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What is a Genetically Modified Organism (GMO)?

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Presentation on theme: "What is a Genetically Modified Organism (GMO)?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Aim: What are some other applications of genetically engineered organisms?

2 What is a Genetically Modified Organism (GMO)?
Is any organism that has acquired one or more genes by artificial means. A GMO is said to be transgenic. This means that the GMO contains DNA from different species.

3 What are the benefits to genetically modify plants and animals?

4 What are the benefits to genetically modify plants and animals?
To make temperature resistant plants GM plants can produce natural pesticide. To increase vitamin content. 4) Decrease allergens 5)To make food last longer. 6)Getting food to the market faster.

5 Some Examples of GM Plants:
Golden Rice is genetically modified so it contains genes from daffodils to increase the production of beta-carotene (an important precursor of Vitamin A). Production has been held off as people started objecting to GMO

6 Some examples of GM Plants:
Scientists have also genetically modified sweet corn so it contains genes from a bacteria that allow the corn to produce a natural pesticide.

7 How do scientists genetically modify plants?

8 Example of a GM Animal: These two salmon are the same age, but the GM salmon grew at about twice the rate. **It is more difficult to genetically modify animals than plants.

9 What are the risks of GMOs?
Increase in food toxicity. The creation of new allergens. Reduced nutritional content. Create antibiotic resistance.

10 What is Gene Therapy? We rely on our genes functioning correctly, so when a gene is missing or not functioning, a disease can result. Gene therapy is a way of putting the correct gene back into our cells.

11 How could it be done? Vector- carries the new gene to the cells.

12 Will this individual produce offspring with the normal gene?
No, because the sex cells were not altered.

13 Challenges of Gene Therapy:
The vector itself could cause the individual to become sick. The gene has to be delivered to many & the right kinds of cells. The gene needs to be inserted in the right part of the cell’s genome. 4) The gene, once present, needs to be expressed.

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