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Granulomatous inflammation

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1 Granulomatous inflammation

2 Granulomatous Inflammation
Granuloma = Nodular collection of epithelioid macrophages surrounded by a rim of lymphocytes Epitheloid macrophage: squamous cell-like appearance

3 Why is it important? Granulomas are encountered in certain specific pathologic diseases ; consequently, recognition of the granulomatous pattern is important because of the limited number of conditions (some life-threatening) that cause it

4 Granulomatous Inflammation Causes
Immune granuloma: Type IV hypersensitvity Non-immune granuloma Bacteria Tuberculosis Leprosy Actinomycosis Cat-scratch disease Parasites Schistosomiasis Leishmaniasis Fungi Histoplasmosis Blastomycosis Metal/Dust Berylliosis Silicosis Foreign body… non-necrotizing granuloma Splinter Suture unknown - Sarcoidosis ……. non-necrotizing granuloma

5 Granulomatous Inflammation pathogenesis
Neutrophils ordinarily remove agents that incite an acute inflammatory response. However, there are circumstances in which reactive neutrophils cannot digest the substances that provoke acute inflammation.

6 Granulomatous Inflammation mechanism
What is the initiating event in granuloma formation? deposition of a indigestible antigenic material IFN-γ released by the CD4+ T cells of the TH1 subset is crucial in activating macrophages. Type IV hypersensitvity

7 Epithelioid cell granulomas
When macrophages have successfully phagocytosed the injurious agent but it survives inside them. When an active T lymphocyte-mediated cellular immune response occurs. Lymphokines produced by activated T lymphocytes inhibit migration of macrophages and cause them to aggregate in the area of injury and form granulomas.

8 Granuloma

9 Leishmaniasis

10 Schistosomiasis

11 A 49-year-old female with shortness of breath is found to have hilar lymphadenopathy on chest x-ray. Biopsy of one of the lymph nodes reveals granulomas. Which of the following histological findings must have been present in the biopsy material to support the diagnosis of granulomatous inflammation? A. Granulocytes B. Caseous necrosis C. Epithelioid histiocytes D. Fibroblast proliferation E. Multinucleated giant cells

12 Tuberculosis

13 Etiology Mycobacterum tuberculosis
Mycobacteria – ‘fungus like.. Acid fast bacilli [AFB] (i.e., they have a high content of complex lipids that readily bind the Ziehl-Neelsen stain and subsequently resist decolorization by acid). Virulence : cord factor Mycobacterium bovis …..intestinal TB , milk injection Other types M. leprae (Hansen bacillus) ………………………..Leprosy M. kansasii, M. avium, M. intracellulare …………..Atypical mycobacterial infections M. ulcerans ………………………………………….Buruli ulcer

14 AFB - Ziehl-Nielson stain

15 TB Pathogenesis

16 Pathogenesis of TB: Infection Immunity


18 If the bacilli enter the body……
(1) They may be killed by the immune system, (2) They may multiply and cause primary TB, (3) They may become dormant and remain asymptomatic, (4) They may proliferate after a latency period (reactivation disease). Reactivation TB may occur following either (2) or (3) above. (5 ) if immunosuppressed ---- Primary Progressive TB or Miliary TB

19 TB Primary tuberculosis [initial infection]
secondary tuberculosis [ re-activation or re-infetion ]

20 Primary tuberculosis Ghon’s focus and Complex
initial infection non immunized individual 5-6 days …granuloma 2 to 8 weeks – healing subpleural zone…. Ghon focus + lymph node  Ghon complex Develop immunity – tuberculin positive [ PPD ]

21 Secondary Tuberculosis:
Reactivation or Reinfection Lung apex or upper part of lower lobes – O2 Caseous necrosis…….cavity Pulmonary or extra-pulmonary ( any organ ) Local or systemic spread / Miliary Vein – ……..left ventricle………….whole body Artery –…… miliary spread within the lung

22 Miliary TB Millet like – grain. Low immunity blood or bronchial spread
Pulmonary or Systemic types.

23 Adrenal TB - Addison Disease

24 Testes TB Orchitis.

25 TB Peritonitis + liver Miliary TB

26 TB Brain – Caudate n.


28 TB Intestine any part can be affected ileum

29 Prostate TB

30 Spinal TB - Potts Disease

31 Diagnosis of TB Clinical features Depend on organ involved.
Pulmonary tuberculosis (TB): productive cough, fever, and weight loss, night sweats.

32 Investigations Patients suspected of having tuberculosis (TB)
Tuberculin skin testing (Mantoux test, PPD) Intradermal injection of purified protein derivative ( PPD). The response is measured as the amount of induration at hours. The size of induration, rather than erythema, is diagnostic. Type IV hypersensitivty BCG gives + result Sputum, bronchial wash or biopsy Acid fast smear ( ZN stain ) …….false negative cultures require weeks for growth and identification Newer technologies, ….DNA polymerase chain reaction, allow identification within 24 hours. Chest radiographs patchy or nodular infiltrate. may be found in any part of the lung, but upper-lobe involvement is most common

33 PPD result after – 72 hours


35 AFB - Ziehl-Nielson stain

36 Granuloma

37 What is your action after diagnosis ?
Patients with TB should remain in isolation until sputum becomes smear-negative;

38 Match A and B A B The most important cell in granulomatous inflammation A cytokines that is important in activating macrophages and transforming them into epithelioid cells Multinucleated cell in TB Antigen presenting cells pathogenesis of immune type granulomatous inflammation Tuberculin test Microscopic finding of TB Virulence of mycobacterium TB IFN-γ Langhans cells Epitheliod histiocyes Cord factor Langerhan’s cells Type IV hypersensitivity reaction Caseating granuloma

39 TB investigation PPD Sputum Tissue Biopsy Culture
BCG may give false positive result Require weeks to be positive Type IV hypersensitivty Acid fast smear ( ZN stain ) Patchy or nodular infiltrate of the lung Intradermal injection of purified protein derivative HIV may give false negative result Allow identification within 24 hours. PPD Sputum Tissue Biopsy Culture DNA polymerase chain reaction X-ray

Reactivation or re-infection of TB TB in bone Low immunity Subpleural zone of lung Lung apex Cavity formation PRIMARY TB SECONDARY TB MILIARY TB POTTS DISEASE


42 50 yo M presents with cough productive of bloody sputum accompanied by night sweats, weight loss, and fatigue of three months’ duration. On examination : Lungs: ↓ breath sounds in upper lobe of Rt lungs


44 After 2 days

45 sputum

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