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2 COMPOSITION Composition  The organization, placement or arrangement of objects or elements in a two dimensional space.

3 COMPOSITION techniques
Format Balance Figure and Ground

4 Figure and Ground COMPOSITION - Terminology
figure and ground -- The relationship between what you notice first (the figure) and everything else (the background).  In this photograph of the sculptor Rodin by Alfred Stieglitz, what do notice first? Why? Can the figure and ground be interchangeable?

5 Figure/Ground Reversal
COMPOSITION - Terminology Figure/Ground Reversal

6 COMPOSITION - Terminology
Photographs by Aaron Siskind ( )

7 Format COMPOSITION - Terminology
format– The shape or form which defines the edges or boundaries of a work of art.  In this painting by Mondrian the artist has created a composition within a square that is rotated to create a diamond, or what the artist referred to as a “lozenge”. How does this shape affect the overall composition?

8 Portrait and Landscape
COMPOSITION - Terminology Portrait and Landscape

9 Portrait and Landscape
COMPOSITION - Terminology Portrait and Landscape Why would the artist Caspar David Friedrich choose to use this vertical format?

10 Portrait and Landscape
COMPOSITION - Terminology Portrait and Landscape Why would the artist Caspar David Friedrich choose to use this horizontal format?

11 Pictorial Balance COMPOSITION - Terminology
Pictorial balance -- The creation of equilibrium or stability within a work of art. In this painting by Georgia O’Keefe, what is helping the painting achieve balance?

12 Symmetrical Balance COMPOSITION - Terminology
Symmetrical balance-- Balance that is achieved by arranging elements on either side of the center of a composition in an equally weighted manner.

13 Asymmetrical Balance COMPOSITION - Terminology
Asymmetrical balance-- Balance that is achieved by arranging different elements on either side of the center of a composition in an equally weighted manner.

14 COMPOSITION - Terminology
Asymmetrical Balance

15 COMPOSITION - Terminology
Asymmetrical Balance

16 Emphasis COMPOSITION - Terminology
Emphasis – Directing the viewer’s attention to a specific area in a work of art, often called the focal point. How has the artist Julie Mehretu created a focal point in this drawing?

17 Lack of Emphasis COMPOSITION - Terminology
How does the lack of a focal point affect the way we see this Julie Mehretu drawing?

18 Emphasis COMPOSITION - Terminology
Emphasis can be created in various ways: Contrast of value – Contrasting elements (dark/light) grab our attention. Contrast of color – Areas of color that differ from surrounding colors stand out. Isolation – Elements placed apart from other elements draw the eye. Placement – The center of a composition is a natural focal point.

19 COMPOSITION Drawings by Susan Jane Walp (b. 1948)

20 COMPOSITION Drawings by Lee Bontecou (b. 1931)

21 COMPOSITION Drawings by Andrew Wyeth ( )

22 COMPOSITION techniques
Golden Rectangle Rule of Thirds Positive/Negative shapes

23 COMPOSITION – The Rule of Thirds
The Rule of Thirds is a popular method for composing a picture that uses a vertical and horizontal division of the picture plane into thirds

24 COMPOSITION – The Rule of Thirds

25 COMPOSITION – The Rule of Thirds

26 COMPOSITION – The Rule of Thirds

27 COMPOSITION – The Rule of Thirds

28 The Golden Rectangle The “golden rectangle,” “golden mean,”
COMPOSITION – The Golden Rectangle The Golden Rectangle The “golden rectangle,” “golden mean,” and “golden section” all refer to a rectangle with specific proportions based upon mathematical formulae

29 COMPOSITION – The Golden Rectangle

30 COMPOSITION – The Golden Rectangle

31 COMPOSITION – The Golden Rectangle

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