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Today we begin genetics and super groovy

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Presentation on theme: "Today we begin genetics and super groovy"— Presentation transcript:

1 Today we begin genetics and super groovy
Note fun!!!!

2 Today more interesting
Genetics note fun !!!!!!!

3 “We Have Found the Secret to Life”- Francis Crick, Feb 28th 1953
Watson and Crick

4 Every living thing on Earth shares the same life code
Why is Genetics Cool? Genetic Engineering- genetically modified organisms- create desired traits in organisms, such as disease and insect resistant plants. Every living thing on Earth shares the same life code Gene therapy and the medical field, ex. Curing genetic disease such as cystic fibrosis The social and ethical implications of knowing the code of every living thing

5 The genetic material in all
Living things is located in The nucleus of the cell.

6 Genetics – Genes – located on Chromosomes, Genes are sequences of DNA
Which determines traits or Hereditary information. Genes are found on the chromosomes of cells in the Nucleus.

7 Chromosomes – found in pairs
in the nucleus, specific Spots on the chromosomes That control various traits Are genes. Genes are Made of DNA

8 Genes occur in pairs and one
Or more pairs of genes may Control a trait. ( ex= eye Color. There are many genes In a chromosome. Humans have 25,000 genes


10 These are ?????????

11 Human gene codes

12 Heredity – passing of genetic
Information by reproduction. Types of reproduction Asexual – one parent, Produces identical offspring. = clones (mitosis) Sexual – two parents - half

13 Genetic info from sperm &
Half from egg. Creates new Genetic combinations known As genetic recombination. Offspring may be similar in Some ways to parents but Will not be genetically Identical to either of them.

14 What are genes?


16 DNA = deoxyribonucleic acid
Contains the genetic codes of Life. It’s a type of protein. Looks like a twisted ladder = Double helix. Composed of sugar, bases, And phosphates subunits. 4 Bases of DNA = A , T,G & C

17 A always bonds with T G always bonds with C Always take grandma cookies

18 Complete the matching base
Codes. ?????????? A T G A

19 Answer to previous slide

20 One strand of DNA = a Nucleotide, is composed of A phosphate, sugar and 2 Bases. phosphate sugar A T bases

21 The base codes, of DNA , ATGC determine Specific traits of The individual.

22 Why is DNA the “secret to life”?
The Secret of Life

23 Replication – cells make exact
Copies of their DNA to be Passed on to offspring Offspring may inherit and Make similar proteins as Parents – this may cause Similar traits, looks etc.

24 DNA has sort of a side job
it also directs and Controls the production of all Proteins.

25 Mutations – any alteration to
A gene (DNA segment) such As an addition or deletion. Mutations can only be passed On to offspring if they occur In sex cells (sperm or eggs)

26 Mutation examples = sickle
Cell anemia – misshaped red Blood cells - substitution Mutations involve the deletion Addition or substitution of A DNA base code

27 Sickle Cells YouTube - The Eyes of Nye - Race (Part 1 of 3)

28 Causes of mutations = Mutanogetic agents = Radiation, x-rays,UV rays Asbestos, formaldihyde, Exposure to dangerous Chemicals. Mutations can Also occur for no reason Randomly

29 Environment can influence
What gene is expressed. example = Where an animal lives can Cause it to be a certain color As the “wrong” color rabbits Might be eaten by predators


31 Genetic Engineering – New technology used to alter Genetic instructions. Selective Breeding = uses Desirable traits that appear To produce desirable Product. Ex.= a plant that is Resistant to disease

32 Selective breeding has
Been used by man For many years – this is How we have developed All our dog breeds and many Plants.

33 https://www. youtube. com/watch

34 Gene splicing – uses special
Enzymes to allow segments Of DNA to be cut and spliced Into other spots, results in Controlled traits.


36 Biotechnology – using tech.
And biological sciences, Ex. = using microbes to Make cheese and using DNA fingerprinting from The smallest amount of Saliva or body fluids.

37 GMO’s



40 Cloning – produces identical
Offspring by inserting a Nucleus into an egg cell.

41 The nucleus is removed from
An egg cell and any cell Nucleus from the desired Clone is implanted in that Egg cell and then developed Usually inside a surrogate Mother.

42 Theraputic vs Reproductive cloning
Theraputic = stem cell cloning – Organisms are cloned for their Organs and tissue use – ex grow A new heart that can be transplanted To save a life.

43 Reproductive – the whole
Organism is cloned/copied Ex=Dolly the sheep

44 Gel Electrophesis – uses electricity
To break down DNA molecuels to identify Using a DNA fingerprint Solve crimes, determine parents.

45 Karyotype = a picture of
The chromosomes of an Individualif

46 A karyotype can tell you the
Sex and some disorders of The individual. Sex is determined by the 23rd Chromosomes. XX = female Xy = male

47 In some situations karyotype
Can be done to fetus inside The womb using the fluid That surrounds, protects and Cushions fetus – amniotic Fluid.





52 Disorders – downs syndrome
= mental retardation –results From an extra 21st chromo.


54 Trisomy 18

55 Turners syndrome

56 Klienfelters


58 Big closing summary thing
DNA = a special protein That makes up genes that Are found in chromosomes In the nucleus of all cells. Your DNA base codes ATGC Determine your traits.








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