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Conflict Resolution and Consequences

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Presentation on theme: "Conflict Resolution and Consequences"— Presentation transcript:

1 Conflict Resolution and Consequences
UNIT V – Judicial Branch and Legal System

2 Resolving Conflicts without Breaking the Law

3 Just those involved… Negotiation Discussion aimed at reaching a final agreement, “give a little, get a little” Compromise Reaching an agreement in which each side gives up something

4 Bringing in a 3rd party… Mediation Use a 3rd party that is unbiased to help solve the problem You do NOT have to do what they say Arbitration Use a 3rd party that is unbiased to solve the problem You DO have to do what they say

5 Why do we punish? Deterrence – use punishment as a threat to stop individuals from committing crimes Rehabilitation – use education and therapy to try and stop individuals from becoming repeat offenders Incapacitation – remove from the streets for the safety of others Retribution – punish to fit the crime

6 Consequences for Breaking the Law

7 Death Penalty Judicially ordered execution of a prisoner as a punishment

8 Three-Strikes System Mandates (requires) that criminals spend long periods of time (25 to life) in prison after 3 felony offenses CA was the first to use The hope is that this will lower recidivism rates (multiple offenses)

9 Incarceration Being placed in prison or jail for an extended period of time

10 Boot Camp Full time, and usually remotely situated, substance-abuse rehabilitation programs, often imposed upon children

11 Juvenile Detention A prison for people under the age of 18, can be 21 in some states depending on circumstances

12 Mental Institutions Hospital specializing in the treatment of people with mental illness

13 House Arrest Situation where a person is confined to his or her residence

14 Parole Supervised release of a prisoner before the completion of their jail sentence Good Behavior

15 Probation Suspension of a prison or jail sentence, person has been convicted of a crime but is allowed to live a normal life as long as they abide by the laws NO JAIL TIME… UNLESS

16 Community Service Service that a person performs for the benefit of the local community, used as an alternative sentencing technique

17 Re$titution Payment of money for compensation of loss or injury

18 Confiscation of Property
The taking of someone’s personal possessions, usually as a form of payment Why are they taking my stuff? I swear I paid my taxes!

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