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Division of Partnerships, Workforce Recovery and Customized Services

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2 Division of Partnerships, Workforce Recovery and Customized Services
Matt Litterell Associate State Director Scott Smith Government & Economic Development Partnerships Agency Partnerships (ODOC) System Wide Economic Development Gina Hubbard Education Partnerships Regional Coordination BIS Perkins Administration Greg Dewald Workforce Recovery & Advancement Skills Centers Basic Education Behrooz Jahanshahi Data Quality and Analysis

3 Education Partnerships
Were here to help…. We are here to coordinate system activities that help our partners deliver value to customers every day Physical resources such as equipment or curriculum Best Practices Financial Resources Connection Regional coordinators who serve as an agency facilitator for all delivery arms Mixed expertise to better serve our clients Regional teams of individuals with complimenting areas of expertise such as BIS, Comprehensive School Administration, and Technology Center Administration When you don’t know who to call, call us and we’ll connect you


5 Government / Economic Development Partnerships
Connecting our system with business and other state agencies… Work with large organizations who have a multi-district footprint Facilitate a one business card approach to serving a statewide customer Connect the best system resources in any subject area with the customer’s statewide need Grow statewide customized training by connecting industry with the resources of local technology centers Ecosystem Managers who serve as a system wide facilitator Embedded resources in the ecosystem areas and at the Oklahoma Department of Commerce All training and consulting delivered through local education partners Key resources in recruiting new companies to Oklahoma

6 Workforce Recovery & Advancement –Basic Education
Basic Education is more than just a GED… Dropout Recovery Credit Recovery GED Adult Basic Education ESL EL Civics Statewide Adult Learning Centers ABE Transitions from OSDE 7/1/2014

7 Workforce Recovery & Advancement –Skills Centers
Offender training programs inside and outside of prison walls…. Partnership with Oklahoma Department of Corrections Primarily delivered through agency staff; however, some technology centers also provide services inside and outside of these agreements. Expanding to best target soon to release or recently released students. (Train for Release Programs) Serving youth and adults

8 Thank you! Please don’t hesitate to call.
Matt Litterell

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