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SAMPLE Develop a Corporate Social Responsibility Strategy for HR

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1 SAMPLE Develop a Corporate Social Responsibility Strategy for HR
HR makes responsible business work. McLean & Company is a research and advisory firm providing practical solutions to human resources challenges via executable research, tools and advice that have a clear and measurable impact on your business. © McLean & Company. McLean & Company is a division of Info-Tech Research Group SAMPLE Learn about becoming a member

2 Our Understanding of the Problem
HR managers with responsibilities for recruitment, performance evaluation, and learning and development. HR managers tasked with helping the organization reach CSR goals. HR managers who need organizational support for existing HR programs. HR directors and c-suite executives who want to understand how HR can advance CSR goals and deliver tangible business value. HR directors and c-suite executives who want to demonstrate HR’s strategic currency. Understand where CSR goals intersect core HR responsibilities. Build a CSR strategy for HR that advances socially responsible business strategies and measures their effectiveness. Use CSR initiatives to generate more support for existing HR responsibilities. Understand how effective CSR programs in HR lead to positive outcomes that affect employees and deliver measurable value. Leverage CSR programs in HR to highlight its strategic importance. SAMPLE

3 Executive Summary SAMPLE
Your executive team asked you to contribute to corporate social responsibility (CSR). You need help designing, implementing, and assessing relevant initiatives in HR. You’re championing CSR initiatives to prove HR’s strategic currency. CSR is complicated, and you don’t have much time to build a strategy. Not only can HR help business leaders develop socially responsible business strategies and measure their impact, but an emphasis on socially responsible business practices also gives HR more support for its existing responsibilities. Coordinate CSR initiatives with HR to measure their impact, show that the organization takes them seriously, and ensure that they generate tangible business value. Other managers don’t always understand how HR can make a strategic contribution to the business, let alone CSR. You need to determine how to tie CSR-HR initiatives to your organization’s business strategy, and measure their impact. You need to counter impressions that your organization implements CSR initiatives solely for the sake of appearances. Build a CSR strategy around two overarching key performance indicators (KPIs) that deliver the most measurable value: Improve employee engagement in CSR programs Improve your organization’s level of CSR maturity Design a CSR scorecard and action plan in a five-step process: Make the case for CSR-HR to launch the project Assess CSR maturity to make sure your organization is ready for CSR Engage stakeholders to understand their concerns Prioritize key CSR-HR initiatives to determine next steps Develop a CSR-HR scorecard and action plan to shape HR’s contribution SAMPLE

4 Guided Implementation
McLean & Company offers various levels of support to best suit your needs Guided Implementation “Our team knows that we need to fix a process, but we need assistance to determine where to focus. Some check-ins along the way would help keep us on track.” DIY Toolkit “Our team has already made this critical project a priority, and we have the time and capability, but some guidance along the way would be helpful.” Workshop “We need to hit the ground running and get this project kicked off immediately. Our team has the ability to take this over once we get a framework and strategy in place.” Consulting “Our team does not have the time or the knowledge to take this project on. We need assistance through the entirety of this project.” Diagnostics and consistent frameworks used throughout all four options SAMPLE

5 Grassroots Initiatives
Use McLean & Company’s framework to build a CSR-HR strategy that generates tangible business value CSR Strategy Executive-Led Implementation 2. Assess CSR maturity 3. Engage stakeholders 4. Prioritize CSR-HR initiatives 5. Develop a CSR-HR action plan Implement and measure impact Code of Ethics Corporate Governance Legal Compliance Organizational Culture Critical factors: The tone from the top CSR needs to become a Board and C- suite imperative. Should an organizational gap exist, the senior HR leader can champion a CSR approach if necessary. Grassroots initiatives Engaged employees make a substantial contribution to the implementation of CSR programs. Savvy HR leaders empower employees to participate in the design and implementation of initiatives. Our solution The framework incorporates these critical factors by tying together: Organizational strategy CSR goals HR roles CSR-HR initiatives Success metrics Tangible business value Grassroots Initiatives SAMPLE

6 Sample Slides SAMPLE

7 CSR goals are part of an organization’s business strategy
Carroll’s CSR Pyramid Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is part of a cluster of concepts that include sustainability, social enterprise, corporate ethics, corporate governance, and corporate citizenship. Charitable giving: Be a good corporate citizen. Give back to the community Ethical: Consider social and environmental impact of activities Charity is the tip CSR includes not only what companies do with their profits, but also how they make them. It goes beyond charitable giving and playing by the rules to address how companies manage the overall impact of their activities. Legal: Operate within the law in all operational jurisdictions Economic: Be profitable. Contribute through core activities. Social responsible organizations Seek to achieve shared value by collaborating with stakeholders Recognize the economic, social, and environmental impact of core activities Respond to CSR challenges pro- actively Why is it a pyramid? The economic activities of the firm are foundational. Without solid business performance, other responsibilities are more difficult (if not impossible) to meet. Organizations need not progress from the lower parts of the pyramid to the higher parts. Most programs involve elements from all parts of the CSR pyramid. SAMPLE

8 HR has a leadership role to play in accounting for the tangible business value of CSR programs
The business case for CSR is well-established HR is uniquely positioned to help measure the social and environmental impact of business decisions alongside considerations of economic growth. McLean & Company Insight In fact, the most reliable financial benefits of CSR programs are in human resources. In 2013, McLean & Company identified CSR as one of the most implemented HR programs. In 2014, it once again singled out CSR as a top HR trend, but this time as one of the least impactful programs. If CSR programs have so little perceived impact, why are businesses rushing to implement initiatives? Explaining the trends According to SHRM, most organizations don’t track the ROI of CSR programs (2007). This creates the impression that CSR has no business value. However, lack of evidence of impact is not evidence of lack of impact. Deloitte reports in its 2014 Global Human Capital Trends that more than one-third (38%) of companies admit they are “weak” at integrating social, community, and corporate programs, and aligning employee and corporate goals. A business case is only as good as its execution. If firms are to reap the tangible business value from CSR, they need to be proficient at accounting for the economic, social, and environmental impact of their programs. Otherwise, programs that contribute tangible business value to the organization risk being cancelled. HR has a leadership role to play in accounting for the impact of CSR-HR programs. SAMPLE

9 McLean & Company Helps HR Professionals To:
Empower management to apply HR best practices Develop effective talent acquisition & retention strategies Build a high performance culture Maintain a progressive set of HR policies & procedures Demonstrate the business impact of HR Stay abreast of HR trends & technologies Sign up to have access to our extensive selection of practical solutions for your HR challenges Learn About Becoming a Member "Now, more than ever, HR leaders need to help their organizations maximize the value of their people. McLean & Company offers the tools, diagnostics and programs to drive measurable results." – Jennifer Rozon, Vice President, McLean & Company Toll Free: SAMPLE

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