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Extract from State of the Nation Address, 2007
Centrality of DHA is emphasised: “…bring the operations of the Department of Home Affairs to full capacity, by filling vacant posts, improving systems and implementing other recommendations of the Task Team that has been working with the Minister to improve the work of this vital institution.” (SoNA, February 2007)
Extract from Budget Vote, 2007
“Improving service delivery in the Department of Home Affairs has positive benefits for government, the economy and all citizens. The Minister of Home Affairs is working with colleagues to finalise a plan to turn this department around and we pledge our full support. A further R900 million is allocated to the department to support its turnaround, to fill critical posts, purchase a new passport printer and modernise IT and back-office operations” (Minister of Finance, Budget Speech, February 2007).
OVERVIEW Vol. 1 is a three-year Strategic Plan: with objectives to be achieved over 3 years. Each business unit indicates what their output will be per year. Vol. 2 is the Annual Performance Plan: which breaks down the output for each business unit into milestones by quarter (with indicators for the milestones) Both plans are linked to: Budgets, devolved and reported on every quarter Performance contracts and quarterly reviews with managers Monitoring and evaluation, including quarterly SMS reviews.
PERFORMER LEVELS 1 2 3 Level 1 (Corporate Level)
Minister , Dep Min, DG, DDGs (Strategic and Annual Plan) 1 Level 2 (Business Level) Chief Directors and Provincial Managers (Business Plans) 2 Level 3 (Operational Level) Rest of the organisation units (Operational and work plans) 3
Five broad Departmental Objectives
These incorporate: The nine 2006 – 2007 departmental objectives An alignment with national goals and priorities Strategic concerns of the Support Intervention Team. Three levels of objectives are explicit in the plan: Objectives from government’s Medium Term Strategic Framework The five Department of Home Affairs objectives Branch objectives and those of units attached to DG’s office.
Strategic Plan is more strategically focused: Advice from Support Intervention Team on planning framework and priorities Better alignment with government objectives Minister made decisive input at first planning workshop Core business (Civic Services and NIB) planned first and then support services to improve focus and integration Planning skills are improving in general
Report of Support Intervention Team
The interim and summary reports of the Support Intervention Team were taken account in the planning process: Copies of the reports were circulated to heads of business units so that as far as possible they could individually take account of the recommendations; A summary of the main recommendations are appended in Volume 2 of Strategic Plan (the Annual Performance Plan) and progress will be explicitly monitored and evaluated; The recommendations are being integrated into the current turnaround strategy and programme that is being developed with the assistance of relevant experts.
Apr 06 Strategic Planning for 2007/08 to 2009/10 commenced: Future planning for 2007/08 to 2009/10 conducted and Planning informed MTEF 2007 Nov 06 Departmental planning workshop: align plans with 2007/08 budget and reprioritise for 07/08 as well as planning for 2008/09 to 2009/10 Workshop for line function (NIB and CS) Workshop for support branches Feb – Mar 07 Business planning workshops 1 Apr 07 Plan implementation starts
The 5 DHA Strategic Objectives
MTSF Priority DHA Strategic Objectives Sub-Programmes and Objectives Alignment of departmental planning with objectives of Government’s Programme of Action (POA) with the electoral mandate by improving the capacity of the state to deliver (e.g. through the Single Public Service, e-Government Systems) Improving the capacity of the DHA and the state to deliver quality services and expand access to those services by ensuring sufficient staff is in place with the requisite skills, improved internal and external communication and the involvement of all levels of staff in the change process, strengthening management & leadership, implementing a new organisational model, putting in place IT enabled systems, and improved infrastructure and expansion of service delivery points All business units contribute and must have objectives. Specialised support business units play a critical role in coordinating and enabling processes. (Mainly sub-programmes under Programme 1: Admin)
Five broad Departmental Objectives, Continued …
MTSF Priority DHA Strategic Objectives Sub-Programmes and Objectives Entrenchment and deepening of democracy and national building by transforming our country into a non-racial and non-sexist society and countering corruption and promoting security including social security Extend citizenship rights to all South Africans by expanding access to DHA services; by efficient and secure determination of status and provision of enabling documents; and by ensuring the integrity and security of the NPR and related records Mainly Civic services but other business units must support and may have objectives. Mainly programme 2
Five broad Departmental Objectives, Continued …
MTSF Priority DHA Strategic Objectives Sub-Programmes and Objectives Building an effective and caring government by serving with humility and professionalism Establish a culture of Batho Pele and appropriate service delivery standards (e.g. turn-around times for enabling documents) and service delivery plan with effective structures and measures in place to manage, coordinate and monitor service delivery and combat corruption; as well as address blockages and shortcomings systematically Mainly the Service Delivery Branch because it coordinates across DHA and is responsible for general management functions in provinces. All business units must support this objective. Mainly programme 2: Service Delivery.
Five broad Departmental Objectives, Continued …
MTSF Priority DHA Strategic Objectives Sub-Programmes and Objectives Ensuring faster economic growth and development by facilitating the harnessing of scarce skills and job creation through short and medium terms strategies (e.g. JIPSA and ASGISA) Develop, implement and manage migration and border control policies and systems so as to ensure national security and to facilitate economic development (including through ASGISA/ JIPSA); and to ensure that refugees are accorded appropriate rights and treated humanely Mainly NIB but other business units must support and have objectives. Mainly programme 2:NIB
Five broad Departmental Objectives, Continued …
MTSF Priority DHA Strategic Objectives Sub-Programmes and Objectives Improving South Africa’s Global Relations for development (e.g. APRM, CAPAM,PACM, FIFA) Responding to strategic intergovernmental and international priorities, including the FIFA world cup, through the planned and appropriate commitment of DHA management capacity, systems and other resources All business units with lead units depending on priority, leadership, relationship and projects. NIB and GR will often lead. Mainly programme 2:NIB
DHA key focal points People and Organisation Development Improved
Improved Financial Management People and Organisation Development Information Technology Management Improved Service Delivery Public Awareness and Interaction Strategic Leadership, Management and Governance Providing enabling documents to citizens and visitors to access benefits and services The focus areas for the strategy of the Department of Home Affairs are aligned with government strategy and with our role in achieving the objectives of the State, namely providing citizens with access to basic benefits and government services There are six focus areas for the Department, namely: (click) Improved service delivery, (click) People and organisation development, (click) Stakeholder interaction and communication, (click) Professional management and governance, (click) Legislation – its review and amendment to meet the needs of a changing society and the needs of a developing country, and last but by no means least, (click) Information Management which needs to be a core skill of the Department These six drivers of the wheel that represent our ‘Turning the corner’ strategy will be dealt with individually in the context of our branches (are are documented in the business strategy for each CIA area) where there are some 49 strategic objectives I will briefly discuss the manner in which these 6 key issues are incorporated in the Department’s strategy and how we have addressed them in our business plans
National Immigration Branch (NIB)
Branch objective To issue enabling documents and core services according to specific time frames (service standards) as captured in the Estimates of National Expenditure Measurable output for 07/08 – 09/10 Issuance of temporary and permanent residence permits, visas, asylum, refugee certificates in accordance with set standards To manage permitting in support of ASGISA / JIPSA and enhance the management of migration Issuance of business and quota work permits Review transit visa policy Airline Liaison Officers (ALOs) network in place to reduce the traveling and entry of undesirable / prohibited persons
NIB (Cont) Branch objective To manage permitting in support of ASGISA / JIPSA and enhance the management of migration Measurable output for 07/08 – 09/10 Ensure effective strategic participation in the BCOCC Integrated IT systems developed and implemented Management of deportation processes of illegal foreigners within the country, and citizens returned to SA
NIB (Cont) Branch objective
Development of refugee processing regime that is efficient, effective and humane ((Management of refugees) Measurable output for 07/08 – 09/10 Processing regime enhanced by investigating and establishing transit facilities Counter Xenophobia strategy implemented to enhance human rights culture Effective law enforcement Integrated immigration law enforcement strategy reviewed and implemented Contribute to combating issues relating to counter terrorism, human trafficking and other cross border issues
NIB (Cont) Branch objective To manage the Immigration function at ports of entry and participate in protecting the integrity of South Africa’s borders (internally and Ports of Entry - POE’s) Measurable output for 07/08 – 09/10 SADC Protocol on the facilitation of movement of persons ratified Single integrated government facilities at POEs Feasibility study on transit visa facility conducted and phased implementation of plan
NIB (Cont) Branch objective To effectively contribute to intergovernmental and international initiatives in pursuit of national objectives as well as with other institutions of interests Measurable output for 07/08 – 09/10 Departmental Project Plan to deal with FIFA 2010 SA World Cup challenges/guarantees developed, implemented and monitored
Civic Services Branch objective
To improve delivery on mandate by developing and implementing integrated systems. Measurable output for 07/08 – 09/10 New passport system introduced to meet required specifications To manage and maintain the integrity of the national population register (NPR). NPR data cleaned up and updated
Civic Services Branch objective
To introduce a unique ID number / identifier Measurable output for 07/08 – 09/10 Identification Act amended to facilitate introduction of unique ID number / identifier To improve Civic Services’ operations to ensure effective and efficient service delivery Civic Services transformation strategy implemented to improve service delivery All relevant Acts streamlined and re-aligned Security features of documents and systems strengthened
Civic Services Branch objective Measurable output for
To issue enabling documents and core services according to specific timeframes (service standards) as captured in the ENE in line with the Departmental mandate of granting specific rights and citizenship to eligible people by issuing valid documents within targeted delivery periods. Measurable output for 07/08 – 09/10 Passports and other travel documents and emergency travel documents issued within 6 weeks and 1 week respectively Citizenship certificate granted within a maximum period of 12 weeks Population Register - New recordings on population register (birth, marriage and death certificates) Identity documents issued within set time frames HANIS (including AFIS) fully utilised Track and trace system to be implemented
INFORMATION SERVICES Branch objective To implement integrated systems
Measurable output for 07/08 – 09/10 Master information systems plan (MISP) reviewed based on updated DHA operational processes and its implications for infrastructure, {MPCCs, hospitals and municipalities} All offices connected via a fully functional network and computerized in respect of health facilities, MPCCs, and service points IEDMS and effective record management policy and strategy approved and plan implemented (for manual and electronic records) To provide access to information Relevant information and knowledge shared to ensure capacitating of staff and accessibility to accurate information and knowledge
Finance & Supply Chain Management
Branch objective To capacitate Finance and Supply Chain Management (SCM) to provide effective and efficient support to other branches Measurable output for 07/08 – 09/10 internal finance and SCM skills level within DHA improved Effective and efficient financial management and procurement systems maintained To improve customer coverage by increasing and upgrading DHA infrastructure access / delivery points Implementation of a sustainable office expansion plan in line with CSIR and HSRC survey needs
Finance & Supply Chain Management
Branch objective To maintain and ensure compliance to internal control systems Measurable output for 07/08 – 09/10 Policies and procedures (SOPs) developed and improved Improved and sustained intergovernmental / stake-holder relationships Formalised relationship with identified stakeholders established
Strategic and Executive Support Services
Chief Directorate Objectives To implement the organisational model that ensures that the Department has people in the correct places, with the requisite capacity and capabilities, to enable it to meet its mandate Measurable output for 07/08 – 09/10 Organisational model for the DHA approved and implemented in respect of: Organisational principles and policies Structure and functions Systems and processes Transformation of DHA A new effective system for monitoring and evaluation (M&E) developed and introduced
Corporate Services Branch objective
To develop and implement an integrated HR Strategy Measurable output for 07/08 – 09/10 Integrated HR Plan developed and implemented HR infrastructure (structure, policies, procedures and standards) improved to enable efficient management of HR Performance Management Development System (PMDS) institutionalized Leadership and management strengthened to promote good governance
Corporate Services Branch objective
To develop and implement an integrated HR Strategy Measurable output for 07/08 – 09/10 Sound labour practice institutionalised To develop and implement gender mainstreaming and transformation Gender and equity policies mainstreamed
Corporate Services Branch objective
To provide an efficient legal support service to the Department and Ministry Measurable output for 07/08 – 09/10 Improved legislative framework in place to enable more effective delivery on mandate
Service Delivery Branch objective
To develop and implement a turnaround strategy for frontline services Measurable output for 07/08 – 09/10 Provision of services through the National Service Centre Departmental programme for the institutionalisation of Batho Pele implemented Provincial system for monitoring quality of processing of Civic Services and NIB applications developed
Service Delivery Branch objective
To develop and implement a turnaround strategy for frontline services Measurable output for 07/08 – 09/10 Departmental service charter developed and approved that defines expectations and values Departmental Service Delivery Improvement Plan (SDIP) reviewed and implemented Plan for the devolution of selected functions to provinces approved and implemented to speed up delivery and enhance accountability
Service Delivery Branch objective
To create effective management systems in provinces Measurable output for 07/08 – 09/10 Provincial management systems strengthened in line with approved operational model, including: Structures and levels Clear responsibility and reporting lines Intensive training, especially of middle managers and supervisors
Service Delivery Branch objective
To increase access to DHA services and improve quality of existing accommodation Measurable output for 07/08 – 09/10 Provincial participation in rollout of office expansion project and RAMP; and head office plans in respect of specifying the minimum norms and standards for an office (facilities, staffing, security, location, etc.) (Integrated planning includes : prioritisation spatial and development planning cooperation with other departments)
Counter Corruption and Security
Branch objective To eradicate and combat corruption to protect and promote the integrity of the Department Measurable output for 07/08 – 09/10 Integrated counter corruption and security strategy and mechanisms implemented, that constantly adapt to new requirements
Governance Relations Branch objective
To effectively contribute to intergovernmental and international initiatives in pursuit of national objectives as well as with other institutions of interests Measurable output for 07/08 – 09/10 Departmental international programmes co- ordinated in line with country’s foreign policy (including management of bi-lateral co- operation)
Communication Chief Directorate Objectives
To develop and implement a comprehensive communications strategy that is aligned to overall departmental needs and the needs of the citizens Measurable output for 07/08 – 09/10 Position the DHA as caring, compassionate and responsive to the media and public
Effective internal audit reviews (assurance and consulting) conducted
Chief Directorate objective To ensure an adequate system of internal control and to improve the effectiveness and efficiency of operations of the Department Measurable output for 07/08 – 09/10 Effective internal audit reviews (assurance and consulting) conducted
Linking to Annual Performance Plan (Civics)
Branch Objective: To introduce a unique ID number / identifier Strategic Plan Measurable output for 07/08 – 09/10 Identification Act amended to facilitate introduction of unique ID number / identifier Annual Performance Plan Measurable output: Identification Act amended to ……… Output breakdown Milestone(s) Performance indicator Implementation of the CSIR report on generation of unique ID number revisited CSIR report revisited New recommendations made Q2
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