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Electronic Newsletter Options

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Presentation on theme: "Electronic Newsletter Options"— Presentation transcript:

1 Electronic Newsletter Options
Ideas for Chapter Newsletters

2 Electronic Newsletters
What format do you use? PDF with link(s) to web site only

3 PDF: Pros If you have a paper newsletter, no additional formatting necessary Great flexibility in content and layout Can be printed and transported Can save printing costs

4 PDF: Cons Hard to navigate
If sent as attachment, can clog mail servers

5 PDF: Tips Send email alert and link to PDF on web site
Consider layout that is computer-screen friendly rather than print friendly

6 HTML Link to Web Site

7 HTML Link to Web Site

8 HTML Email with Link to Web Site: Pros
Brings web-site appearance and functionality to an message Can drive readers to multiple pages on your web site Can also serve as the publication’s front page on your web site

9 HTML Email with Link to Web Site: Cons
Cannot be printed and transported If you also have paper newsletter, requires very different layout Need to control quantity of content

10 Email Only Single Feature

11 Email Only Single Feature

12 Email Only Single Feature

13 Email Only Single Feature

14 Email Only Multiple Stories

15 Email Only Multiple Stories

16 Only: Pros Easy to produce Convenient to read

17 Only: Cons Limited space Limited flexibility

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