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What is Happening to Deaneries

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1 What is Happening to Deaneries
Dr Emad George Associate Dean SAS East of England Multi-Professional Deanery Focus on doctors in training

2 From April… Secretary of State Department of Health
Health Education England Department of Health Public Health England Local Education and Training Boards NHS Commissioning Board Local Stakeholders, including local authorities Education and Research Health Service Providers Professional Regulators Clinical Commissioning Groups AHSNs

3 LETB? Local Education and Training Board
Responsible for education and training of health & public health workers at regional level. 13 in England Multiprofessional & Workforce Planning .

4 LETB Principles 1. Vision and leadership 2. Meaningful engagement
3. Good governance  4. Effective financial control 5. Organisational capability 6. Outcome led improvement

5 LETB Will involve all stakeholders in education Hospitals Primary Care
Universities ?Private sector

6 Deaneries? Deanery functions will continue to exist as part of the LETB Role of Postgraduate Dean continues Variations in how will work by region In those with identified poor performance, the causes are multiple and varied, but key areas to explore include: i) Clinical performance of the individual: (knowledge, skills, communication) ii) Personality and behavioral issues: (professionalism, motivation) iii) Sickness/ill health: (personal/family stress, career frustrations, financial) iv) Environmental issues: (organisational, workload, bullying and harassment)

7 London 3 LETBs North West North Central & East South

8 In East of England One LETB matching Deanery
Postgraduate Dean also the Director of Education & Quality Central hub and 4 workforce partnership groups

9 Workforce Partnership Groups
Norfolk & Suffolk Cambridgeshire & Peterborough Beds & Herts Essex

10 Workforce Partnership Groups
Each has own board Responsible for education & training in locality Local priorities Feeds in to the main LETB

11 Impact? Educational Support and Quality are in separate teams from April Staffing effects

12 Effects on SAS Funding? Administrative support? Wait and see

13 Key messages Stepping into the unknown
Deaneries are still there but relabelled, reorganised and absorbed Now part of multi-professional training matched to workforce planning

14 Thank you

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