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Unit 7

2 Preview SIGMA paper Main EU constitutional legal documents
Copehnagen and Madrid criteria Reform of public administration in candidate countries Horizontal governance Legal terms Exercise

3 SIGMA Support for Improvement in Governance and Management in Central and Eastern European Countries (1992) A joint initiative of EU and Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) Supports public administration reforms in countries applying for membership in the EU

4 SIGMA paper no. 27 (1999) Attempt to identify the principles of administration in the EU in order to create standards to which the candidate countries are expected to conform

5 The main constitutional legal documents of the EU
Treaty of Rome, 1957 Maastricht Treaty, 1992 Lisbon Treaty, 2009

6 Treaty of Rome The treaty founding the European Economic Community
Signed in Rome on 25 March 1957 Founding members: Belgium, West Germany, France, Italy, Luxembourg and the Netherlands

7 Maastricht Treaty The Treaty on European Union
Signed at Maastricht in February 1992, came into force on 1 November 1993

8 Maastricht Treaty Required defining and implementation of a common foreign and security policy (CFSP) Cooperation in justice and home affairs Introduction of a single currency (European monetary union) The principle of subsidiarity

9 Principle of subsidiarity
In areas which do not fall within the exclusive competence of the EU, it shall not take action unless the objectives of the proposed action cannot be adequately achieved by individual Member States Provided for legislation at national level when EU measures are not required

10 Treaty of Lisbon: aims A more democratic and transparent Europe
A more efficient Europe A Europe of rights and values, freedom, solidarity and security Europe as an actor on the global stage

11 Copenhagen criteria (1993)
Membership criteria require that the candidate country must have achieved: stability of institutions guaranteeing democracy, the rule of law, human rights and respect for and protection of minorities;

12 Copenhagen criteria (1993)
the existence of a functioning market economy as well as the capacity to cope with competitive pressure and market forces within the Union; the ability to take on the obligations of membership including adherence to the aims of political, economic & monetary union.

13 Copenhagen criteria The criteria were laid down in June 1993 by European Council in Copenhagen from which they take their name.

14 Madrid criteria (1995) Membership criteria also require that the candidate country must have created the conditions for its integration through the adjustment of its administrative structures, as underlined by the Madrid European Council in December 1995.

15 Madrid criteria While it is important that European Community legislation is transposed into national legislation, it is even more important that the legislation is implemented effectively through appropriate administrative and judicial structures - a prerequisite of the mutual trust required by EU membership.

16 Reform of public administration in candidate countries?
The EU Treaties do not provide a model of public administration to be implemented by Member States

17 Administrative autonomy
“Once the democratic nature of their political regime has been assessed, matters of governance and public administration are left to the discretion of Member countries. From a formal legal standpoint, Member countries have a great deal of administrative autonomy”

18 Membership in the EU Respect for the Acquis
The national public administration institutions should implement and enforce the Acquis The public administration of a candidate country must adhere to the general principle of good governance and meet the administrative standards of the Union

19 Acquis communautaire The body of Community legislation and judgements of the European Court of Justice by which all EU member states are bound

20 Good Governance The process of decision-making and the process by which decisions are implemented Hereby, public institutions conduct public affairs, manage public resources, and guarantee the realization of human rights.

21 Good governance Good governance accomplishes this in a manner essentially free of abuse and corruption and with due regard for the rule of law

22 Horizontal governance
During the last decades it has become common in the scientific field of public management to proclaim a shift from hierarchical and well-institutionalized forms of government towards less formalized forms of governance in which networks have grown in importance

23 Horizontal governance
“The general horizontal governance systems of a candidate country must also meet the requirements of the EU, since they are crucial for the reliable functioning of the entire administration, including the areas of the acquis”

24 Horizontal governance
“Successful implementation and enforcement dependent on horizontal governance structures and systems, such as procedures for administrative actions and mechanism to ensure that the performance of civil servants is in line with EU standards”

25 Lack of general legislation for public administration
“No acquis exists for setting standards of horizontal systems of governance or national public administration”

26 Result Member States have “total liberty” to decide on the ways and means of achieving the results predicated in EU legislation

27 Results A general consensus on key components of good governance has emerged Principles for public administration shared by EU Member States

28 Legal terms Align Uskladiti Implement Primijeniti, ostvariti, izvršiti
Enforce Provoditi (odredbe, zakone) Governance Uprava, upravljanje, način upravljanja

29 Legal terms Accession Pridruživanje Apply for membership
Podnijeti zahtjev za učlanjenje Discretion Sloboda odlučivanja

30 Legal terms Adhere Pridržavati se, poštovati Civil servant
Državni službenik, javni službenik

31 Put the verbs in brackets into appropriate forms
Central and eastern European countries ____(apply) for membership in the EU need to reform their public administrations to meet the Copenhagen and Madrid criteria for accession. Most areas of government ____(cover, passive) or____(affect) by the acquis communautaire (i.e. the entire body of legislation of the EC).

32 Put the verbs in brackets into appropriate forms
Candidate countries ___(need) to transpose EC legislation into the domestic legal order and then implement and ___(enforce) it. Difficulties and delays____(link, passive) to the process and pace of implementation due to a lack of capacity.

33 Fill in the missing words: components, emerged, governance, horizontal, managerial, participation, Targets No acquis communautaire exists for setting standards of ____systems of_____ of national public administrations. ___and orientations for public administration reform in the perspective of EU governance have ____ among democratic states. These ____include the rule of law principles of reliability, predictability, accountability and transparency, but also technical and ____competence, organisational capacity and citizens’ _____.

34 consensus, jurisprudence, legal, principles, subsequently
Despite the lack of an acquis communautaire, this ____ has established principles for public administration shared by EU Member States with different ____traditions and different systems of governance. Over the course of time these ____ have been defined and refined through the ______ of national courts and,___, the jurisprudence of the European Court of Justice.

35 Key No acquis communautaire exists for setting standards of horizontal systems of governance or national public administrations. Targets and orientations for public administration reform in the perspective of EU governance has emerged among democratic sttes. These components include the rule of law principles of reliability, predictability, accountability and transparency, but also technical and managerial competence, organisational capacity and citizens’ participation.

36 Key Despite the lack of an acquis communautaire, this consensus has established principles for public administration shared by EU Member States with different legal traditions and different systems of governance. Over the course of time these principles have been defined and refined through the jurisprudence of national courts and, subsequently, the jurisprudence of the European Court of Justice.

37 Prema europskome administrativnom prostoru
SIGMA dokument br. 27 (1999) pokušaj je utvrđivanja načela uprave u EU kako bi se stvorili standardi kojima se zemlje kandidati trebaju prilagoditi kako bi uskladili svoju javnu upravu sa onom u zemljama članicama EU.

38 Translation Godine EU i Organizacija za ekonomsku suradnju i razvoj pokrenule su zajedničku inicijativu koja podupire nastojanja za reformom javne uprave u zemljama pristupnicama EU. Ta se inicijativa naziva SIGMA.

39 Kako bi zadovoljila kopenhaške i madridske kriterije pridruživanja, zemlje Centralne i Istočne Europe moraju reformirati javnu upravu. Glavni osnivački pravni tekstovi EU (Rimski ugovor, 1957 i Ugovor iz Maastrichta, 1992) ne nude model javne uprave koji bi zemlje članice trebale provesti.

40 Kada je jednom utvrđena demokratska priroda njihova političkog režima, pitanja upravljanja i javne uprave prepuštaju se zemljama članicama. Tako, s formalnopravnog stajališta, zemlje članice imaju veliku administrativnu autonomiju.

41 Članstvo u EU zahtijeva da svako područje uprave i industrijski sektor zemlje članice poštuje acquis. Ustanove državne javne uprave provode i primjenjuju pravnu stečevinu EZ. Prema izviješću, kako bi se to moglo učinkovito provesti, javna uprava zemlje kandidata mora se držati općih načela dobrog upravljanja i zadovoljiti upravne standarde na način definiran unutar Unije.

42 Opći sustavi horizontalnog upravljanja u zemlji kandidatu moraju zadovoljiti zahtjeve EU, jer su ključni za pouzdano funkcioniranje čitave uprave, uključujuću područja acquisa. Uspješna provedba i primjena jasno ovise o strukturama i sustavima horizontalnog upravljanja, kao što su procedure za upravne radnje i mehanizme koji osiguravaju da je rad javnih službenika u skladu sa standardima EU.

43 No, ne postoje opće zakonske odredbe koje se mogu primijeniti na područje javne uprave i upravnog prava. “Ne postoji acquis koji bi utvrdio standarde horizontalnih sustava upravljanja ili nacionalne javne uprave. Cijevi i usmjerenja reforme javne uprave u svjetlu pridruživanja EU stoga su manje jasni.

44 Premda zemlje članice imaju “potpunu slobodu” odlučivanja o načinima i sredstvima ostvarivanja rezultata koje pred njih postavljaju Ugovori i sekundarno zakonodavstvo EC, s vremenom je došlo do općeg konsensusa o glavnim komponentama dobroga upravljanja u demokratskim državama. Tim su sporazumom utvrđena načela javne administracije zajednička zemljama članicama EU s različitim pravnim tradicijama i različitim sustavima upravljanja.


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