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PAYROLL PROCESS Beginner’s 10/2016

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1 PAYROLL PROCESS Beginner’s 10/2016
USPS: PAYROLL PROCESS Beginner’s 10/2016

2 Payroll Processing Must KNOW the big picture of Payroll
Should have an idea what numbers to expect Do as much as possible upfront Before you run INICAL Clean up after the Previous Payroll insures a better payroll this time

3 Basics Each job paid must have pay group and calendar assigned.
Each deduction must have a DEDNAM record added. Each Job Must have a PAYSCN Calendar Start/Stop Dates determine how a job is treated

4 More Basics Contract Dates determine when a job is paid
Payroll Period is crucial to what is picked up to pay and what is not included NEWCNT purges determine when a job is included in payroll Status, Paygroup, Equal Pays also contribute to when a Job is paid

5 Balancing Balancing of Payroll should be done as EARLY as possible in the Process Balance at INICAL if possible Latest Balance point is CALCPAY ALWAYS, always review ANY error reports/files that are created


7 UPDCAL_FUT Entry of as much data as possible BEFORE INICAL is run
Allows payroll personnel to enter “exceptions”/ timesheets as received Report – FUTPAY Balance “exceptions” before running INICAL Information can be entered that will be in a later payroll later by using Effective dates

8 INICAL: Initialize Payroll Run
First “official” program to be run in the payroll process Initializes all active status employee records for the pay groups and pay dates specified in the program Specific criteria must be met in order for a job to be automatically included in the payroll process:

9 INICAL: Initialize Payroll Run
Job status must be set to active in JOBSCN Pay plan must be the same as the pay plan (S or B) selected for the payroll Contract start and stop dates must allow inclusion in the payroll Number of pays paid must be less than the number of pays in contract.

10 INICAL: Initialize Payroll Run
For a non-stretch pay job, the days worked must be less than the work days in contract Pay account percentage amounts must total 100 percent Contract Obligation must be greater than zero. Contract obligation also cannot be less than the contract amount paid plus current gross amount for contracted employees

11 INICAL: Initialize Payroll Run
Must be a job calendar which covers the payroll period Should be able to BALANCE payroll from INICAL Can Run INICAL as many times as you like, AS long as you have not entered anything in UPDCAL_CUR



14 USPSCN/ UPDCAL_CUR: Current Payroll Data Maintenance
Used to add payroll information for employees not included in the regular payroll (during initialization) or to modify or delete payroll information for employees already included in the current payroll.

15 USPRPT/ PAYSUM: Pay Account Summary Report
Produces a report that summarizes the pay type, number of units, and the pay amount by job for each active employee in the pay period INICAL Totals + UPDCAL_CUR exceptions PAYSUM Totals

16 CALCPAY: Calculation of Employee’s Earnings, Deductions, and Accounts
Calculates employee’s earnings, deductions, net pay, and tax calculations Can and MUST be re-run if you update deduction records

17 CHKPRT: Check Print Used to generate printable check forms for both physical paychecks as well as direct deposit forms MUST be run even if you are printing NO physical pieces of paper (checks)

18 CHKUPD: Check Update Updates job, pay account, and deduction amounts. Places deductions on DEDSCN accumulators Creates a posting file used by a USAS program (AUTOPOST). ****POINT OF NO RETURN****

19 PAYDIR: Pay Direct Deposit
Creates a file for direct deposit purposes. Includes employee name, transit routing numbers, account numbers, and pay amounts for all direct deposit employees. Option in this program to clear your direct deposit deduction accumulators.

20 PAYDED: Deduction Report
Produces a report listing the deduction amounts that should be paid for the current payroll processing period Report is used for verification purposes and may be run as many times as necessary Three options available for deduction check payment:

21 PAYDED: Deduction Status Report
P (Projection) - Select deductions by code that are to be paid in the current payroll. Can use payment CYCLES or actual codes Non-zero report - Listing of all non-zero amount deductions only A (Actual) – Creates deduction checks criteria entered

22 PAYDED: Actual Provides a report listing: check number, the payee and the check amount. Offers a txt/dat file to print deduction checks Point of no return for deductions Clears deduction accumulators paid.

23 RETIRE: STRSREG Must be reported every payroll, create tape file
Due within 5 days of pay date Submitted electronically

24 STRS_SEND Routine that transmits the STRSREG file to STRS.
Must be processed within 5 days of the payroll date.

25 SERSREG Creating the SERS tape CLOSES the payroll month
NO payroll activity can be added for a month that the SERS tape has already been created Run the program & BALANCE, just don’t create the tape UNTIL you are at least one day Past the last pay date and are SURE you are done for the month.

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