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City of Edinburgh French Level 1
First Level Significant Aspects of Learning
Use language in a range of contexts and across learning Develop confidence and enthusiasm to communicate using the language being learnt Begin to develop an awareness of other countries, cultures and languages Listen and join in with simple songs, stories and rhymes Explore and recognise patterns and sounds of language through listening, watching and playing Understand, respond to and say simple greetings and personal information (e.g. name) Repeat and understand simple familiar language from a familiar source Actively take part in simple daily routine language Participate in familiar games including outdoor learning Begin to explore resources to support my learning e.g. picture dictionaries
Numbers 1 - 31 Combien? How many? un one deux two trois three
quatre four cinq five six six sept seven huit eight neuf nine dix ten onze eleven douze twelve treize thirteen quatorze fourteen quinze fifteen seize sixteen dix-sept seventeen dix-huit eighteen dix-neuf nineteen vingt twenty
Numbers 1 - 31 vingt et un twenty-one vingt-deux twenty-two
vingt-trois twenty-three vingt-quatre twenty-four vingt-cinq twenty-five vingt-six twenty-six vingt-sept twenty-seven vingt-huit twenty-eight vingt-neuf twenty-nine trente thirty trente et un thirty-one
Combien? How many?
six How are you?
sept How are you?
huit How are you?
neuf How are you?
dix How are you?
douze How are you?
treize How are you?
quatorze How are you?
quinze How are you?
seize How are you?
dix-sept How are you?
dix-huit How are you?
dix-neuf How are you?
vingt How are you?
vingt et un How are you?
vingt-deux How are you?
vingt-trois How are you?
vingt-quatre How are you?
vingt-cinq How are you?
vingt-six How are you?
vingt-sept How are you?
vingt-huit How are you?
vingt-neuf How are you?
trente How are you?
trente et un How are you?
Embedding the language
You can use numbers to count things throughout your lessons. Combien challenge! Every time the teacher calls, “combien?” the pupils have to count whatever they have in front of them and then say it in French. Once you have learnt the days of the week and the months, you can use the numbers for dates at the start of every day. I have explored numbers, understanding that they represent quantities, and I can use them to count, create sequences and describe order. MNU 0-02a
Sample activities You will find a bank of sample activities which you can use to practice the vocabulary in the classroom. This is not a prescriptive list of activities and you can use or adapt them to suit the needs of your class.
Activité 1: French numbers 1 – 20 counting rhymes
Counting rhymes Counting rhymes and songs are a great way to start learning anything sequential like the numbers and the alphabet. There are a few examples on the next few slides for you to use!
1 – 20 counting rhyme
1 – 20 counting rhyme - 2
Activité 2 Cache, cache, compte, compte!
Cache, cache, compte, compte!
Cache cache compte compte means hide hide count count in French. The teacher has an object which will then be hidden somewhere in the class. A teddy for example. One pupil leaves the class and another pupil hides the object somewhere in the room. The pupil who was outside now comes back in and must find the hidden object whilst the rest of the class count in French, getting louder as they get nearer to the object and quieter as they get further away (like hot and cold). You can get them to count to whichever number you are working up to (e.g. 20) and then repeat it twice to give them enough time to look. Compter, Compter means count count
Cache cache, compte, compte
Une personne sort de la classe Une personne cache le jouet One person leaves the class. One person hides the toy (or whatever object)
Cache cache, compte, compte
La personne rentre dans la classe… et cherche le jouet! The person comes back into the class and looks for the toy!
si la personne est proche du jouet. si la personne est loin du jouet.
On compte FORT On compte doucement We count loudly if the person is near the toy. We count quietly if the person is far from the toy. si la personne est proche du jouet. si la personne est loin du jouet.
Activité 3 Round class counting!
Round class counting Give everyone in the class a number from 1 – 31 (or however high you are counting to at the time). You can double up numbers if this doesn’t work out with the number of pupils in the class. Ask them to each write their number (as a number) on a sheet of paper in front of them. Now go round the class with each pupil standing and shouting out their individual number as you count up. Once they get become more confident, you can time them doing this around the class and see if they can beat their own time. Shuffle pupils around so that they are in a different seat but with the same numbers and repeat the activity. Shuffle pupils again so that they get a new number. This activity could be done in a circle to make it easier to organise.
Activité 4 Action numbers!
Action numbers With the class, choose an action to go with each of the numbers to help teach them. You might want them to do this in pairs , share with groups and then choose the best ones which will make up the class actions. e.g. un = hitting a tennis ball deux = a punch trois = a guitar strum quatre = a cat gesture You can then follow this up by doing the action and getting them to say the numbers.
Activité 5 Onze!
Onze! Pupils stand in a circle
They will then count to 11 with each person saying either 1, 2 or 3 numbers e.g. Sophie 1, 2 – Tom – 3,4,5 – Danny – 6, 7 etc. Whoever lands on the number 11 is then out and sits down. The winner is the last person standing.
Onze! La personne qui dit, “11” est éliminée!
Formez un cercle au centre de la classe Comptez un, deux ou trois nombres Par exemple… Personne a: 1, 2 Personne b: 3,4,5 Personne c: 6 Form a circle in the centre of the class. Count 1, 2 or 3 numbers. For example. Person A: 1,2. Person b: 3,4,5 and Person C: 6. The person who says the number 11 is out and should sit down. The last person standing wins! La dernière personne gagne!
Activité 6 Lotto!
Choisissez et écrivez six numéros entre 1 et 20.
Lotto! Dessinez six cases 12 6 5 4 20 1 Draw 6 boxes. Choose and write 6 numbers between 1 and 20. Choisissez et écrivez six numéros entre 1 et 20.
Choisissez et écrivez six numéros entre 10 et 20.
Lotto! Dessinez six cases 12 16 15 14 20 11 Draw 6 boxes. Choose and write 6 numbers between 10 and 20. Choisissez et écrivez six numéros entre 10 et 20.
Choisissez et écrivez six numéros entre 1 et 31.
Lotto! Dessinez six cases 2 16 15 7 20 31 Draw 6 boxes. Choose and write 6 numbers between 1 and 31. Choisissez et écrivez six numéros entre 1 et 31.
Activité 7 Il y en a combien?
Teachers’ note. Il y a means there is/there are. Il y a en means – there is/are (X) of them. If you wanted to do this activity using just il y a then it would still be correct e.g. Il y a combien? How many? Il y a six – there are six It has been written as il y en a in order to give you the most correct form but can be simplified as above if required.
Il y a Il y a means there is or there are. E.g. Il y a un train = there is a train Il y a deux personnes = there are 2 people Il y a un hôtel – there is a hotel Il y a un restaurant = there is a restaurant
Let’s practise that, can you translate the phrases below?
Il y a un bus. There is a bus. Il y a un train. There is a train. Il y a deux trains. There are two trains. Il y a cinq hamsters. There are five hamsters.
Bravo tout le monde!
Il y en a e.g. Il y en a cinq – there are 5 of them
If you want to say there are 4 of them, like in this next activity, you can use the phrase: Il y en a (2) This means there are (2) of them. e.g. Il y en a cinq – there are 5 of them Il y en a (deux) = there are 2 of them
Let’s practise that, can you translate the phrases below?
Il y en a deux There are two of them Il y en a un. There is one of them. Il y en a trois. There are three of them. Il y en a cinq. There are five of them.
Chapeau! Chapeau means hats off – well done!
Il y en a combien? Teacher shows the following pictures and pupils have to count them up and say how many there are. Each time teacher asks the class – Il en y a combien? (how many of them are there?). As you move through the images, get the class to join in with the question. Following on from this you can do a paired/group activity with different objects on each table. Pupils ask their partners/groups to fermez les yeux (close your eyes) and they take away or add objects to those in the centre. They then ask their partner/group to ouvrez les yeux (open your eyes) and ask the question, il y en a combien? They then answer il y en a ___ and how ever many there are.
Il y en a combien?
Il y en a cinq!
Il y en a combien?
Il y en a neuf!
Il y en a combien?
Il y en a sept!
Il y en a combien?
Il y en a quinze!
Il y en a combien?
Il y en a six!
Il y en a combien?
Beaucoup de pandas! Il y en a quatorze!
Beaucoup de pandas means lots of pandas!
Il y en a combien?
Il y en a neuf! J’adore les éléphants! Et toi?
Il y en a combien?
Il y en a vingt-six!
Il y en a combien?
Il y en a neuf! Raar!
Fini! Bravo! Bravo! Tope la! Tope la! Means high five in French.
Songs! You will find a bank of sample songs which you can use to practice the vocabulary in the classroom. This is not a prescriptive list of songs and you can use or adapt them to suit the needs of your class.
Image links to French Youtube song
Comptez et chantez!
Basho and friends –the numbers
French numbers rap
Le boogie woogie des chiffres - The number boogie woogie
Lyrics on the next slide
C’est le boogie woogie des chiffres
Un, deux, trois, quatre Cinq, six, sept, huit Neuf, dix, onze! Le boogie des chiffres. Le numéro un c’est mon parfum Le numéro deux me rend heureux Le numéro trois beau comme un roi Le numéro quatre me fait lever la patte Le numéro cinq tu n’as pas plus simple Le numéro six comme un artiste Le numéro sept c’est la vedette Le numéro huit toujours la vite vite! It’s the numbers boogy-woogy One, two, three, four, Five, six, seven, eight Nine, ten, eleven The numbers boogy Number one, it’s my perfume Number two, makes me happy Number three, like a king Number four, makes me lift my leg Number five, there’s nothing simpler Number six, like an artist Number seven, it’s the star Number eight, always fast
ICT Resources online You will find a bank of sample ICT activities which you can use to practice the vocabulary in the classroom. This is not a prescriptive list of activities and you can use or adapt them to suit the needs of your class. Each of the slides contains an image of the website page. If you click on the image it will take you to the page. Alternatively you can use a link address which you will find in the slide notes.
Languages Online On the languages online site, click games on the left hand side and you will see a list of French vocabulary games below. There are set of games for numbers 1 – 20 and 20 – Once you’ve clicked on the set you would like, 4 links to games will appear along the top of the screen Jigsaw, Pairs, Speedword and Wordweb. Pairs and Jigsaw would work best at 1st level.
Languages Online Australia
There are various sets of games and activities within this site for numbers 1 – 100.
100 You can play the fruit machine with pupils and ask them to guess which number is going to come up. You have to input the text yourself for this but this can be done in advance.
L’institut français
BBC French – Numbers
Au revoir!
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