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STANAG Testing Conference in Copenhagen

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Presentation on theme: "STANAG Testing Conference in Copenhagen"— Presentation transcript:

1 STANAG Testing Conference in Copenhagen
4 -7 September 2012 Topics in Testing Listening. for testers and future testers ! The Royal Danish Defence College.

2 The special characteristics of listening Role of memory
Conference Content Anything touching upon the testing of listening proficiency. Here are some examples of topics: The special characteristics of listening Role of memory Text typology for listening texts and passage rating Tips on recording and sound editing Writing items for listening tests Task types, their pros and cons Audio-visual texts? Do video-texts have impact on test results? Why authenticity and to what extent? Dialects? What standard language? Use of non-native speakers in audio-texts? What are the sub-skills in listening? Should we test sub- skills? How do we do that? Can plus-levels be tested in listening? AND SO ON !

3 Conference Tasks Presentations by delegates
Small groups will be developing items, moderating items, going through standard standard setting procedures, etc. Information sharing Panel discussions to sum up the days’ work

4 Satisfying predictable, personal.....
Touring the canals and the harbour of Copenhagen Hosted Lunches No conference fee Hosted dinner at micro brewery

5 .... and accommodation needs
Rooms are reserved at the CabInn, located in the centre of Copenhagen 90 Euro pr. night

6 Hope to see and listen to many of you soon !
Contact: Ulla Gudnason Registration deadline 15 July

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