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Jeopardy Final Jeopardy Sensory Systems Mechano- reception Photo-

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1 Jeopardy Final Jeopardy Sensory Systems Mechano- reception Photo-
The Eye Motor Systems $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 $300 $300 $300 $300 $300 $400 $400 $400 $400 $400 $500 $500 $500 $500 $500 Final Jeopardy

2 Sensory Systems - $100 What are the five general senses animals can detect from the environment? Smell, Sound/hearing, Sight, Pressure, Temperature

3 Sensory Systems - $200 What are the three processes that needs to occur for one to sense a change in the environment? Transduction – external stimulus to an internal one Amplification of the signal Transmission – send signal to CNS

4 Sensory Systems - $300 What two cells can be sensory receptors?
Neuron or Epithelial cell

5 Sensory Systems - $400 What has to happen to first make an action potential? There first has to be a graded potential caused by the stimulus and then when that potential is strong enough, it makes an action potential.

6 Sensory systems - $500 How do you determine the strength of a stimulus? The higher the frequency of the action potential, the louder the sound

7 Mechanoreception - $100 Where are the receptors for hearing located?

8 Mechanoreception - $200 What are the names of the three ear ossicles?
BONUS: Which one hits against the oval window? Malleus, Incus, Stapes Stapes hits against the oval window to cause vibrations to the cochlea.

9 Mechanoreception - $300 What is the difference between the tectorial membrane and the tympanic membrane? Tympanic membrane is your eardrum. Tectorial membrane is where the top of the stereocilia hair touch.

10 Mechanoreception - $400 How many chambers does the cochlea have and which one contains the hair cells? Three chambers. The middle chamber contains the hair cells.

11 Mechanoreception - $500 Explain the entire process of how hair cells in the ear convert physical stimuli into action potentials. First the pressure wave bends the stereocilia. This opens the potassium channels and depolarizes the membrane. This causes calcium to flow in and the synaptic vesicles fuse to release the neurotransmitter.

12 Photoreception - $100 What is the fundamental unit of electromagnetic radiation with properties of both a particle and a wave? A photon. Which is detected by photoreceptors in the eye.

13 Photoreception - $200 When you are looking at something right in front of you, what shape is the lens? Near vision makes the lens more round. Distant vision makes the lens more flat.

14 Photoreception - $300 What are three main differences between Rods and Cones? Rods are sensitive to low intensity light, do not discriminate colors, used mostly at night, and contain rhodopsin. Cones require more light for stimulation, detect color, fewer cones than rods in human retina, and contain photopsins

15 Photoreception - $400 What are the two compounds that bond together in a pigment? Retinal – vitamin A derivative that absorbs light energy Opsin – several types (G-protein coupled receptors, rhodopsin, photopsins)

16 Photoreception - $500 When a photoreceptor cell hyperpolarizes, what molecule is no longer released? Glutamate. Glutamate is only released at night

17 The eye - $100 The anterior and posterior chambers holds different humors, but have similar functions. What do they both do? Maintains eye shape

18 The eye - $200 There is a conformational change in retinal. What changes to what? Cis-retinal changes to trans-retinal in the presence of light.

19 The eye - $300 Retina has 3 layers of cells. What are they?
Rods & cones – deepest against sclera Bipolar cells – make synapses with photoreceptors and ganglion cells Ganglion cells – send axons out of eye into optic nerve

20 The eye - $400 What is the basic structure of a photoreceptor?
Outer segment contains pigments Inner segment contains nucleus and other organelles Synaptic terminal with neurotransmitter filled vesicles

21 The eye - $500 What kind of eye do vertebrates have? Single – lens eye

22 Motor Systems - $100 How are skeletal muscles attached to bones?
Via tendons

23 Motor Systems - $200 Draw me a labeled picture of a relaxed sarcomere
There should be two Z-lines with actin and myosin in between. Actin should be on the outside and Myosin on the inside. There should be little to no overlap between them

24 Motor Systems - $300 Put these in order from biggest to smallest: Muscle, muscle fiber, fascicle, and myofibril Muscle, fascicle, muscle fiber, myofibril

25 Motor Systems - $400 What is the difference between slow fibers, fast fibers, and intermediate fibers within the skeletal muscles? Slow fibers are red, high myoglobin concentration, use mostly aerobic respiration, slow oxidative, many mitochondria, slow twitch, fatigues slowly Fast fibers are white, low myoglobin concentration, use mostly glycolysis, fast glycolytic, few mitochondria, fast twitch, fatigue quickly Intermediate fibers are pink or red, high myoglobin concentration, use both glycolysis and aerobic respiration, many mitochondria, intermediate twitch

26 Motor Systems - $500 What are all three types of muscle tissues?
Smooth muscle which is found in the intestines and arteries to help move food and regulate blood pressure. It has a single nucleus, unstriated, unbranched, no sarcomeres, activity is voluntary Cardiac muscle is found in the heart and pumps blood. It has 1 or 2 nuclei, striated, branched, sarcomeres, activity involuntary Skeletal muscle is attached to the skeleton to move the skeleton, it has multinucleate, striated, unbranched, sarcomeres, activity voluntary

27 Final Jeopardy Describe to me how the change in the gene PPAR changed characteristics of the mice? What happened when the gene was over expressed? Under expressed? The overexpressed mutation oxidized fat easily and fatigued slowly which indicates slow fiber tissues. The under expressed mutation oxidized fat slowly if at all and fatigued quickly which indicates fast fiber tissues.

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