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…and feel free to reach out to either of us.

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2 …and feel free to reach out to either of us.

3 Who We Are …and why we’re here

4 (Celebrate Our success)
We’ve Come a Long Way (Celebrate Our success)

5 Aarhus. Pfft. Amazing. Its like the Taj-Mahal of libraries
Aarhus. Pfft!! Amazing. Its like the Taj-Mahal of libraries? If we had this or the Effel Tower, Sistine Chapel or the Great Pyramids we wouldn’t have to do much in the way of advertising. The “Field of Dreams” approach would truly apply.

6 “Libraries Outperform Amazon, putting 2 Billion Books Into the Hands of …”
Tell me. How have libraries changed? What are we doing differently these days? As you know, Libraries have changed; Merchandizing, rebranding, implementing community-led practices, integrating new services from tool and seed libraries to incorporating maker culture, are just a few of the Libraries have changed to meet community needs and redefine ourselves. But, are we getting our message outside our doors? Is Joe Public aware of our real value?


8 Campaigns Do Change Minds & Hearts

9 When you start to really look at successful efforts, you’ll start to see the “threads” of the company’s brand story. Now look for the thread of Cokes brand story in the following video.


11 Do you see the same thread of Cokes brand story continued here
Do you see the same thread of Cokes brand story continued here? 40+ years later?

12 The Dark Side of the Force

13 Manufactured Need



16 What is Storytelling

17 The Force (For Good) Awakens

18 The ‘Where Are We’ Checklist
We’re a commodity We have unique and relevant services We have nothing to say We have share-worthy stories to tell We’re like every other library We’ve a unique brand unlike any else in our community & distinct from other libraries And everyone in our community knows it ?????

19 Hurdles to changing public perception

20 “Products from the major competing companies around the world will become increasingly similar. Inevitably, this means that the whole of the company’s personality, its identity, will become THE most significant factor in making a choice between one company and its products and another.” Wally Olins, Corporate Identity Because this is the market place --- right now! This is what you’re up against. We need to cut through the clutter. Cut through the noise of daily life, and ideally create an experience--- with impact.

21 won’t somebody PLEASE think of the children!”
“Why would I go to the Library? I have a phone. ” “It’s just not that important to people this day in age. No matter what you do, no matter what you add to it, people won’t be “lined down the street” to get in.”  “Beyond what I feel is a gross misuse of tax dollars, I feel like we’ve completely lost touch with what a library actually is; a place in which reading materials, such as books,  p eriodicals, and newspapers are kept for use or lending… won’t somebody PLEASE think of the children!” 

22 Why Aren’t We Getting Our Message Out?

23 and get it outside our doors
Shake & Shout Use our outside voice and get it outside our doors


25 Announced vs. Earned












37 (Social Consciousness)
Cause Marketing (Social Consciousness)







44 Can a Library Suffer From Low Self Esteem?

45 Our Biggest Asset

46 Who else wants to be a trusted part of our community?

47 and the exploration business and the
“We see the library as not being in the book business, but being in the learning businss, and the exploration business and the expand-your-mind business.“ - Jeff Krull, Director, Alan County Public Libra “Innovate your libraries or die.” Knud Schulz, Librarian, Urban Mediaspace, Aarhaus Denmark Pulling it All Together (Building a robust advertising engagement campaign)

48 Be Fearless. Be Strategic.
Go Big --- expect much more but deliver much more. Remember, “trust” is an asset others value. Find the unexpected, mutually beneficial partnerships others miss. Act locally but outside your library for greatest impact.


50 LCBO = Unexpected placement
We need to cut through the clutter. Cut through the noise of daily life, with messaging and experiences--- that consistently express your brand. Who we are and how we’re unique. (ie; MORE than a Library)

51 find partners that enable your message to be shared in a better way
places that will share message with people we don’t normally get to


53 Town of Innisfil Council
Municipal Departments New opportunities

54 and the exploration business and the
“We see the library as not being in the book business, but being in the learning businss, and the exploration business and the expand-your-mind business.“ - Jeff Krull, Director, Alan County Public Libra “Innovate your libraries or die.” Knud Schulz, Librarian, Urban Mediaspace, Aarhaus Denmark Sow & Reap (Possibilities abound)


56 Be Fearless. Be Strategic
Go Big --- expect much more but deliver much more. Remember, “trust” is an asset others value. Find the unexpected, mutually beneficial partnerships others miss. Act locally but outside your library for greatest impact.

57 “You do not merely want to be considered the best of the best, you want to be considered the only ones who do what you do.” ~ Jerry Garcia, The Grateful Dead

58 …and feel free to reach out to either of us.

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