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Deacons—Greatest in the Church

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1 Deacons—Greatest in the Church
Acts 6:1-4

2 1 Now in those days, when the number of the disciples was multiplying, there arose a complaint against the Hebrews by the Hellenists, because their widows were neglected in the daily distribution. 2 Then the twelve summoned the multitude of the disciples and said, "It is not desirable that we should leave the word of God and serve tables. 3 "Therefore, brethren, seek out from among you seven men of good reputation, full of the Holy Spirit and wisdom, whom we may appoint over this business; 4 "but we will give ourselves continually to prayer and to the ministry of the word." Acts 6:1-4

3 God’s Eternal Plan

4 God’s Eternal Plan Known before sin entered the world

5 God’s Eternal Plan Known before sin entered the world
No man could imagine it

6 God’s Eternal Plan Known before sin entered the world
No man could imagine it No man comprehended it

7 God’s Eternal Plan Known before sin entered the world
No man could imagine it No man comprehended it Jesus revealed it

8 God’s Eternal Plan Known before sin entered the world
No man could imagine it No man comprehended it Jesus revealed it It was a plan of service (diakanos)

9 God’s Eternal Plan Known before sin entered the world
No man could imagine it No man comprehended it Jesus revealed it It was a plan of service (diakanos) He showed it

10 28 just as the Son of Man did not come to be served (diakonos), but to serve (diakonos), and to give His life a ransom for many." Matt. 20:28

11 28 just as the Son of Man did not come to be served (diakonos), but to serve (diakonos), and to give His life a ransom for many." Matt. 20:28 27 For who is greater, he who sits at the table, or he who serves (diakonos)? Is it not he who sits at the table? Yet I am among you as the One who serves (diakonos) Luke 22:27

12 God’s Eternal Plan Known before sin entered the world
No man could imagine it No man comprehended it Jesus revealed it It was a plan of service (diakanos) He showed it He glorified it—greatest on earth

13 26 Yet it shall not be so among you; but whoever desires to become great among you, let him be your servant (diakonos) Matt. 20:26

14 26 Yet it shall not be so among you; but whoever desires to become great among you, let him be your servant (diakonos) Matt. 20:26 Mat 23:11 But he who is greatest among you shall be your servant (diakonos) Matt. 23:11

15 A Study of Service—diakonos--deacons
God’s Eternal Plan Known before sin entered the world No man could imagine it No man comprehended it Jesus revealed it It was a plan of service He showed it He glorified it—greatest on earth Today’s lesson: A Study of Service—diakonos--deacons

16 His Serving Plan Revealed Acts 6

17 His Serving Plan Revealed Acts 6
Rapid growth of church created problem

18 His Serving Plan Revealed Acts 6
Rapid growth of church created problem Widows and their daily needs

19 His Serving Plan Revealed Acts 6
Rapid growth of church created problem Widows and their daily needs Apostles work not to attend to widows

20 His Serving Plan Revealed Acts 6
Rapid growth of church created problem Widows and their daily needs Apostles work not to attend to widows Solution?

21 His Serving Plan Revealed Acts 6
Rapid growth of church created problem Widows and their daily needs Apostles work not to attend to widows Solution? Church to find men qualified to serve

22 His Serving Plan Revealed Acts 6
Rapid growth of church created problem Widows and their daily needs Apostles work not to attend to widows Solution? Church to find men qualified to serve These men too see work was done

23 His Serving Plan Revealed Acts 6
Rapid growth of church created problem Widows and their daily needs Apostles work not to attend to widows Solution? Church to find men qualified to serve These men too see work was done Freed apostles for greater service

24 His Serving Plan Revealed Acts 6 Every Christian serves!
Rapid growth of church created problem Widows and their daily needs Apostles work not to attend to widows Solution? Church to find men qualified to serve These men too see work was done Freed apostles for greater service Every Christian serves!

25 His Serving Plan Revealed Acts 6
Rapid growth of church created problem Widows and their daily needs Apostles work not to attend to widows Solution? Church to find men qualified to serve These men too see work was done Freed apostles for greater service Every Christian serves! Some are special servants--diakanos

26 What Does a Deacon Look Like?

27 What Does a Deacon Look Like?
Spiritually minded man

28 Spiritual Body & Spiritual Men

29 Spiritual Body & Spiritual Men
Good Behavior Of Good Report Not Covetous Violent Not Quick- Tempered Fast to The Word

30 Spiritual Body & Spiritual Men
Good Behavior Of Good Report Not Covetous Violent Not Quick- Tempered Fast to The Word Not self- willed Hospitable Not double- tongued Self Controlled Gentle

31 Spiritual Body & Spiritual Men
Good Behavior Of Good Report Not Covetous Violent Not Quick- Tempered Fast to The Word Not Given To Much Wine Able to Teach Temperate Not Quarrelsome Greedy Sober Not self- willed Hospitable Not double- tongued Self Controlled Gentle

32 Spiritual Body & Spiritual Men
Not self- willed Hospitable Blameless Not double- tongued Self Controlled Good Behavior Of Good Report Not Covetous Violent Not Quick- Tempered Fast to The Word Gentle Holy Just Lover of Good Reverent Not Given To Much Wine Able to Teach Temperate Not Quarrelsome Greedy Sober

33 What Does a Deacon Look Like?
Spiritually minded man One who is proven (tested)

34 What Does a Deacon Look Like?
Spiritually minded man One who is proven (tested) You can trust the work to him

35 What Does a Deacon Look Like?
Spiritually minded man One who is proven (tested) You can trust the work to him Has special qualities

36 Spiritual Body & Its Deacons
Not self- willed Hospitable Blameless Not double- tongued Self Controlled Good Behavior Of Good Report Not Covetous Violent Not Quick- Tempered Fast to The Word Gentle Holy Just Lover of Good Reverent Not Given To Much Wine Able to Teach Temperate Not Quarrelsome Greedy Sober

37 Spiritual Body & Its Deacons
Not self- willed Hospitable Blameless Not double- tongued Self Controlled Good Behavior Of Good Report Not Covetous Violent Not Quick- Tempered Fast to The Word Gentle Holy Just Lover of Good Reverent Not Given To Much Wine Able to Teach Temperate Not Quarrelsome Greedy Sober

38 Spiritual Body & Its Deacons
Not self- willed Hospitable Blameless Not double- tongued Self Controlled Good Behavior Of Good Report Not Covetous Violent Not Quick- Tempered Fast to The Word Gentle Holy Just Lover of Good Reverent Not Given To Much Wine Able to Teach Temperate Not Quarrelsome Greedy Sober

39 Spiritual Body & Its Deacons
Not self- willed Hospitable Blameless Not double- tongued Self Controlled Good Behavior Of Good Report Not Covetous Violent Not Quick- Tempered Fast to The Word Gentle Holy Just Lover of Good Reverent Not Given To Much Wine Able to Teach Temperate Not Quarrelsome Greedy Sober

40 Spiritual Body & Its Deacons
Not self- willed Hospitable Blameless Not double- tongued Self Controlled Good Behavior Of Good Report Not Covetous Violent Not Quick- Tempered Fast to The Word Gentle Holy Just Lover of Good Reverent Not Given To Much Wine Able to Teach Temperate Not Quarrelsome Greedy Sober

41 Spiritual Body & Its Deacons
Not self- willed Hospitable Blameless Not double- tongued Self Controlled Good Behavior Of Good Report Not Covetous Violent Not Quick- Tempered Fast to The Word Gentle Holy Just Lover of Good Reverent Not Given To Much Wine Able to Teach Temperate Not Quarrelsome Greedy Sober

42 Spiritual Body & Its Deacons
Not self- willed Hospitable Blameless Not double- tongued Self Controlled Good Behavior Of Good Report Not Covetous Violent Not Quick- Tempered Fast to The Word Gentle Holy Just Lover of Good Reverent Husband of one wife Not Given To Much Wine Able to Teach Temperate Not Quarrelsome Greedy Sober

43 Spiritual Body & Its Deacons
Rules his house well Not self- willed Hospitable Blameless Not double- tongued Self Controlled Good Behavior Of Good Report Not Covetous Violent Not Quick- Tempered Fast to The Word Gentle Holy Just Lover of Good Reverent Husband of one wife Not Given To Much Wine Able to Teach Temperate Not Quarrelsome Greedy Sober

44 Spiritual Body & Its Deacons
Rules his house well Not self- willed Hospitable Blameless Not double- tongued Self Controlled Good Behavior Of Good Report Not Covetous Violent Not Quick- Tempered Fast to The Word Leads children well Gentle Holy Just Lover of Good Reverent Husband of one wife Not Given To Much Wine Able to Teach Temperate Not Quarrelsome Greedy Sober

45 Spiritual Body & Its Deacons Wife: reverent & not a slanderer
Rules his house well Not self- willed Hospitable Blameless Not double- tongued Self Controlled Good Behavior Of Good Report Not Covetous Violent Not Quick- Tempered Fast to The Word Leads children well Gentle Holy Just Lover of Good Reverent Husband of one wife Not Given To Much Wine Able to Teach Temperate Not Quarrelsome Greedy Sober Wife: reverent & not a slanderer

46 Spiritual Body & Its Deacons
Rules his house well Not self- willed Hospitable Blameless Not double- tongued Self Controlled Good Behavior Of Good Report Not Covetous Violent Not Quick- Tempered Fast to The Word Leads children well Gentle Holy Just Lover of Good Reverent Husband of one wife Not Given To Much Wine Able to Teach Temperate Not Quarrelsome Greedy Sober Wife: temperate & faithful in all things Wife: reverent & not a slanderer

47 Important Matters to Remember

48 Important Matters to Remember
Must possess all qualities—positive, negative and special

49 Important Matters to Remember
Must possess all qualities—positive, negative and special Seriousness of selection today

50 Important Matters to Remember
Must possess all qualities—positive, negative and special Seriousness of selection today Not a popularity selection

51 Entering His Spiritual Body

52 Entering His Spiritual Body
Believe John 8:24

53 Entering His Spiritual Body
Believe John 8:24 Repent Acts 17:31

54 Entering His Spiritual Body
Believe John 8:24 Repent Acts 17:31 Confess Faith Matt. 10:32

55 Entering His Spiritual Body
Believe John 8:24 Repent Acts 17:31 Confess Faith Matt. 10:32 Be Baptized Acts 22:16

56 Entering His Spiritual Body Added to His church, His body, His kingdom
Believe John 8:24 Repent Acts 17:31 Confess Faith Matt. 10:32 Be Baptized Acts 22:16 Added to His church, His body, His kingdom

57 Entering His Spiritual Body Added to His church, His body, His kingdom
Believe John 8:24 Repent Acts 17:31 Confess Faith Matt. 10:32 Be Baptized Acts 22:16 Added to His church, His body, His kingdom Be Faithful Rev. 2:10

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