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Linac4-PSB 160 MeV connection readiness review

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2 Linac4-PSB 160 MeV connection readiness review
Tuesday 30 August 2016 30 August 2016 Linac4-PSB 160 MeV connection readiness review

3 EN-HE Table of Contents: List of activities Work status
Caterina Bertone Table of Contents: List of activities Work status Risks/Mitigation Additional information Summary 30 August 2016 Linac4-PSB 160 MeV connection readiness review Equipment status (Linac4 and LIU-PSB) Caterina Bertone - EN/HE

4 List of activities Activity description Pre-requisites to activity (decommissioning?) Particular precautions / Working conditions Activity duration EDMS documentation (Funct.&Eng. Specs., ECR) Remarks Into Linac 2  12 weeks demonter le sas blindee du Linac2 et stockage MAD/PAD sur le cote impossible to enter into the L2 3 days (ECR) besoin d'un depot temporaire pour les blocks demontage et retrait des elements du LINAC2 apres les cavites 1 no coactivity in the area, limited passage 1 week stockage definitif ou waste? Place a trouver (buffer zone ne va pas) depose aimant BHZ20, beam stopper, tube a vide traversant le blindage et elements contre le blindage 2 stock temporaire, ou? demontage blindage en briques 3 no coactivity in the area, no passage depose dump 4 RP concerns???? 2 days waste. Besoin d'une botie blindee? montage temporaire structure support ligne LTL* 5 passage itnerdit en cette zone pendant travaux, pas de materiel en dessous design a finaliser *demontage partiel de la charpente de support ligne LTL 6 descente et evacuation ligne LTL* 7 la charpente n'est pas remontee plus adaptee. Si besoin d'une passerelle propre pour l'acces aux cables et autre, contacter D. Parchet ????demontage partiel du mur separant le L2 et le PS???? ? acces limite au L2 car transite de materiel 4 days depose de toutes les briquettes addosses au mur qui separe avec le L4 8 (ECR) evacuation via L2. stocker ou? support au CE pour coulage chateau? 9 Installation blindage complementaire au tour du chateau? 10 ca depends de la quantite de blindage 30 August 2016 Linac4-PSB 160 MeV connection readiness review Equipment status (Linac4 and LIU-PSB) Caterina Bertone - EN/HE

5 List of activities Activity description Pre-requisites to activity (decommissioning?) Particular precautions / Working conditions Activity duration EDMS documentation (Funct.&Eng. Specs., ECR) Remarks installation tube a vide venant du L4 11 no coactivity in the area, limited passage 1 day (ECR) blindage ponctuel mur L2/L4 (mires geo, bouchage trous etc) 12 3 days support au services generaux (CV, EL, EPC) 13 ? installation tubes a vide et divers elementrs entre le BHZ20 et les elements restants en fond de ligne 14 installaiton BHZ20 en nouvelle position 15 2 days  bouchache trou au sol necessaire pose chicane triple entre L2 et BHZ20 16 no coactivity in the area, no passage 2 weeks  finalisation design avec input RP necessaire remise en place MAD/PAD sans blindage 17 impossible to enter into the L2 Into the switchyard  16 weeks demontage aimants switchyard PS pour permettre l'acces au mur qui separe le PS du PSB demontage composants injection jusqu'au moins 2m de recul du mur 1 1 week demontage lignes diagnostiques 2 demontage charpente contre le mur et potence murale (support to SMB) 3 demontage tout equipement contre le mur (support to CV and EL) 4 demontage du mur sur 2 metres d'epaisseur et evatuation des blocks 5 passage interdit, mode operatoire 30 August 2016 Linac4-PSB 160 MeV connection readiness review Equipment status (Linac4 and LIU-PSB) Caterina Bertone - EN/HE

6 List of activities Activity description Pre-requisites to activity (decommissioning?) Particular precautions / Working conditions Activity duration EDMS documentation (Funct.&Eng. Specs., ECR) Remarks installation pont roulant desservant la zone 6 passage interdit, mode operatoire 2 weeks ? installation nouvelle charpente et supportage des aimants (support to SMB et ACE) 7 installation ligne diagnostique* 8 remise en place tout element ayant ete evacuee pour permettre le demontage du mur et reconstitution continuite de tube a vide jusqu'a PSB 9 1 week installation dump et ligne a vide 10 ???demontage partiel du mur du blindage separant le L2 et le PS??? remontage aimants swityard et fermetute de la zone 11 no coactivity in the area, no passage Into the PS Booster** 5 weeks (n.i. IR) removal of all the magnets into the injection line and IR ALARA 3? 3 weeks and (ECR) transport of those magnets somewhere 1 2 weeks in parallel to 1 removal of all supports and old general services (support) 2 2 weeks? minor Reinforcement of the shielding wall following RP request 3 1 week? adaptation of the PSB ring main crane to attach the lifting tooling for BWT 4 installation of the new injection region 5 in shadown with the local assembly (3 months) EDMS (ECR) installation of new general services and magnets supports (support) installation of the injection magnets (ECR) * inclus dans le projet LIU-IONS ** included into the LIU-PSB project 30 August 2016 Linac4-PSB 160 MeV connection readiness review Equipment status (Linac4 and LIU-PSB) Caterina Bertone - EN/HE

7 Work status Handling resources are available via our contractor
Tooling and studies to be provided in the frame of this project: what Where status Delay from go-ahead Project Container for L2 dump? L2 Waiting RP requirements. Design started but incomplete 3 months from RP spec L4 Trolley for BHZ20 removal and installation Design finished, waiting from final confirmation on compatibility with magnet from MME/MSC 2 months from ok Tooling to remove the LTL line from L2 and install in the SY L2 and PS-SY Design not started. Insufficient resources actually 4 months from available resources LIU-Ions Tooling to dismantle 2m of shielding wall PS-SY Design not started yet. 4 months from now New shielding studies and tooling L 2 Only very preliminary design 3-4 months from now Crane in SY above the dump area Design well advanced, not ordered yet 5 months from now, 3 months from order Tooling for beam dump assembly? Done by HE? Depending on the design Tooling for IR assembly PSB Forks: design in finalisation, order soon Scissor table: design just started Mini-crane on PSB rails 2 months from now 3 months from now 5 months from now PSB-LIU 30 August 2016 Linac4-PSB 160 MeV connection readiness review Equipment status (Linac4 and LIU-PSB) Caterina Bertone - EN/HE

8 Risks / Mitigation Delay in provision of tooling: essentially linked to missing design resources. Possible mitigation is reinforcement of design team but experienced designers that already know CERN are difficult to find Accidents due to inherent danger of handling activities Work preparation, zone delimitations, etc. these dangers are not specific to this site. Same compensatory measures The unitary time to perform the handling tasks is short and resources are available till a reasonable limit, but limitation of coactivities in the same area can pile up delays. Especially in the switchyard. I can’t see mitigation action. It should be avoided to ‘profit’ of LHC lengthy stop to ‘anticipate’ LS2, especially in the PS 30 August 2016 Linac4-PSB 160 MeV connection readiness review Equipment status (Linac4 and LIU-PSB) Caterina Bertone - EN/HE

9 Additional information
Strong dependence on RP feedback on shielding design (and production of blocks), containers, transports, final destination of dismounted equipment and so. Since proper dose measurement is often done at last minutes, this induces a peak activity to last minute design and provision. Manpower (CERN + contractor) is not a concern up to a reasonable limit 30 August 2016 Linac4-PSB 160 MeV connection readiness review Equipment status (Linac4 and LIU-PSB) Caterina Bertone - EN/HE

10 Summary Readiness by end 2016? – NO. Risks / Mitigation summary?
Number of studies are undergoing now and not possible to finish them before the end of 2016 Unclear when we should do the different actions (do we need all the tooling in January 2017 or 2-3 months later?). A staggered planning would be important for us Depending on feedback of groups to finalise the tooling design, in particular RP Some tools require longer time like the crane for the SY (3 months from order, meaning available in Feb. 2017) Risks / Mitigation summary? Increase design resources will help but not easy to find Continuing design during installation will be mandatory As general conclusion we are confident that we can stay in the shadow of all other groups to perform our tasks properly and in a realistic planning 30 August 2016 Linac4-PSB 160 MeV connection readiness review Equipment status (Linac4 and LIU-PSB) Caterina Bertone - EN/HE


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