to explore the concept through activities. Students are asked to present not only the correct answers to the problems, but also the thinking process. Become an independent THINKER! About EOG’s NC DPI-- Department of Public Instruction Website -

8 3rd Grade Science Main Concepts States/Properties of Matter, Energy: Heat and Light, Earth/Moon/Sun: Patterns of Objects in the Sky, Landforms and Freshwater/Saltwater Systems, Soil, Plants, Force and Motion, Human Body: Skeletal and Muscular Systems and Skin Please refer to the North Carolina Standard Course of Studies and Common Core Essential Standards at rade3

9 3rd Grade Social Studies
Main Concepts Citizenship, Government , Global and Local Leaders, Advances in Technology, Economy, Geography and Landforms, Map Skills, Local NC History, and Citizens’ Contributions to their Communities Please refer to the North Carolina Standard Course of Studies Common Core Essential Standards at / /027thirdgrade

10 How do you help your child
Parent Support You need to be an active part of your child’s education! My class Wiki website will tell you the details what we are learning in class in all subject areas, as well as upcoming important dates and particular national or international holidays. They also constitute a form of general communication between us.

11 Parent Support Please take an interest in what your child is learning in and out of school, in his or her homework and test scores. We need your help in making sure that homework is done neatly and correctly, in checking book bags and lunches, in reviewing the various papers in the red folder, and in reading daily with your child. You are their first and most important teacher!

12 About Reading Reading is a skill that is learned. Techniques used in one language will reflect in another language. If a child reads well in English, for example, chances are that he or she will read well in the target language. If a child has difficulty reading in English, there are most likely the same concerns in the target language.

13 Reading in German and English
Students should read for minutes in English and minutes in German daily. Please do not read with your child in the target language unless you are fluent in that language. English Reading: Please Check reading comprehension by asking questions about the book which he/she is reading .

14 Reading Standardized Test (EOG)
As part of the Read to Achieve legislation (G.S. §115C- 83.1A) passed by the General Assembly in 2012, third graders who are not reading at a proficient level on the end- of-grade reading test be given extra attention. If your child does not score proficient on the end-of-grade test in reading at the end of third grade, here is what will happen:

15 Reading Standardized Test (EOG)
First, your child will be retested to make sure that he or she did not have a bad day on the day of the test administration. Second, if your child is not proficient on the retest, he or she will attend a summer reading camp to help improve his or her reading skills. This camp is at no charge to you.

16 Reading Standardized Test (EOG)
If you do not agree to send your child to summer reading camp, your child WILL repeat third grade the next school year to give him or her more time to build strong reading skills. At the end of summer reading camp, your child’s reading will be retested. If he or she tests proficient, your child will be eligible to be promoted to fourth grade. If your child does not score proficient at the end of summer reading camp, he or she will be placed in a fourth-grade class but WILL have a third-grade retention label.

17 Questions?

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