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New Horizons General welcome..

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Presentation on theme: "New Horizons General welcome.."— Presentation transcript:

1 New Horizons General welcome.

2 Course selection…your child’s future:
Course selection needs to be a deeply considered event as selections may impact significantly on post-school opportunities.

3 How is TLSC The Entrance Campus different from other comprehensive high schools?
Specialist Stage 6 setting. Only have Year 11 and 12. 53 Courses on offer in 2016. Largest VET provider in the state. Play video from school website.

Thinking about pathways first – makes course selection much easier. Backward mapping from a pathway focus is our recommended way to assess and make judgements about course selection. UNIVERSITY VOCATIONAL

5 Start having conversations
with YOUR child about THEIR PATHWAY… Your child knows about pathways…they have seen this concept in their Year 9 Orientation, their Careers lessons and throughout Year 10 Transition Events. Having this conversation is important because the first thing students are asked to do when choosing courses is to first identify their pathway.

6 Getting my HSC is my goal

7 Doing TAFE courses here at school
VOCATIONAL Doing TAFE courses here at school Doing TAFE courses here at school.

8 Getting an ATAR and studying at a University

9 High performing students aiming for competitive University courses
PLATINUM High performing students aiming for competitive University courses An enrichment program for high achieving ATAR students.

10 F2E – Fast-Track 2 Employment
Gain employment skills to leave school early and get a job Gain employment related skills to leave school early and get a job.

11 New Horizons Booklet More information can be found in our ‘New Horizons’ booklet. Your child has this booklet and the booklet is also available on our website – ‘Enrolling in Year ’.

12 Page 2 Further information about pathways.

13 Pages 6-8 Some typical patterns of study for students in each pathway matched to individual interest / skills.

14 New Syllabus for Stage 6 - NESA
English, Mathematics, Science and History The new syllabuses include Australian curriculum content and reflect the new directions of the Stronger HSC Standards reforms.  Year 11 students will study the new syllabuses in 2018. In 2019 Year 12 students will sit for new HSC examinations in these courses.


16 New Horizons When choosing courses students need to:
Have a clear idea about what THEY WANT TO DO when they leave school. ASK plenty of questions – teachers, parents, careers advisor, older students, online forums, websites. Be realistic – choose a pattern of study where THEY WILL SUCCEED – choose subjects they are good at – choose courses they will enjoy. Be informed decision-makers. Choose courses of interest. Choose courses where success is achievable through hard-work and application.

17 New Horizons What we ask students NOT to do:
Pick courses they are NOT INTERESTED in, or have NO PURPOSE towards their end goal / destination. Pick a courses because THEIR FRIEND does, or because SOMEONE ELSE TELLS THEM to. Pick subjects they are just NOT GOOD AT. Not interested in – Have no purpose: Mathematics is not compulsory. Pick something because their friends did: Three friends example – not one girl completed the HSC. Pick something someone else tells them to: International journalist – Spanish example. Pick something you are just not good at: Mr Carr’s music and art examples. Mathematics / General Mathematics example.

18 Tuesday 25 July – TEC Hall Course Expo 3.30 – 7.00pm
Interview Time Enrolment Pack EDVAL Code Course Specific Information

19 Possible Destinations After School
TAFE Apprenticeship Traineeship University Employment Private Provider Education Unemployment Where students decide to go will guide their course selections

20 Leslie Loble Presentation – June 2011

21 Leslie Loble Presentation – June 2011

22 Leslie Loble Presentation – June 2011

23 Central Coast Employment
No real industry and employment growth in our local area in the last 4 years.

24 Central Coast Employment
Jobs are competitive and the reality is some students will need to move from the Central Coast to gain employment. Schooling and additional qualifications will be your child’s point of difference.

25 Choose Wisely Correct pathway and course choice is critical:
The HSC is a two year commitment Students will be working hard Not everyone that commences will gain a HSC A Higher School Certificate is worth more than the paper it is printed on… not everyone has one… this is the advantage that can make THEM different from many others It’s really important to get course selection right…this will significantly increase the outcome of successful HSC completion.

26 New Horizons Booklet Again – from this booklet…


28 HSC Requirements

29 HSC Requirements To qualify for the HSC students need to undertake a minimum number of BOARD DEVELOPED COURSES in Years 11 and 12.

30 HSC Requirements To qualify for an ATAR students also need to consider the number of CATEGORY A and CATEGORY B courses being undertaken.

31 New Horizons Booklet In this booklet we outline our recommendations regarding HSC patterns of study and have more information regarding BOSTES rules for course selction.

32 Courses offered at The Entrance Campus Everyone Must…

33 Pick at least 5 Courses from here
Courses offered at The Entrance Campus ATAR Pick at least 5 Courses from here University Focus

34 Maximum of 2 courses from this column
VET Courses offered at The Entrance Campus TAFE courses run at TEC Maximum of 2 courses from this column Work Placement Mandatory Employment Focus

35 HSC Requirements There are many other BOSTES rules – to assist students, parents and staff TEC use an online program called EDVAL for students to select their courses from. This program has the BOSTES rules ‘built in’ to the software so students will see error messages if they try to pick a combination of courses that conflict with BOSTES rules and/or TEC recommendations. This allows students to confidently and accurately pick a correct pattern of study.


37 What we know from last year…
100 students have dropped out of school or asked to leave after they were 17 for unsatisfactory commitment to learning. They do not have a job or a future plan 30% of students went to university Our top 50 Year 11 students did not make any course changes If you don’t know what you want to do then keep your options open Only 10% of students who left after completing their HSC in 2016 have full time jobs (that is 45 out of 450 studnets)

38 Interview Day Scheduled Time Bring your enrolment paperwork
School Report, NAPLAN results, Portfolio Course selection sheet – with teacher signature

Show EDVAL example here. Parents to be advised that students will get access to this software at the beginning of Term 3 and will have approximately 3 weeks to confirm course choices. Access details will be sent out via student , sent to each campus Careers Adviser / Deputy, and included in their information pack received at Course Expo Evening. H6LNX

40 Where can I find more information?
Play video – great source of information for parents. Access details to site included in information pack.

41 Past Exams Syllabus
Google ‘BOSTES’ – have a look at information related to the HSC. Essential websites included in your information pack. Syllabus documents show what is taught for courses. Past exams show how students are assessed. Syllabus Past Exams

42 Where can I find more information?
Google ‘BOSTES’ – have a look at information related to the HSC. Essential websites included in information.

43 Enrolling in Year 11 – The place to go for all things enrolment.

44 FB page currently being developed with videos of students talking about courses from their perspective.

45 ‘Vocational Education & Training’.
VET Courses VET stands for: ‘Vocational Education & Training’. VET courses can be studied at school or through TAFE.

46 VET Courses VET courses not only count towards the HSC, but also provides your child with additional qualifications that are nationally recognised. VET qualifications give students a ‘head start’ when seeking employment.

47 VET Courses SVET EVET (TAFE) courses or courses by external providers are studied as an additional (extra) course. Only students with a set career path in mind needing a TAFE course will be considered for TAFE enrolment.

48 Business Services

49 Construction

50 Entertainment

51 Hospitality – Food and Beverage

52 Hospitality – Kitchen Operations

53 Information, Digital Media and Technology

54 Metal and Engineering

55 Primary Industries

56 Retail Services

57 Furniture Making

58 Music Industry Introduction

59 Visual Arts, Craft and Design

60 Where to from here… TERM 3: Deputy Visit #2 – Week 1
Try a course – TUC and BVC sessions in faculty Course Expo Evening – Week 2 25th July Interviews Day – Week 5 Tuesday 15th August TERM 4: Year Information Evening – Week 5 8th November Students will receive their EDVAL codes to log in and select courses – they can do this a number of times…the last entry they save is the entry that remains recorded as their chosen courses.

61 Information in your pack you received this evening has details of events coming up.

62 Final questions…

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