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The Japanese Language Японский язык

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1 The Japanese Language Японский язык
Выполнила: студентка 3ЭФК Горшкова София Проверила: доц. Егошина. Н.Б.

2 Japanese is the official language of Japan.
The number of free-speaking people in Japanese is 140,000,000. Also in Japanese they speak in Brazil, USA, Australia (mostly emigrants), and also Korea, in some parts of China, Taiwan (these countries were once captured by Japan).

3 The Japanese language consists of three different types of signs, Chinese kanji symbols, hiragana and katakana.

4 The oldest known form of the Japanese language is called the Old Japanese language, it was formed by borrowing Chinese script and a system of hieroglyphs and was used until the beginning of the Heian period. In the further development of the Japanese language, later called classical Japanese or later Japanese, new ways of writing two syllabic alphabets of hiragana and katakana were added, which led to a significant development of the Japanese literary language and the rapid distribution of Japanese literature

5 In modern Japanese, a rather high percentage is occupied by words borrowed from other languages (gairaigo).

6 For the transliteration of Japanese characters, various systems are used, the most common are romaji (Latin transliteration) and Polivanov's system (Japanese words are written in Cyrillic alphabet). Some words in Russian were borrowed from the Japanese language, for example, tsunamis, sushi, karaoke, samurai.

7 Thank you!

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