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Town Hall Meeting November 19th & 20th, 2016

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1 Town Hall Meeting November 19th & 20th, 2016

2 As our church approaches its 120th anniversary, imagine all those who have knelt in the sanctuary to pray over the years. Imagine All Those Prayers….

3 Restore; def Preserve; def
to bring back to or put back into a former or original state :  renew Preserve; def to keep (something) in its original state or in good condition to keep (something) safe from harm or loss

4 The Capital Improvement Committee (CIC), Founded Nov. 4, 2015
Commissioned to….. Determine the needs of the Parish in order to restore and preserve our Parish sanctuary and campus for future generations Prioritize restorations Estimate cost of repairs at a high level Submit a Concept Study to Diocese and request approval to proceed Interview & Select Fund Raising Consultants Interview and select a Project Management Firm Inform the Parish Survey the Parish Reconcile all above steps with ability to fund Commence Fundraising Over see project Make any required adjustments along the way

5 Diocesan Requirements For a Capital Construction Project

6 Restore – The Sanctuary
Remove, repair, refinish, reupholster, and reinstall the pews Replace the kneelers Install flooring throughout while pews are out of the Church


8 Preserve- Our Church And Structures
Repair/replace leaking roofs, gutters and spouting Regrade and install drainage surfaces/curbs/drains to control water flow away from church foundation, and rehabilitation of the water-damaged courtyard Repair internal and external damage to buildings and property caused by drainage issues Repair/replace aging and worn components




12 Secure – Our Church Properties
Focus on improving the safety & security of our church grounds Fencing & Gating around Parking Lot and Court Yard Accessibility to buildings

13 Fencing & Gating Securing our campus

14 Capital Need To Restore and Preserve St. Pat’s
High level estimate of capital needs could reach $1.8 million 70% related to restoring the Sanctuary & Drainage 30% related to Improving Security & Accessibility Spending Will be laid out in Phases




18 Inform the Parish CIC Pledge to the Parish – Total Transparency
The CIC will provide transparency to all actions taken by the committee The CIC will provide access to facts and figures before money is spent The CIC will provide timely updates and progress reports The CIC will give notice of changes to the plan Communication by Town Halls, Bulletins, Website and Pulpit

19 Fundraising Selecting a Fundraising Consultant;
Identified four appropriate consultants Interviewed three for…. Personality and fit Spirituality Experience Staffing Activities and amenities included Cost to complete campaign Recommendations Rank ordered candidates on above criteria & selected

20 Survey the Parish The CIC will survey our Parishioners to understand……. The makeup of our parish in terms of length of membership Activity level in parish activities Views on St Patrick Church Support for the Capital Campaign Willingness to be a part of the campaign committee Surveys will be conducted by Mail, phone, Website , and will be available at the ends of Pew Surveys will be collected at The offertory basket, collection boxes in the church, mail and phone solicitor

21 Introducing Our Consultant
Kirby Smith has been chosen to help us in the past Kirby Smith conducted our capital campaign in the early 90’s when the Sanctuary was last painted. At some point in some way Kirby Smith will reach out to you Please welcome and give your Support to Kirby Smith

22 As Shareholders In The Faith & St. Patrick Church
You will be contacted by Mail, , Phone, or In Person and asked to participate in the Restoration and Preservation of our Great Church However you are contacted by those working with the Committee, Please welcome them openly and with a sincere and generous heart to hear what they are asking of you in the name of ……..

23 Glory be to St. Patrick’s, as it was in its beginning, is now, and will be for generations to come,

24 St. Patrick Church- A Call to Restore & Preserve
At times there were prayers for needed rain. Blessed rain came. Both blessings in their own rite, the prayers and the rain have impacted our beautiful church. The kneelers and the pews are well-worn from the prayers and are in need of restoration. The needed rain over the years has corroded the gutters, taxed roofs, heaved pavement, and changed the flow of drainage, eroding the very foundation of our church. For the sake of our beautiful sanctuary we must act now to restore and preserve. We as parishioners and shareholders in the faith will be invited to participate in claiming the future of St. Patrick Catholic Church through a capital campaign The intention is to restore and preserve our historic church.:

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