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Key terms and short response questions

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Presentation on theme: "Key terms and short response questions"— Presentation transcript:

1 Key terms and short response questions

2 What is meant by direct action?
What is meant by indirect action? Give an example of direct action Give an example of indirect action

3 Give a disadvantage of direct action.
Give a disadvantage of indirect action Name 4 ways that a charity can persuade people and the government to support their cause.

4 What is meant by the term voter apathy?
Give 1 example of how voting has made a difference in a country (other than the UK) What is politically literacy? Why might it be dangerous NOT to vote or to be politically illiterate?

5 Explain the term Suffrage.
What was the Women's Suffragette movement about? What methods did the suffrage movement use? Give 2 reasons why the movement was successful. Give 2 reasons why the movement was not a success.

6 What did the Catholics campaign for in the 1800s?
What methods did they use?

7 Global issues and making a difference
How does devolved power to local government increase democracy? Sketch the set up of governments in the UK, national to parish. Name 2 services provided by national government.

8 Name 2 services provided by county and town councils.
Name 2 services provided by parish councils. How do local councils get their money?

9 What is meant by community cohesion?
Give an example of a community that do not have cohesion.

10 What do these countries have in common: UK, China, Russia, France, USA
What is the work of the security council? Why was the UN set up? How many countries are in it? Name 2 UN agencies. What is the UN parliament known as? Do the UN have any real power?

11 What is the purpose the Commonwealth?
How many countries are there in the Commonwealth? Who is the Head of the Commonwealth?

12 Why was the EU set up? How many countries are in the EU? Give 2 advantages of the EU Does the EU have any real power?

13 What is meant by sustainability?
How have countries work together to establish financial sustainability? What did the G20 countries decide to do? Give 2 reasons to suggest G20 was a success. Give 2 reasons to suggest G20 was a failure.

14 How have the country been involved in resolving conflicts around the world?
How have countries worked together to improve environmental sustainability? What was the aim of Copenhagen? Was it a success?

15 Name 2 international laws aimed bringing an end to Human Trafficking.
Why is Human Trafficking illegal?

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