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Presentation on theme: "EWSETA SP APP MR. ERROL GRADWELL"— Presentation transcript:

1 EWSETA SP 2015 - 16 APP 2017 - 18 MR. ERROL GRADWELL
Presentation to the Portfolio Committee on Higher Education and Training 24 May 2017

2 Contents 1 What informs the Strategic Plan 2
Strategic Planning Process 3 Tracking and Monitoring 4 Budget

3 What informs the SETA Strategic Plan
NDP – An increase in skilled and professional people will be needed for construction of additional generation capacity. NSDS III – Framework within which SETAs must develop their strategies and plans. MTSF – Government’s Strategic Plan for the (2014 – 19) electoral term. EWSETA SSP – Recommends a set of skills development priorities for the EW sector drawn from research findings.

4 Strategic Issues Strategic Issues – Skills demand in the sector is driven by the following change drivers: Shift towards renewable energy sources The Green Agenda Nuclear Build Programme Operation Phakisa Strategic Infrastructure Projects Sustainable resource development

5 EWSETA Strategic Plan Process
First draft SSP to DHET mid June Board Strategic Planning Session Mid July Final SSP to DHET beginning of August Draft SP and APP end August Final SP and APP end November Possible SP and APP revision end January Minister approves SP and APP Mid March SP and APP implementation commences April Continuous monitoring and tracking April - March

6 EWSETA Strategic Outcome Oriented Goals
Goal 1: Effective and efficient SETA Goal 2: Improve sector skills planning Goal 3: Enhance skills for the workers, the unemployed and the informal sector Goal 4: Build skills development provision capacity

7 Programmes The following four programmes respond to the EWSETA Goals
Programme 1 – Administration Programme 2 – Skills Planning Programme 3 – Learning Programmes and Projects Programme 4 – Quality Assurance

8 1. Effective and efficient Sector Education and Training Authority
Strategic Objectives GOAL STRATEGIC OBJECTIVE OBJECTIVE STATEMENT 1. Effective and efficient Sector Education and Training Authority 1.1 To coordinate the development , monitoring and implementation of EWSETA Strategic and Annual Performance Plans and report progress. To coordinate the development of EWSETA Strategic and Annual Performance Plans; and to monitor the implementation plans and report on progress on their implementation in line with all applicable laws. 1.2 Promote good corporate governance practices and management. To conduct periodic risk assessment and audits on compliance with laws and regulations to identify and mitigate potential risks and governance weakness. 1.3 Attract, develop and retain the right people, in the right positions for the Authority throughout the planning period. To recruit and retain appropriately skilled staff and maintenance of appropriate skills levels through training and development. 1.4 Optimal utilisation of ICT to enable the Authority to deliver on its mandate. To provide ICT infrastructure, systems and business applications to support the Authority to deliver on its mandate. 1.5 Market and promote the work of the Authority to stakeholders through internal and external communication. To increase knowledge and access to EWSETA’s services by developing a three-year communication strategy and annual plan for engagement of external and internal stakeholder liaison.

9 2. Improve sector skills planning.
Strategic Objectives GOAL STRATEGIC OBJECTIVE OBJECTIVE STATEMENT 2. Improve sector skills planning. 2.1 Catalyse the production of masters and doctoral graduates in the energy and water sectors. To establish research chairs in energy and water sectors in order to provide an enhanced training environment for graduate students by exposing them to research challenges unique to energy and water industry. 2.2 Conduct research for planning of skills development in the energy and water sectors. To conduct annual research that informs the Sector Skills Plan and reflect the current and future supply and demand for skills planning in the energy and water sectors. 2.3 Increase workplace learning through mandatory grants. To disburse mandatory grants to compliant levy paying companies in order to encourage participation in skills development.

10 3. Enhance skills of the workers and the unemployed.
Strategic Objectives GOAL STRATEGIC OBJECTIVE OBJECTIVE STATEMENT 3. Enhance skills of the workers and the unemployed. 3.1 Increase workplace learning through discretionary grants. To enable employed and unemployed learners to acquire learning programmes that are demand driven, by March 2020, through skills development framework that will respond to stakeholder needs of the energy and water sectors. 3.2 Implement special projects with strong partners to drive strategic sector goals. To identify strategic partners in order to implement special sector projects to accomplish human and institutional capacity in the sector, especially to address socio-economic inequalities. 3.3 Ensure quality implementation of all projects and their timeous completion. To conduct monitoring, evaluation and reporting of discretionary grant and special projects. 3.4 Increase awareness of energy and water occupations amongst youth. To direct young people to programmes which will provide training in areas needed to contribute to the energy and water sector’s economic development.

11 4. Build skills development provision capacity.
Strategic Objectives GOAL STRATEGIC OBJECTIVE OBJECTIVE STATEMENT 4. Build skills development provision capacity. 4.1 Increase the number of accredited providers. To increase the number of accredited Skills Development Providers (SDP)’s and maintain a 100% of all existing accredited providers. 4.2 Increase the number of implementation systems for lacking occupational qualifications. To increase the number of implementation systems for lacking occupational qualifications which will enable SDP’s to utilise and benefit from QCTO qualifications. 4.3 Increase efficacy in the discharge of Quality Assurance functions. To ensure an efficient response to competent applicants applying for certification, 100% of all applications must be processed within 30 days of application. 4.4 Develop qualifications informed by demand. To introduce new qualifications to address identified skills gaps across the sector.

12 Income & Expenditure Trends
Steady increase in Levy income attributable to the following: Increase in employers labor force and salary bill Robust Interventions to identify non-levy paying employers Income is expected to increase steadily over the coming periods

13 Income & Expenditure Trends
Types of Expenditure Administration Mandatory Grants Discretionary Grants Past Trends Income trends directly influence the expenditure trends. Total expenditure significantly increased in the past 3 years with admin expenditure noting a decrease in the last Income is expected to increase steadily over the coming periods and increasing expenditure

14 Programme and sub-programme plans Programme 1
INDICATOR BUDGET (R’000) Finance, Supply Chain Management and Assets Development and Approval of Strategic and Annual Performance Plan; Timely Submission of Quarterly Monitoring Reports R 12,176 Governance, Organisation, Audit & Risk Approved Annual risk Plan; Submission of Internal Audit Plans to Audit and Risk Committee R 15,880 Human Resources Approval and implementation of the HR Strategy; Approved Employment Equity Plan; Implementation of Performance Management; Submission and Approval of Annual WSP and ATR R 51,257

15 Programme and sub-programme plans Programme 1
INDICATOR BUDGET (R’000) Information Technology Approval and Implementation of the ICT strategy; Percentage of Systems Availability R 9,982 Marketing & Communications Approval and implementation of the Marketing & Communication Strategy; Approval and Implementation of the Stakeholder Engagement Strategy; Customer Satisfaction Index; Number of publications R 4,780

16 Programme and sub-programme plans Programme 2
INDICATOR ANNUAL TARGET BUDGET (R’000) Research No of research chairs appointed 2 research chairs R 1,000 No of commissioned research projects 2 research projects Sector Skills Plan Annual updated SSP Submitted by 01/08/17 R 2,500 Work Skills Plans and Annual Training Reports No of firms supported with mandatory grants 95 R 36,268

17 Programme and sub-programme plans Programme 3
INDICATOR ANNUAL TARGET BUDGET (R’000) Implementation of learning programmes as per NSDS goals Learnerships entered 1 800 R 55,470 Bursaries entered 525 R 22,575 Skills programmes entered 4 000 R 43,860 Internships/WIL entered 930 R 38,640 Artisan programmes entered 1 500 R 40,313 Career and vocational guidance Number of career guides distributed Number of career initiatives held 12 000 10 R 1,300

18 Programme and sub-programme plans Programme 4
INDICATOR ANNUAL TARGET BUDGET (R’000) Provider Accreditation No of providers/assessment centres re/accredited 120 R 1’000 Learning Programmes No of Qualification-Assessment Specification implementation frameworks developed 21 R 4,000 Certifications % of applications received and processed within 30 days 70% R 500 Qualification Development No of qualifications developed and reviewed 6 R 2,000

19 Budget and MTEF Estimates
Budget Medium Term Expenditure Estimates INCOME R’000 TOTAL Admin 29 245 40 429 42 815 45 212 Government Levies 2 185 2 856 3 024 3 194 Mandatory Grants 58 807 75 052 79 480 83 931 Discretionary Grants Investment Income 16 170 19 539 20 692 21 851 EXPENSES Administration 63 496 94 074 97 944 Mandatory grants 34 151 63 794 67 558 71 341 Discretionary grants

INTERVENTION PLANNED BY THE SETA Programme or Project Manager Advanced or Postgraduate Diploma in Project Management Environmental Engineer Bursary - Bachelor of Civil Engineering Water Quality Analyst Bursary - Bachelor of Science: Community Water Services and Sanitation Energy Engineer Bursary - Bachelor of Electrical Engineering Civil Engineer Electrical Engineer Electrician Apprenticeship/Learnership - Occupational Certificate: Electrician  Concentrated Solar Power (CSP) Plant Process Controller Learnership - Concentrated Solar Power (CSP) Plant Process Controller Water Plant Operator Learnership - National Certificate: Water and Wastewater Reticulation Services  Solar Installer Skills Programmes/Learnership - Occupational Certificate: Hot Water System Installer (Solar Water Installer)

21 Monitoring and tracking of plan
Staff performance agreements aligned to plan Monthly reporting internally (strong variance focus) Quarterly reporting to Board, DHET and National Treasury Quarterly performance appraisals Risk management framework and assessments Internal audit

22 Thank You!


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