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2013 Mid Council Financial Networking Meeting

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1 2013 Mid Council Financial Networking Meeting
Conversations on Per Capita and GA Process

2 The GA process of developing a per capita.
The larger giving picture. The challenges of funding a reformed church.

3 I am the very model of a Presbyter-yan treasurer
From counting offerin’s, paying bill I get my share of pleasurer Our church has ministries and mission, music beyond measurer Our members share our talents and we party at our leisure-er

4 We’re happy in our building and we do our work within it well
Sometimes we’ll take a road trip with West Cinci kids – we think they’re swell We’ve gone to Buckhorn, to Fairhaven, other places we can spell It’s cozy here and neighborly, we hold potluck here where we dwell

5 Some think we’re rural, lonely and alone in isolation here
But we are part of something larger, a denomination, Dear Our prayers and missions, time and talents reach across the nations, we’re A part of PCUSA, each one of us a musketeer.

6 In a battalion fighting for the Lord’s kingdom right here on earth
And how much money do you think that battle for the Lord is worth? You know the answer, it’s worth every dime and breath that you have got But sometimes treasurers like to put dimes in a specific pot.

7 Which brings me to the point at last of this here song –per capita
I know some of you think that it is just a pile of …. (never mind) Per capita’s the money that we share with PCUSA Each member in each church has a “fair share” their congregation pays.

8 At Richwood Presbyterian your share is less than $30 bucks.
If you lived in Alaska you’d pay sixty, which I do think sucks. That money isn’t wasted on carnival games like shooting ducks. Instead its spread both far and wide, moving, working in constant flux

9 A portion of your portion goes to Cincinnati Presbyters
They connect our ministries with those of our closest neigh-ay-bors They post our terms of call and help the churches find their ministers And help give us advice when we are faced with problems sinisters

10 The next bit goes to Synod, but no one’s quite sure what Synod does
So onto General Assembly where each year we cause some buzz Our church votes on what we agree upon and prays when we do not It’s not a perfect system but the Lord knows it’s the best we’ve got.

11 In conflict and agreement we’re one church united under Christ
Our per capita gift shows we care and we all try to be nice So this year and the next why don’t you write a check to feel and show You are part of the bigger church, you’ll give cooperat’n a go?

12 And next time your church treasurer asks you for your per capita,
Don’t look at me and say, “Lady it’s just a bunch of …..” (never mind)

13 1995 GA Per capita is an opportunity for all communicant members … to:
(1) participate equally, responsibly, and interdependently by sharing the cost of … mission; of: (2) performing ecclesiastical, legislative, and judicial functions that identify a Reformed church; while at the same time: (3) strengthening the sense of community among all Presbyterians. 1995 GA

14 1995 GA Per capita is an opportunity for all communicant members … to:
(1) participate equally, responsibly, and interdependently by sharing the cost of … mission; of: (2) performing ecclesiastical, legislative, and judicial functions that identify a Reformed church; while at the same time: (3) strengthening the sense of community among all Presbyterians. 1995 GA

15 1995 GA Per capita is an opportunity for all communicant members … to:
(1) participate equally, responsibly, and interdependently by sharing the cost of … mission; of: (2) performing ecclesiastical, legislative, and judicial functions that identify a Reformed church; while at the same time: (3) strengthening the sense of community among all Presbyterians. 1995 GA

16 1995 GA Per capita is an opportunity for all communicant members … to:
(1) participate equally, responsibly, and interdependently by sharing the cost of … mission; of: (2) performing ecclesiastical, legislative, and judicial functions that identify a Reformed church; while at the same time: (3) strengthening the sense of community among all Presbyterians. 1995 GA

17 Per Capita Budget Presbyterian Mission Agency Administrative costs
The Office of the Stated Clerk The General Assembly meeting Presbyterian Historical Society Ecumenical grants and partnerships Constitutional interpretation and Mid Council support Vocational ministry Support services to PMA and OGA Uncollectable Per Capita Budget

18 1995 GA Per capita is an opportunity for all communicant members … to:
(1) participate equally, responsibly, and interdependently by sharing the cost of … mission; of: (2) performing ecclesiastical, legislative, and judicial functions that identify a Reformed church; while at the same time: (3) strengthening the sense of community among all Presbyterians. 1995 GA

19 1995 GA Per capita is an opportunity for all communicant members … to:
(1) participate equally, responsibly, and interdependently by sharing the cost of … mission; of: (2) performing ecclesiastical, legislative, and judicial functions that identify a Reformed church; while at the same time: (3) strengthening the sense of community among all Presbyterians. 1995 GA

20 Per Capita Budget Presbyterian Mission Agency Administrative costs
The Office of the Stated Clerk The General Assembly meeting Presbyterian Historical Society Ecumenical grants and partnerships Constitutional interpretation and Mid Council support Vocational ministry Support services to PMA and OGA Uncollectable Per Capita Budget

21 Per Capita Budget

22 Presbyterian Mission Agency Office of the General Assembly
Total Income for Presbyterian Mission Agency And Office of the General Assembly

23 Presbyterian Mission Agency
Red Line: Presbyterian Mission Agency

24 Dotted Line: Basic Mission Support

25 Red Dashes: Special Offerings

26 Comparing: Basic Mission Support And Special Offering

27 Dotted Line: GA Per Capita

28 Active Medical Plan Contributions
Black Line: Active Medical Plan Contributions

29 Redistribution

30 Total Giving to All Congregations
Red Line: Total Giving to All Congregations


32 Is this the way your council looks?
How do we live in a time of redistributed resources?

33 (Westminster Confession of Faith 6.058)
“… all believers, are therefore, under obligation to sustain the ordinances of the Christian religion where they are already established, and to contribute by their prayers, gifts, and personal efforts to the extension of the Kingdom of God throughout the whole earth” (Westminster Confession of Faith 6.058)



36 Suitability for leadership in the council is measured on a standard of how the person and the congregation lives up to the opportunities of covenantal relationship.


38 2013 Mid Council Financial Networking Meeting
Conversations on Per Capita and GA Process


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