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Introduction to american studies

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Presentation on theme: "Introduction to american studies"— Presentation transcript:

1 Introduction to american studies
Session 1-February 16, 2009 1. Syllabus & Schedule 2. Photo roster 3. AS Mixer 4. Class Contract 5. Vocabulary for readings

2 Masha 56 photo roster Create your name/number card.
Put the card on a lanyard. Line up by number. Smile at the camera! 56 Masha

3 Syllabus & Schedule February-May 2009
M 9:50-11:35 (and W 9:50-11:35 as assigned) Instructor: Ms. Toni Hull mobile: office hours: TBA class wiki:

4 Weekly Assignments: next week (doc)
Session Topic Reading Date 2 Looking for America Textbook, Ch. 1 pp. 5-12 Wed. 25 Feb Weekly schedule

5 Class Assessment: 1. Attendance % 2. Class Participation & Homework Tasks 10% 3. Team Presentation 15% 4. Presentation Quiz % 4. Final Paper %


7 AS Mixer – What do you already know about America?
Congress legislative branch of government

8 casual type of clothing

9 jeans casual type of clothing

10 50

11 50 number of US States

12 Directions: You will be given either a red card or yellow card.
Try to anticipate what your matching card will be! Go around and find your mate. When you think you’ve found each other – check with Ms. Hull. If you’re right, return to your original seats and wait. When asked, stand as a pair and give the information asked for by Ms. Hull.

13 Class contract A list of “rights and responsibilities” that we all agree on in order to guarantee the smooth running of class fair opportunity for all to succeed Ms. Hull’s sanity

14 In small groups, discuss the following (one person taking notes): 1
In small groups, discuss the following (one person taking notes): 1. What should be our class “contract” regarding: lateness assignment deadlines mobile phones team participation talking in class other topics? 2. Think of 3 (or more) ways to complete this sentence: To help guarantee the objectives of this class, Ms. Hull will …. 3. Think of 3 (or more) ways to complete this sentence: Students have the right to …

15 vocabulary for readings
You should watch for these terms/phrases as you read. Before class, think about what the terms/phrases mean in the context of the reading and in the context of the themes being discussed in class. You will need to understand these terms/phrases in order to: fully benefit from class lectures and activities create a relevant and informative Team Presentation write a successful Final Paper

16 vocabulary for Session 2
1. the American way of life 2. founded on ideals 3. the American dream

17 Next week Tuesday, February 24, P&G Wednesday, February 25, Intro
Reading: President Barack Obama’s Inaugural Address, paragraphs 1-18 no vocabulary list Wednesday, February 25, Intro Reading: Textbook, Ch. 1, pages 5-12 see vocabulary list

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