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Career Marketing Media Presentation 4, MM3123

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1 Career Marketing Media Presentation 4, MM3123
the Passionate Life Career Marketing Media Presentation 4, MM3123 Suzanne Lanoue Spring 2017

2 Life Highlights Grew up in San Diego, CA but have lived all over the U.S. Married for 35 years this July! Received B.A. in Liberal Arts at SUNY Stony Brook, 1987 Had many different jobs, including singer in a band Worked for Ask Jeeves (now Started (personal site) and The TV MegaSite in the 90’s. Taking classes part-time at SAU to get my 2nd B.A. in Mass Comm/Mass Media

3 early passions Wanted to sing from an early age.
Active in choir and drama all through school. Took private voice lessons in high school. Music major in college; changed to Liberal Arts. Started Master’s Degree in Music but didn’t succeed. Started working on teaching credential; didn’t finish. No real ambition – just wanted to have fun and make money.

4 Computers and Internet
Learned to type fast in school. 90 WPM. No computers or internet growing up. Never took any computer classes. Started online in 1994 (before most did). Traded tapes online via /snail mail. Started at Ask Jeeves and learned HTML in 1995. Made my own site with my tape trading list Added info about myself and my hobbies, and my favorite TV shows.

5 Beginnings of my sites Built personal site while working at Ask Jeeves. Ask Jeeves video Laid off in 2000, couldn’t find another job, focused working on my site full time. Split into two sites: and The TV MegaSite made some money from ads and grew in popularity. Site was more of a hobby than a job. Doesn’t make much money. We have many volunteers. I work on the site full time. Everyone else is part time. All money goes back into the site. Working on the site has many perks. I have some smaller sites related to The TV MegaSite. Don’t really “have to” work due to husband’s job. Never found another job I liked that paid well, let alone one that allowed me to work at home. We move and travel often, so it makes it difficult to do any other job. Leaves me more time to still do music.

6 This is my personal site that has information about all of my interests and my life, as well as information about computers, music and more. It includes my bio, my blog, recipes, many photos, links, my hobbies, and songs. I used to upload many photos there, but now I just put them up on Instagram and Facebook. It’s just easier. I update my blog every week; the rest when I can (not too often).

7 The TV Megasite, inc. My full-time job, found at and other domains It’s a very large TV fan site that covers daytime and primetime TV with information, recaps, transcripts, photos, puzzles, news, spoilers, articles, interviews, reviews and more. The daytime section of the site started out first and is still very popular, despite the soaps’ falling ratings. I spend most of my time now on transcripts, interviews, reviews, and news/spoilers as well as site maintenance tasks and social media promotion. At one time, we had over 300,000 UMV, which is very good for a fan site. We’re the only site that has daily transcripts of all of the daytime soaps, going back to We also have transcripts for “Smallville” and a few other primetime shows. Professional Biography

8 Social Media Interacted with other people online via , chat rooms, and message boards since 1994. Early Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn user. 947 Facebook friends, 153 Twitter followers*, 238 Instagram followers. The TV MegaSite has 525 Twitter followers and 43 Instagram followers Older Twitter page (now using a pseudonym) has 520 Followers. Also on Pinterest, Tumblr, Snapchat, and My Space. Besides my own songs page, you can hear my songs streaming at Singer's Showcase and This Is Karaoke You can also find me on Youtube,  Singsnap,  Bandhub and Bandmix I have many blogs as well… Chronicles, TV Blog, one using a pseudonym, and one private.

9 Future of my site Pros – Free DVD’s and online screeners of TV shows for free, to review for my site. Interviews with TV actors, writers, directors and producers. Cons – Some of the TV networks/PR consider me “press”, but others don’t. I would like to join the TCA (Television Critics Assocation) but have been turned down so far. No time to work on any more. Solutions – Between writing local newspaper articles and getting the Mass Comm degree, I hope that will help. Marketing classes and the business center may also help. Goals - I hope to improve the site, make it more profitable, and possibly hire employees. I would also sell the site for the right price.

10 Music is still important
Worked on my voice over the years with lessons and karaoke. Overcame stage fright and poor singing habits. Was in a band for a while and learned guitar. Taking voice lessons here at SAU. Hope to continue with voice and guitar. Goal is to be in a rock band again someday.

11 Passions and life I have a lot of interests and hobbies, some of which I do now for work. Interests = hobbies = passion If you don’t have passion for your life or what you do, what’s the point of living? You can’t be afraid to share your passion with others, even if it means bragging a little. Sometimes it’s good to remember to relax and unplug!

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