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SKÅL international and Sustainable tourism

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1 SKÅL international and Sustainable tourism
Julie Marsaud Sustainable Development Project Manager JohnsonDiversey France

2 Contents What is sustainable tourism? Eco-, responsible, sustainable tourism? International conferences and programs What « being sustainable » means? Why is being sustainable good for business? Tourism sustainability performance tools SKÅL’s commitment towards sustainability What can SKÅL do now? Perspectives Useful contacts

3 What is sustainable tourism?
“Sustainability principles refer to the environmental, economic, and socio-cultural aspects of tourism development… … Achieving sustainable tourism is a continuous process and it requires constant monitoring of impacts Thus, sustainable tourism should: Make optimal use of environmental resources (…) Respect the socio-cultural authenticity of host communities (…) Ensure viable, long-term economic operations (…) Maintain a high level of tourist satisfaction (…)” UNWTO (2004)

4 Eco-, responsible, sustainable tourism?
Ecotourism: lower tourists’ environmental impacts while offering mostly nature-related activities -> Considered more militant than any other form of tourism Responsible tourism: make tourists aware of the social impacts of their trip, respectful of the cultural and economic benefits and drawbacks for local people -> More related to local communities’ development and/or discovery Sustainable tourism: lower tourists’ environmental footprint while providing economic development means for the host country -> Allow the maintenance of future tourism, both at the environmental and social scales

5 International conferences and programs
2000: UN Millenium Development Goals statement 2002: Contribution to the World Summit on Sustainable Development (WSSD), Johannesburg 2007: 2nd International Conference on Climate Change and Tourism, Davos 1995: World Charter for Sustainable Tourism 2000: Tour Operators’ Initiative for Sustainable Tourism Development (TOI) 2002: International Year of Ecotourism 2005: The Marrakech Process: 10-Year Framework of Programmes on Sustainable Consumption and Production (SCP) (International Task Force on Sustainable Tourism Development – ITF-STD) Worldwide Day for Responsible Tourism / World Tourism Day UNEP’s Green Passport /

6 What « being sustainable » means?
Monitor impacts on the environment: resources use, energy consumption, waste production, wastewater treatment… Monitor impacts on local economy, population development… -> With a double objective: minimizing the negative impacts and maximizing the positive ones Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) ≠ Sustainable Development Being sustainable in a process ≠ in a program -> Different objectives, prerequisites, commitments, targets

7 Why is being sustainable good for business?
Strategy: a proactive corporate leadership Understand potential risk exposure Ensure peace of mind in relation to new environmental legislation Improve business networks and reach Competitivity: optimized processes, competitive edge and market access Reduce operating costs Reduce reputational risk and cost Secure investment plans Social impact: increased credibility and fame Address consumers, shareholders and investors concerns Increase employee involvment and participation Avoid accusations of Greenwash

8 Tourism sustainability performance tools
Codes of conduct / charters WTTC Code for Environmentally Responsible Tourism Businesses Manuals / tools / guidelines The International Ecotourism Society’s guidelines for tourists and operators Award programs and competitions SKÅL International tourism awards, Conservation International World Legacy Awards Certification programs GreenGlobe 21, Certification for Sustainable Tourism (CST), Sustainable Tourism Eco-certification Program (STEP) Indicators and benchmarking WTO indicators of sustainable tourism Lifecycle analyses (LCAs) British Airways Holidays work in St Lucia

9 SKÅL’s commitment towards sustainability
SKÅL as an organization Is perfectly fitted to “think global, act local” Has been a sustainability promoter long before its definition Is already engaged in large-scale actions and projects Can benefit from its international strategic partnerships Highlights 101 tips for sustainable tourism Memorandum of Understanding with UNEP Promotion of UN’s STEP program Since 2002: SKÅL International Ecotourism Awards -> Different ways to raise members’ awareness and involvment towards sustainable tourism

10 What can SKÅL do now? Recall the Comittee’s recommendations to members
Define SKÅL’s sustainable tourism policy and strategy State sectoral and/or geographical objectives, targets, and program Establish procedures and training to implement the plan Monitor performance at all scales (club to international) Periodically review, evaluate, and improve system -> Build up an easy-to-implement program and interact with members to progress

11 What can SKÅL do now? Increase SKÅL’s renown and partnership with
Political and economic stakeholders Environmental and social NGOs Media… Develop educational materials and technical tools Website for members Training programs and information platform for staff Brochures for customers Promote the use of management and assessment tools Charter Guidelines Certification EMAS and/or ISO norms

12 Perspectives 2010: The Tourism Sustainability Council
Formed in september 2009 by the merging of the partnership for Global Sustainable Tourism Criteria (GSTC) and the Sustainable Tourism Stewardship Council (STSC) Brings together all interested parties: governments, UN, tourism private sector, universities and research organisms, NGOs, certification programs… Addresses ambitious and widely adaptable objectives Aims at providing global sustainable tourism guidelines and international accreditation -> An important potential partner for SKÅL International

13 Useful contacts UNWTO: United Nations World Tourism Organization
UNEP: United Nations Environmental Program UNDP: United Nations Development Program UNESCO: United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization GOST: Global Observatory on Sustainable Tourism GDRC: Global Development Research Center’s Sustainable Tourism Gateway TOI: Tour Operators’ Initiative for Sustainable Tourism Development STI: Sustainable Travel International Tourism Sustainability Council ICRT: International Coalition for Responsible Tourism WEF: World Economic Forum WWF: World Wildlife Fund

14 Recommendations for SI to link this pps to the Skal Intl website under Responsible Tourism however we recommend the pps should include a brief introduction and the pps should be shortened. ISC EA May 2010

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