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Barnabas – Encourage Others

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1 Barnabas – Encourage Others
Barnabas – Encourage Others! - the most overlooked, underappreciated apostle! Chris Gnanakan, D.Min, Ph.D, D.D Executive Director – Outreach To Asia Nationals (OTAN) Professor of Global theology, Liberty University, USA

2 “Encourage” – to strengthen, lift and build up
“Encourage” – to strengthen, lift and build up! God’s work, done God’s way, in God’s time, will not lack God’s provision! Moses – Encourage Me: the man who spoke to God face2face David – Encourage Yourself: a man after God’s own heart Mary – Be Encouraged: the most misunderstood mother Barnabas – Encourage Others: the most overlooked apostle

3 Barnabas – a man who was all about others!
A Generous man with “the Apostles” A Gospel-driven man with Saul > Paul A Gracious with the Gentiles converts A Gentleman with J. Mark & Galatians

4 1. A Generous man among the Apostles leading by example (Acts 4)
Born for crises: devoted hearts meet the church’s needs Joseph, Levite relocates; God’s call, BAM among Gentiles The gift of helps, “You son of..?” a nick-name that stuck! I’m never more like God than when I’m giving: self, service

5 2. A Gospel-driven man with Saul > Paul No encourager, No murderer > missionary! (Acts 9)
Good: full of the Word, Spirit & Faith to trust in... people! Taking risks, discerning grace, investing to get Gospel out The making of Paul; Barny’s 3D ministry: find, fetch…flock Paulus, Elymas...Ok, take the baton, go do bigger & better

6 3. A Gracious man with the Gentiles No prejudice; sees evidence, so exhorts (Acts 11:36)
1st Intl church’s Grace-detector: Gospel goes global & viral Guts4obscurity: others get credit as long as God gets glory Bridge/Barnabas ministries: strong, link ends, stepped on! Ministry to mission to movement> that changes the world

7 4. A Gentleman with John Mark & in Galatia Failure need never be final (2Tim. 4:11)
Paul’s let-down, Mary’s boy, Barny’s cousin, Jesus’ disciple Paphos, not well; Perga, home2mom, No second chance?! Picks up M-Cypress, Paul finds useful, writes Pete’s Gospel Passes on: admits mistake to advance Gospel… (Gal. 2:13)

8 becoming Ms. Barnabas: Select hurting Saul, demoralized Mark & assure of support Strengthen the weak and weary with grace & godly wisdom Sustain w/ Word-Spirit, faith, prayers, comforting presence Stimulate w/ unconditional care; challenge into movement Barnabas’ 3-M Method: Motivate others to be God’s best and journey with them… Mobilize them to effectively fulfil Jesus’ Great Commission Mitigate strong personality issues; train to resolve conflicts

9 Discussion Questions:
What kind of character will it take to be a Barnabas in today’s consumeristic society? Why is it that most church leaders prefer to be Peter or a Paul rather than Barnabas? What motivated Barnabas to put “others” first, even be willing to be put down by those he once helped? Has this happened to you? How did you respond? What are practical steps to start with to become a Barnabas to someone and what specific ministry goals will you have to set to prepare you to be one? How can your local church go from maintenance to intentional missions then create a global, viral church planting movement?

10 Discussion Questions:
What are practical steps to start with to become a Barnabas to someone and what specific ministry goals will you have to set to prepare you to be one? How can your local church go from maintenance to intentional missions and then create a church planting movement that goes global and viral?!

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