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Governing Body 1st November 2016

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1 Governing Body 1st November 2016
Planning Update Governing Body 1st November 2016

2 Purpose Update on planning changes since last Governing Body including: Sustainability and Transformation Plan Operational Planning assurance themes & challenges Committees in Common updates: Stroke and Children’s Community Services Collaborative Arrangements: Mental Health Presented to NOTE no decisions are required from Governing Body

3 Frimley Health and Care STP
Final draft submission was sent to NHSE on 21st October as required No changes in priorities since September GB update but more detail provided on key initiatives Additional information added on: Transformational enablers ( Whole population focus, developing communities, workforce, technology and developing our estate) Mental health and learning disabilities Communication and engagement Aiming for early public launch events following NHSE approval

4 Operational Plans NHSE assurance areas/themes becoming clearer (slides 3-7) Operational challenges for Affordable activity plans within contracts that will deliver across all Constitutional Standards owned by both commissioner and providers Risk areas: RTT, A&E and ambulance services CCG Integrated Assessment Framework 6 areas “Needs Improvement” assessment rating for cancer & diabetes. Will need clear improvement plans. Clearly articulate our urgent care model ( NHS 111, GP urgent care in & OOH, clinical hubs) Clear narrative on how health & social care integration, Accountable Care Systems & STP wide projects will improve outcomes & sustainability

5 Assurance Themes Plans
Operational plans that deliver STP objectives in year 1 and 2 Achieving the best possible performance within financial limits Commissioning enough activity to meet demand, that can be paid for and there is capacity to deliver Delivering constitutional standards Meeting business rules Process Plan submissions according to national deadline Contracts agreed by national deadline Plans that can be used to monitor delivery Clear outputs for moderation of plans and in year monitoring Assurance Action plan where the plan objectives can’t be met Evidence that plans are credible and deliverable Evidence of robust planning assumptions Plans agreed across the system and actions that will enable delivery of the plan Strategic and quantitative alignment with STP Adding value to CCGs where possible

6 Key assurance questions
Activity Is there enough activity to meet demand? Can planned performance be delivered? Is there capacity to deliver planned activity? Is the planned activity affordable? Is the planned activity represented in contracts? Will the plans deliver the STP? Constitutional standards System Affordability Contracts STP alignment

7 Indicative KLOEs Activity – Does it align with STP IHAMs growth
Evidence to support move from do nothing to expected Mapped to capacity Jointly managed risk Constitutional Standards Trajectories meet standards in 17/18 Realistic reflecting history Risks and mitigations Steps to deliver in failing systems Quality and Safety Workforce planning Safeguarding SI learning Impact assessments in place for pathway changes

8 Indicative KLOEs STP Evidence of open STP process
Is it year 2 and 3 of STP Milestones Evidence of joint working and contribution to STP Reducing unwarranted variation Cancer/Mental Health Delivery of revised stretch targets and annex requirements Maternity Better Births implementation plan Diabetes Plans to tackle obesity and diabetes Urgent Care Planned reduction in attendance/conveyance evidenced 7 day services Implementations of Urgent and Emergency Care review

9 Indicative KLOEs Elective Care Logic from referral through PODs
Required demand commissioned (IHAMS) Secured capacity with NHS and IS providers It is a CCG responsibility to commission capacity to meet constitutional targets Logical flow through to trajectories Primary Care How is CCG using £3 a head to transform primary care Progress to 7 day working Workforce strategy to enable sustainability in primary care Technology, Research, Innovation & Growth Link to LDR Benefit realisation from Digital programs and enablers Screening & Immunisation Does plan show working with NHSE Public health to increase uptake of screening and immunisation Transforming Care How are the needs of people with LD/autism included

10 NHSE Formal Review Assurance Multi Disciplinary Team (MDT) Review
Assurance MDT review of narrative and KLOE and finance and activity feedback Finalise the risk rating feeding back findings and recommendations to CCGs MDT will consist of Relationship Managers, Finance, Director of Assurance Delivery and Head of Assurance Delivery.

11 Risk Ratings Operational plans will be rated as:
Low risk plans that are achievable with finance and activity reconciling and require no further explanation Medium risk those that require further clarification and adjustments to their finance and activity trajectories High risk significant issues raised and finance and activity trajectories requiring full revision.

12 Feedback Timetable Actions Deadline CCGs submit draft Op Plan and KLOE
24-Nov-16 Share draft submissions with expert review team 25-Nov-16 Commence expert assessment 25/11/2016 to 01/12/2016 Operations and delivery MDT review 02/12/ /12/2016 Summary of key planning risks and issues 06-Dec-16 CCG feedback and discussions of identified gaps and risks 07-Dec-16 CCGs submit final Op Plan 23-Dec-16 28-Dec-16 28/12/2016 to 06/01/2017 09/01/ /01/2017 10-Jan-17 11-Jan-17

13 Committee In Common Update
Stroke Work continues to progress with an update and next steps to be discussed at the next meeting in early November Community Services for Children Commissioners have identified a preferred bidder and are awaiting confirmation of when the procurement standstill ends and the preferred bidder can be announced publically.

14 Mental Health Collaborative Arrangements
Surrey CCGs moving from 1 to 2 collaborative commissioning groups to enable greater local focus whilst simultaneously strengthening health and social care collaboration NEHF CCG and SHCCG form one collaboration with NEHF as lead commissioner Oversight of changes through Mental Health Collaborative transition Board. NEHF & SHCCG share an interim Programme Director.

15 Assurance for GB SH/NEHF will still benefit from economies of scale by: Accessing specific expertise from Heartlands & East Surrey Collaborative via formal agreement Intention to negotiate some single contract structures (if not all) eg single CQRM, serious incident panel etc Aim to retain staff expertise within Surrey system. Consultation in progress Process is in place to ensure contract negotiations happen within planning timescales

16 Local benefits Strong alignment between NEHF and SHCCG on values and partnership approach to working with providers Fewer commissioners could support more rapid decision making & strong joint working across 2 CCGs Opportunity to share managerial and clinical leadership for specific areas of work

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