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Welcome to Congleton Rugby Union Football Club

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1 Welcome to Congleton Rugby Union Football Club
Congleton RUFC – Mini & Junior Section Welcome Pack Welcome to Congleton Rugby Union Football Club (2017/18 Season) Club House Address: 78, Park Street Congleton Cheshire, CW12 1EG Congleton RUFC – Mini & Junior Section Welcome Pack (version 4.0 – 5 September 2011) 1

What we’re about – Our Commitment to YOU Thank you for your interest in CRUFC. We hope you find this pack informative, helpful and that it encourages you to join the Club & get involved in a fantastically rewarding sport. CRUFC aligns to the RFU Code of Rugby. Everyone (players, parents, coaches, officials, spectators alike) is expected to uphold the core values of: TEAMWORK – play to win but not at all costs RESPECT – respect opponents and referees ENJOYMENT – enjoy the game DISCIPLINE – observe the laws of the game SPORTMANSHIP – win with dignity, lose with grace More information available on the following link: CRUFC caters for children wanting to play rugby and offers teams from Under 7s through to Under 16s. The Mini & Junior Section of CRUFC exists to: Provide a rewarding & enjoyable experience for players, parents & coaches Develop player commitment to the club, helping juniors become the future seniors Provide a safe environment for all participants Contribute to the sustainability of Congleton RUFC Deliver a “Quality Product” Provide a socially rewarding framework that will offer friends for life. Mini Rugby Under 7s to under 12s Junior Rugby Under 13s – Under 16s 2

3 When do we meet? Activity Day Details Training Sundays 10.30 – (NB. This means ready to start at 10.30) Matches (Home) Kick off at – meet early (see below). Junior teams usually meet early at the club house in shirts and Club ties, and use the changing rooms. Mini teams meet at the pitch ready to warm up. Matches (Away) Kick off at – meet early (see below) Mini teams usually meet at the away team venue for 10.30; opportunities for lift sharing can arranged between parents. Junior teams will travel in Shirt & Club Tie and meet at the away team venue for Mid Week Training Local arrangements 18.30 – 19.30/20.00 as per local arrangement Junior teams usually meet once a week for mid-week training. May be extended to Mini teams by arrangement. We encourage all players, parents and spectators to join us each week at the Club House for a drink, a bite to eat, kids tuck box and a chat. 3

4 Congleton RUFC – Mini & Junior Section Welcome Pack
Congleton Bears Sunday Pitches U12’s U13’s & U14’s U7s U10’s U9’s Hankinson’s Field Congleton Park U11’s Leisure Centre Car Park Skate Park Central Gazebo Clubhouse Park Street U8s Where do we play? Note: Depending upon match commitments Under 13 &14’s training sessions may be held on the pitches at Back Lane Matches will generally be held on the park pitches, but may (on occasion be switched to Back Lane (due to weather conditions) 4

5 Congleton RUFC – Mini & Junior Section Welcome Pack
General Admin Stuff that you need to know and do each season: Website The Club has its own website (with a page for each mini & junior team). Please add to Favourites and check regularly for news items, match/training information and social events etc. Account Using the Club Website, players (parent/guardians) can create an account. The account will enable you to pay, receive club information and updates about matches and events. To create an account, information is available Register & Medical Info Each Rugby Season players are required to complete the Rugby Football Union Registration Form – this form is for new players or players re-registering. The RFU Registration form is available to download from the Congleton RUFC website by clicking on the RFU Registration Form or using the PDF link (left). Alternatively a printed RFU Registration Form is available from the Team Manager. Please complete the RFU Registration Form and /hand to your Team Manager. For new players, 2 passport size (equivalent) photographs are required. Fees Annual Subscriptions period 1st September to 31st August each year – paid online using the website. 2017/2018 Season: £84 Mini & Junior membership, £126+ Family membership (different options available). Mid season joiners/members – subscription cost at discretion of the Team Manager. More information available 5

6 Congleton RUFC – Mini & Junior Section Welcome Pack
General Admin Stuff that you need to know and do each season: Photo Approval Please read and complete the Club Photograph Approval Form (page 9 of the Welcome Pack) This allows us to protect and safeguard our players when we use images to publicise Congleton RUFC. Code of Conduct Please read and respect the Club and RFU Code of Conduct (page 8 & 9 of the Welcome Pack) More information is available within this pack or on the website. Please complete the Code of Conduct Agreement and /return to your Team Manager. Kit For Members a rugby top, shorts and socks, other training kit e.g. waterproofs and club merchandise are all available to purchase directly from DP Sportswear Bromley road Congleton. Rugby studded boots (not astro turf shoes) to be worn. For new joiners, we encourage the player(s) to wear a red top, black shorts and socks until you chose to become members. Warm clothes (base layers) ideal for younger players during the winter months & catching gloves. Facebook The mini&juniors section Twitterfeed can be found The Club Face book site can be found *These are closed sites - new players/members please request membership/access Main Contacts Club Chairman: Mike Somers (Tel: ) Junior & Mini Rugby Committee Chairman: Paul Berridge (Tel: ) Junior & Mini R;ugby Committee Secretary: Simon Greeney (Tel: ) Club Secretary: Aimee Proctor Leese: (Tel: ) 6

7 Jacob Armstrong Bainbridge
Congleton RUFC – Mini & Junior Section Welcome Pack Age Head Coach Asst Coach Team Manager Under 7s Jacob Armstrong Bainbridge Mark Wright Sharon Hopkin Under 8s Mark Armitt Jon Hunter Emma King Under 9s Paul Berridge Dave Halliday Michelle Hillier Under 10s Adam Jones Anthony Burkard TBC Under 11s Callum Greeney n/a Andy Simpson Under 12s Steve Hough Steve Whittaker Peter Crowcroft Under 13’s/14’s Ross Somers Tom Beck Helen Walker Girls Matt Smith Aimee Proctor Leese 7

8 Congleton RUFC – Mini & Junior Section Welcome Pack
Players, parent’s and spectator’s Code of Conduct At Congleton Rugby Union Football Club parents and guardians shall: Congleton Rugby Union Football Club also encourages parents and guardians to: Remember that young people play rugby for the sake of their own enjoyment, not that of their parents Be familiar with the coaching and training programme in order that their child is fully involved and the coaches are aware of their ability Encourage young people to play and do not force them to play Focus on the young player’s efforts rather than on winning or losing Be familiar with the teaching and coaching methods used by observing the sessions in which their child participates Be realistic about the young player’s ability; not pushing them towards a level that they are not capable of achieving Be aware that the Club has a duty of care and therefore, where appropriate, assist the coaches with the supervision of the young players; particularly where numbers are large and there is a need to transport youngsters to away games Provide positive verbal feedback both in training and during the game Be involved with Club activities and share their expertise Remember persistent, negative messages will adversely affect the player’s and referee’s performance and attitude Share concerns, if they have them with Club Officials Always support the Club in its efforts to eradicate loud, course and abusive behaviour from the game Be familiar with the Coaches Code of Conduct and in particular that coaches should recognise the importance of fun and enjoyment when coaching young players Remember that young people learn by example Ensure that coaches keep winning and losing in perspective, encouraging young players to behave with dignity in all circumstances Always show appreciation of good play by ALL young players both from their own club and from the opposition Respect the decisions made by the match officials and encourage the young players to do likewise PLEASE COMPLETE THE PARENTAL AND PLAYER CONSENT AGREEMENT TO THE CODE OF CONDUCT – NEXT PAGE 8

9 Congleton RUFC – Mini & Junior Section Welcome Pack
Photo Graphs and Code of Conduct – please complete Photographic Permission Form I _______________________ (parent/guardian) consent / do not consent to the photographing/videoing and publication of images of __________________________ (players name) under the RFU’s Policy and Procedures for the Protection of Young People in Rugby Union, and I confirm that I am legally entitled to give this consent. I also confirm that _________________________ (players names) is not the subject of a court order. Signature: Date: Code of Conduct Parental Consent & Agreement to Code of Conduct I/We agree to be bound by and observe the Club rules and the RFU Code of Conduct and all competitions rules in which Congleton RUFC participates. Parents Code of Conduct can be found at Print name (parent/guardian)_______________________________ Signed (parent/guardian) _____________________ Date _________ Player Agreement to Code of Conduct I agree to be bound by and observe the Club rules and RFU Code of Conduct and all competitions rules in which Congleton RUFC participates. Player Code of Conduct can be found on page 7 of the Welcome Pack Print name (player)_____________________________________ Signed (player) ___________________________ Date _________ Please complete and return to your Team Manager 9

10 Congleton RUFC – Mini & Junior Section Welcome Pack
Tag Rugby & Rugby – the basics and rules explained If you are coming along to watch rugby for the first time, you may like to know a few of the rules, so you can understand a little more of what is happening on the pitch: Each player wears a belt with 2 tags attached at either side of the waist by velcro The attacking player tries to score a try without the defenders taking either of their tags If they are tagged the player has to stop and pass the ball to another player on their team The player who grabbed the tag has to shout “TAG” and then give the tag back to the attacker so they can re-join the game If a player scores a try without being tagged, their team gets a point and the ball now passes to the opposing team The ball has to be passed backwards or sideways, there’s no tackling and no diving allowed. More information available from England Rugby website. Under 7’s Under 8’s Under 9’s Under 10’s Under 11’s 4 a side Referee as coach Knock on not penalised 20 x 12 m pitch 6 a side Can go to ground to score 45 x 25 m pitch 7 a side Introduction of tackle Re-define tackle 60 x 30 m pitch 8 a side Intro of competition for ball, mini maul, mini ruck & scrum 60m x 35m pitch 9 a side 3 player scrum, midi maul, midi ruck & intro of kick 10

11 Congleton RUFC – Mini & Junior Section Welcome Pack
Finally ….what do I need to do next ? Thank you for your interest in CRUFC. We hope you find this pack informative, helpful and that it encourages you to join the Club & get involved in a fantastically rewarding sport. To help ensure your player is registered as a member – don’t forget:- Create an ACCOUNT using the Congleton RFU Website PAY your annual membership online selecting one of the payment options REGISTER your player using the online form or using the PDF (complete all details) Provide PHOTO’s for all new player(s) – passport style/size Complete the CODE OF CONDUCT and PHOTO APPROVAL form (enclosed within pack) Join our FACE BOOK sites to keep informed of our fixtures and club activities Most importantly, have fun either playing or spectating ! Club House Address: 78, Park Street Congleton Cheshire, CW12 1EG Please complete and return all forms to your Team Manager 11

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