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Missions for Regional Development
Rural Prosperity PURA Tribal and Semi-Arid regions Bio-Diesel - Jetropha Seed Cotton Power Solar Farms Power through Municipal waste Water Water harvesting Desalination Layered Wells Education Value based creative Education Employment Generation Management Structure * Agri-production-process-marketing * Non-Farm enterprises * Rural Development model 3 Tier Structure Leadership
PURA – Providing Urban Amenities in Rural Areas
Telecom Internet e-Governance Tele-medicine Tele-education Ring Road Rail Public Infrastructure Mobile clinic PHYSICAL CONNECTIVITY Warehouse Agro Industries Markets Hospital Micro Power plant ECONOMIC CONNECTIVITY PURA ELECTRONIC CONNECTIVITY Enlightened Citizenship Moral Leadership KNOWLEDGE CONNECTIVITY Schools / Hospitals IRS Imagery for - Land & Crop Mgmt. - Water Mgmt. - Forest Mgmt. - Environment Proactive Health care Coop. Product Mktg. Joint Private – Public Empowered Enterprises Connectivity is crucial to rural prosperity Isolated actions will not fetch results I have found that our people are ready to adopt to any complex technology or management if we give them opportunity 10-30 Village Clusters 100 Crore investment Business Proposition Employment for 3000 persons Beneficiaries: 30,000 people
Tribal and Semi-Arid Regional Development
BAIF MODEL Water Harvesting done Roads are connected, Ponds revived Orchard - Cashew & mango Harvesting, packaging and supply Families with Live stock Dairy &Animal Husbandry established Market for milk Low cost sandbag structure for seasonal water storage ICRISAT – DRY LAND Development Lemon 6% Custard Apple 2% Sapota 4% Coconut 1% Guava 2% Tamarind 5% Mango 45% Amla 17% Cashewnut 18% FRUIT ORCHARD There is a crucial need to improve productivity. Multiple sources of income necessary for increasing wealth of the household especially in dry land area Diary & Animal Husbandry
Biodiesel - Jatropha
Multipurpose trees such as Jatropha can grow well on wastelands with little inputs, and reclaim it. Yields of up to 5 t/ha oilseeds possible under optimum conditions Produces 2 tonnes of biodiesel that could be used in automobiles, other agro-industrialy useful by-products. 33 million hectares of wasteland have been allotted to tree plantation in India. States: Tamilnadu, Andhra Pradesh, Chattisgarh, Orissa, North Bengal * million hectare will generate minimum 11 million jobs Equivalent or cheaper than diesel * Research can lead to 30 to 40% reduction in price * Up to 20% addition to diesel no engine modification is needed 2 – 5 year plant About 5 tonnes per hectare can be expected under optimum conditions 55-60% oil that can be converted into biodiesel by transesterification 0.75 to 2 tonnes of biodiesel could be expected per hectare per year from the fifth year onwards Use of biodiesel is completely CO2 emmision free; the CO2 fixed by the plantation could be used in emmisions trading. If the potential is fully realised India's current annual diesel requirement (40 million tonnes this year) could be fully met! Bio Diesel Unique opportunity Large employment Energy security Environmental friendly Need to start on commercial level and not pilot plants Source: George Francis and Klaus Becker , University of Hohenheim, Stuttgart, Germany
Seed Cotton Productivity
India share of world output is 12% TARGET : 25% Employment Generator 460 kg/acre Causes for low productivity of Cotton Lack of awareness & Training Remedial measure Opening of farmers field school Arranging supply of genuine fertilizers and pesticides Training of farmers at Research Station Monitoring of Cotton crop by agricultural experts Seed Cotton normal output Remedial measure 960 kg/acre Seed Cotton Improved output India share of World output of cotton is 12%, we need to aim at 25% of high quality cotton. This is one example, where technology and system oriented approach can help. Similar approach can help for other seeds and commercial crops. Reduced Average Expenditure Return Increase Rs. 2400/acre to Rs /acre per year
POWER MISSION Energy Efficiency is the key CAPACITY BY 2020 Nuclear
Thermal Hydro CAPACITY BY 2020 Generation is important, but it should be with quality Energy saving is equivalent to 4 times additions with the current energy efficiency levels Energy efficiency is the key and should become a national motto. Green building is one such effort. Nuclear ~20000 MW Renewable Energy Hydro ~84000 MW Distribution Loss 25% <5% Renewable Energy ~ MW Thermal ~96000 MW Total ~ MW
Power through Municipal Waste
Recharging Wells Sustainable - watershed 6 MW Power Plant Based Vijayawada, Andhra Pradesh, India 6.6 MW Power Plant Mahaboobnagar, AP Two power plants with 6 MGW capacities have been established Based on solid municipal waste technology developed by TIFAC by two entrepreneurs. This model can be replicated in other municipal and village clusters
An Integrated Water Table improvement
Revive Ponds Siruthuli experience Ponds with weeds Desilted ponds Ponds filled with Water Rainwater harvesting Check Dams Recharging Wells Sustainable - watershed Water harvesting, Water recycling, Water table enhancement – Desilting ponds with inlets and outlets are to be cleaned. Water should always be clean with hi-quality standards River with slits De-silted River
DESALINATION PLANT AT SEA COAST Use of solar energy stored in ocean
CONCEPT Use of solar energy stored in ocean Vapourization Condensation TECHNOLOGIES THERMAL PROCESS Multi stage Flash Distillation Multi effect Distillation Vapour Compression Distillation MEMBRANE PROCESS Electro dialysis Reverse Osmosis Typical Desalination Plant Cost reduction 1980’s - Rs. 125/per 1000 ltrs 1990’s - Rs. 75/per 1000 ltrs 2000’s - Rs. 50/per 1000 ltrs 2004’s - Rs. 25/per 1000 ltrs Transportation Barge Moored at sea Service Barge Desalination Plant (4 Nos.)
Large Size Layered Water Storage Concept
1st layer rain water storage 2nd Layer storage (Excess water from 1st layer) MISSION OBJECTIVES Flood control, Effective utilization Excess rain water leading to prosperity and Employment generation for local population 3rd Layer storage (Excess water from 2nd layer)
NATIONAL MISSION DEVELOPMENT OF HUMAN RESOURCE WITH VALUE SYSTEM AND ENTREPRENEURIAL FOCUS EDUCATION RAJU MODEL PREMJI (APF) MODEL Tele Education MODEL Character Buildup (3-5 yrs of age as intake) Literacy Improvement from School Dropout By Accelerated Learning through Computers Tele Education Delivery System, (RB), Vocational Training ENLIGHTENED CITIZENS 3 Models focusing on skills and values. Need to inject a dimension of entrepreneurship Use of IT for Tele-Education will provide speedy multiplier effect for delivery of the above to large number of people in our country. Virtual University Village Panchayat Knowledge Centers School Dropouts ~35% ~Nil
Employment Generation through Entrepreneurship
Human Resource 3 Million Students Graduates every year + From Schools 7 million PURA Waste Land Development Revival of Water bodies Power mission Water mission ICT Tourism Infrastructure Pharma – Herbal/medicinal MEGA MISSIONS Training Marketing Business Proposal Unemployed Youth & Farm workers Artisans Employment Generation Academy Institutions With Management Focus Self employment and entrepreneurship is key to economic growth and for individual prosperity. Many actors have to work together. See the virtuous triangle for such action. Many mega missions identified above can trigger millions of entrepreneurial opportunities Outsourcing by government is crucial Industrial Partnership Sustained GDP Growth Banks/Financial Institutions
Cooperative Structure - Agri-Production-Processing-Marketing
Finance, infrastructure, crop insurance, technical guidance Preservation, diversification, QA, transportation, Mktg & profitable business operation COOP SOCIETY ASSISTANCE MISSION FARMERS TO BE PARTNERS IN PROFIT GOVT. Policy Frame work for efficient operation R&D Tech. Inputs for Soil - Seed selection & preparation TOT & training FARMERS Land & labour contribution CONSULTANCY SERVICES Business planning & Marketing NGO Value Addition & Marketing Co-operatives are great strength for people. However, we should avoid the problems of the past. Innovative management structures and professional expertise is a must. Before Cultivation During Cultivation Production, Processing & Marketing
Mission oriented Co-operative Structure
For Micro enterprises in Non – Farm Sector New Co-operative Structure National Market Identifying the Demand For home grown Consumer products (NGO, Consultants, Cooperative, CII, FICCI) System oriented Approach And Process Improvements Quality Assurance NGO & Private industries Inter-National Market Value addition Institutions and R&D orgs. Industries Knowledge, Skill and Technology enable the entrepreneurs Micro Enterprises Started by (Unemployed Graduates, Rural youth And Women) Co-operative Banks, Banks, Government, Self-help groups Micro Credit, Loans , Finance Various Consumer products Entrepreneurial Training, Skill Upgradation, Complementing Modern tools Native Art, Industrial revival Vocational Training NGOs, Chamber of Commerce, CII FICCI, NASSCOM Transparent Marketing, Sale and Distribution to National and International market Transform Native Strength Into a viable Business Provide Manufacturing Facilities And State of the art Machines Frame policies, Tax concessions Provide infrastructure, Power Govt.
(Inter/Intra Panchayat unions)
RUPCON - Rural Prosperity through Connectivities RUPCON Model – 3 Tier approach for PURA Tier – 2 VILLAGE Clusters Based Connectivity (Inter/Intra Panchayat unions) Tier – 1 Empowering Panchayat Raj Institution Facilities to be provided in tune with overall plan for Rural Development Basic Amenities & Health Centres Support for Primary School Education Self-Employment thro’ self-help groups Reviving water bodies Overall plan & requirement of State and Centre to provide - Road & Electronic Connectivity - Tele-medicine & Tele-education - Leading to Sustainable development Focus on Entrepreneurship & Employment Economic Growth and Marketing (Local vs. Global) Energy, Power, Water requirement Tier - 3 INTER/INTRA DISTRICT LEVEL PROJECTS TO BE PLANNED for Providing Sustainable Development TIER 3
LEADERSHIP Nation’s Core competence -Proven models of Leadership
Among the many visionaries who laid the foundation for National Development Let me present some of them Political visionary Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru: Development through 5 year plans Science and Technology visionary (some examples) · Vikram Sarabhai Space technology for Societal transformation (Communication/ Remote sensing/ Meteorology / Education) · C Subramaniam & MS Swaminathan – Green revolution · Prof. Satish Dhawan Problems will occur when we perform, become the master of the problem, defeat the problem and succeed · Brahm Prakash Nobility in management · Kurien – White revolution and Cooperative movement · Narayanamoorthy/Azim Premji/Ramadurai – IT enabled Services · Reliance Ambani – ICT and industries · Reddy labs/Ranbaxy – Pharma · Ratan Tata Passenger car
Political Will NATURAL RESOURCES Vast Coastline Minerals Biodiversity Knowledge MISSIONS Education Water Power Infrastructure Employment Generation Food, Health & Social Security Value Addition C I V I L I S A T I O N A L H E R I TA G E DEVELOPED REGIONS LEADING TO INDIA 2020 HUMAN RESOURCES Traditional Knowledge Knowledge Intensive Org. Services 1.10 Vision, Mission & Goals We have so far considered the profile of knowledge society, multiple components and system integration. It emerged from the deliberations of the task force that the core strengths of the nation have to be coupled to the desired goals. The nation’s strengths predominantly reside in its natural and human resources. In natural resources, India is endowed with a vast coast-line with marine resources and also oil wealth. In minerals, apart from conventional material resources, it is well-known that India has the largest deposits of titanium, beryllium and tungsten. India ranks among the top few nations having a rich bio-diversity. Particularly, in the herbal area there are potential applications for developing multiple products for nutrition, prevention and cure of diseases. Of the global herbal product market of US$ 61 billion, China has a share of around US $ 3 billion, whereas India’s share is not even US $ 100 million. Hence, there is tremendous opportunity for growth in this area. India has similar potential for promoting floriculture and aquaculture in a big way. Knowledge-based value addition for these natural resources would mean exporting value-added products rather than merely the raw materials. Use of IT for commercialisation and marketing can increase our outreach and speed enormously. Ancient knowledge is a unique resource of India for it has the treasure of a minimum of 5000 years of civilisation. It is essential to leverage this wealth for national well being as well as to seek global presence for the nation. Human resources, particularly with large young population, are unique core strength of the nation. This resource can be transformed through various educational and training programmes. Skilled, unskilled and creative manpower can be transformed into wealth generators particularly in the service sectors, agro industries etc. Knowledge-intensive industries can be generated out of our existing industries by injecting demand for high-level software/hardware, which would bring tremendous value addition. It is said, “the precious asset for a company or a country is the skill, ingenuity and imagination of its people. With globalisation, this will become more important because everybody will have access to world class technology and the key distinguishing feature will be the ability of people in different countries to use their imagination to make the best use of the technology”. Indeed development and innovative use of multiple technologies with transparent management structure and coupled with IT, will catapult India into a knowledge super power Rural Prosperity Technology Plans, attracting investment & Funds
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