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Artificial Intelligence Programming Spring 2016

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1 Artificial Intelligence Programming Spring 2016
Problems on Chapter 2 Artificial Intelligence Programming Spring 2016

2 Question 1 Which of the following is true regarding a ‘Rational agent’? A rational agent selects an action that maximizes its performance measure given the percept sequence and the built-in knowledge A rational agent selects a percept sequence that maximizes its performance measure given the action and the built-in knowledge A rational agent selects an action and a sequence that maximizes its performance measure given the built-in knowledge A rational agent selects an action that maximizes its performance measure given the percept sequence only

3 Question 1 Which of the following is true regarding a ‘Rational agent’? A rational agent selects an action that maximizes its performance measure given the percept sequence and the built-in knowledge A rational agent selects a percept sequence that maximizes its performance measure given the action and the built-in knowledge A rational agent selects an action and a sequence that maximizes its performance measure given the built-in knowledge A rational agent selects an action that maximizes its performance measure given the percept sequence only Answer (a)

4 Question 2 Consider the following table:
Which of the following is the correct match given the above table? A-I, B-II, C-III, D-IV A-III, B-IV, C-I, D-II A-IV, B-III, C-I, D-II A-III, B-IV, C-II, D Agent Role A) Goal Based Agent i) Uses condition-action rules B) Utility Based Agent ii) Stores representation of the percept history C) Simple Reflex Agent iii) Uses search and planning D) Model-Based Reflex Agent iv) Generates high-quality behavior

5 Question 2 Consider the following table:
Which of the following is the correct match given the above table? A-I, B-II, C-III, D-IV A-III, B-IV, C-I, D-II A-IV, B-III, C-I, D-II A-III, B-IV, C-II, D Answer(b) Agent Role A) Goal Based Agent i) Uses condition-action rules B) Utility Based Agent ii) Stores representation of the percept history C) Simple Reflex Agent iii) Uses search and planning D) Model-Based Reflex Agent iv) Generates high-quality behavior

6 Figure 2.3 Examples of agent types and their PAGE descriptions.
Question 3 Agent Type Percepts Actions Goals Environment Architecture Medical diagnosis system Symptoms, findings, patient's answers Questions, tests, treatments Healthy patient, minimize costs Patient, hospital ? Satellite image analysis system Pixels of varying intensity, color Print a categorization of scene Correct categorization Images from orbiting satellite Part-picking robot Pixels of varying intensity Pick up parts and sort into bins Place parts in correct bins Conveyor belt with parts Refinery controller Temperature, pressure readings Open, close valves; adjust temperature Maximize purity, yield, safety Refinery Interactive English tutor Typed words Print exercises, suggestions, corrections Maximize student's score on test Set of students Figure 2.3 Examples of agent types and their PAGE descriptions. (Artificial Intelligence A Modern Approach by Stuart Russell and Peter Norvig. 1st Edition, Prentice Hall, 1995) Question : For each of the environments in Figure 2.3, determine what type of agent architecture is most appropriate (table lookup, simple reflex, goal-based or utility-based).

7 Figure 2.3 Examples of agent types and their PAGE descriptions.
Question 3 Agent Type Percepts Actions Goals Environment Architecture Medical diagnosis system Symptoms, findings, patient's answers Questions, tests, treatments Healthy patient, minimize costs Patient, hospital Satellite image analysis system Pixels of varying intensity, color Print a categorization of scene Correct categorization Images from orbiting satellite Part-picking robot Pixels of varying intensity Pick up parts and sort into bins Place parts in correct bins Conveyor belt with parts Refinery controller Temperature, pressure readings Open, close valves; adjust temperature Maximize purity, yield, safety Refinery Interactive English tutor Typed words Print exercises, suggestions, corrections Maximize student's score on test Set of students Figure 2.3 Examples of agent types and their PAGE descriptions. (Artificial Intelligence A Modern Approach by Stuart Russell and Peter Norvig. 1st Edition, Prentice Hall, 1995) Question : For each of the environments in Figure 2.3, determine what type of agent architecture is most appropriate (table lookup, simple reflex, goal-based or utility-based).

8 Figure 2.13 Examples of environments and their characteristics
Question 4 Environment Observable Deterministic Episodic Static Discrete Agents Crossword Puzzle ? Chess without a clock Taxi driving Medical diagnosis system Image-analysis system Part-picking robot Refinery controller Interactive English tutor Figure 2.13 Examples of environments and their characteristics (Artificial Intelligence A Modern Approach by Stuart Russell and Peter Norvig. 3rd Edition, Prentice Hall, 2010) Question : For each of the environments, determine what type characteristics it exhibits. (Fully/Partially Observable, Deterministic/Stochastic, Episodic/Sequential, Static/Dynamic/Semi, Discrete/Continuous , Single/Multi-Agents)

9 Figure 2.13 Examples of environments and their characteristics
Question 4 Environment Observable Deterministic Static Discrete Agents Crossword Puzzle Fully Single Chess without a clock Multi Taxi driving Partially Stochastic Dynamic Continuous Medical diagnosis system Image-analysis system Semi Part-picking robot Refinery controller Interactive English tutor Figure 2.13 Examples of environments and their characteristics (Artificial Intelligence A Modern Approach by Stuart Russell and Peter Norvig. 3rd Edition, Prentice Hall, 2010) Question : For each of the environments, determine what type of characteristics it exhibits. (Fully/Partially Observable, Deterministic/Stochastic, Static/Dynamic/Semi, Discrete/Continuous , Single/Multi-Agents)

10 Question 5 Explain (briefly) the difference between goal-based agents and utility-based agents. [Spring 2015]

11 Question 5 Explain (briefly) the difference between goal-based agents and utility-based agents. [Spring 2015] Answer : Goal-based agent: Needs some goal pointing to desirable situations. We need to incorporate tasks like search and planning. Utility-based agent: It is not just about reaching a goal, but an optimal goal. Generate high-quality behavior. We need a utility function mapping states to a real number.

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