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Read to Learn Describe some ways that people use computers. Identify the parts of a computer system.

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2 Read to Learn Describe some ways that people use computers. Identify the parts of a computer system.

3 The Main Idea Each day, businesses and individuals use computers to perform different tasks. Desktop computers, laptops, tablet PCs, and handheld devices allow many tasks to be done easily and quickly. Hardware enables a computer system to function properly.

4 Key Concepts The Importance of Computers Parts of a Computer System

5 Key Terms an electronic device that accepts, processes, stores, and outputs data at high speeds, based on programming instructions computer

6 Key Terms design factors for the workplace that are intended to maximize productivity by minimizing a worker’s discomfort ergonomics e-learning the process of learning online

7 Key Terms the physical components of a computer system hardware computer memory that holds all the data and instructions required during operations random access memory (RAM)

8 The Importance of Computers
People depend on computers to handle all kinds of tasks. Most businesses consider computers to be essential.

9 Some Tasks That Are Handled by Computers
Graphic Organizer Some Tasks That Are Handled by Computers Paying bills online Buying gasoline Withdrawing money from a bank Data collection Telecommuting Tracking appointments and keeping telephone numbers

10 Computers for Business
A personal computer, or PC, is a small computer that is intended to be used by one person. computer an electronic device that accepts, processes, stores, and outputs data at high speeds, based on programmed instructions

11 Computers for Business
A desktop computer is a personal computer that is small enough to fit in an individual workspace. Dell®, Hewlett-Packard®, and Apple® are leading computer makers.

12 Computers for Business
A mainframe is a fast, powerful computer with a large storage capacity that can accommodate several users at the same time.

13 Computers for Business
Ergonomics should be a consideration when setting up a workstation at home or at a business. ergonomics design factors for the workplace that are intended to maximize productivity by minimizing a worker’s discomfort

14 Computers for Business
Well-designed workstations have the following benefits: Reduced stress Reduced strain on eyes, neck, shoulders, and wrists Increased efficiency

15 How to Create a Safe and Comfortable Computer Workstation
Graphic Organizer How to Create a Safe and Comfortable Computer Workstation Place the tools you need most close to you. Place your monitor at or just below eye level and at arm’s length. Keep your wrists straight when you type. Use a chair that is adjustable, and keep it at a height that suits you. Position your chair so that it supports your lower back. Keep your feet flat on the floor or on a footrest.

16 Computers for Business
With e-learning, workers can be trained in an efficient and cost-effective way. e-learning the process of learning online

17 Computers for Business
Some training companies specialize in online education and tutorials for workers. Training with simulation software lets employees practice new tasks at their own pace.

18 Computers in Marketing
Nielsen Media Research® is the top media researcher in the United States. It is best known for its TV ratings. Nielsen uses small computers to gather data from 10,000 TV meters placed in U.S. homes. They record activities of participants and transmit these records nightly to Nielsen.

19 Your company is developing a new software platform, but the developers are having difficulty. Your manager asks you to contact a friend who can help, but who also works at a competing company that is working on a similar secret project. Decision Making Is it appropriate to hire a competitor’s employee who can help you solve a problem even if it means she will use your competitor’s company secrets to do it?

20 Answer Answers should focus on the definition of intellectual property and the ethical issues involved. Have students think about what can be done to ensure intellectual property is secure.

21 Parts of a Computer System
A computer system includes three main parts: hardware, software, and data. hardware the physical components of a computer system

22 Hardware Elements of Computer Systems
Graphic Organizer Microprocessors Memory Hardware Elements of Computer Systems Input Devices Output Devices

23 Microprocessors A microprocessor is also called the central processing unit (CPU). A microprocessor receives instructions and carries them out at extremely high speeds.

24 Microprocessors A circuit is an electrical device that provides a path for the flow of electricity. A microprocessor contains millions of circuits for data storage.

25 Fast Times Intel® Corp. is the world’s leading developer of microprocessors. It makes chips that can handle billions of instructions per second. Still, the company strives to make its chips even faster and more powerful to meet market demands.

26 Memory Memory is hardware that stores information for instant retrieval and processing.

27 Memory When a computer is using memory, it stores it in random access memory (RAM). random access memory (RAM) computer memory that holds all the data and instruction required during operations

28 Memory RAM is temporary. As soon as you turn off a computer, RAM loses information.

29 Input and Output Devices
An input device is hardware that is used for entering data into a machine. An output device is hardware that is used for producing results from a machine.

30 Graphic Organizer Input Devices Output Devices Keyboard Mouse Touchpad
Joystick Scanner Monitor Printer Fax Machine Speakers

31 Data Storage Devices Data storage devices save information for later use. Examples include hard drives, CD-ROM drives, and DVD drives.

32 Data Storage Devices Portable storage devices are popular because they can be easily moved from one machine to another. Examples include disks, flash drives, and DVDs.

33 How Data Storage Is Measured
Graphic Organizer How Data Storage Is Measured Kilobytes or 1,024 Bytes Megabytes or 1,024 Kilobytes Gigabytes or 1,024 Megabytes Terabytes or 1,024 Gigabytes

34 What are some ways that people use computers at work?
Businesses of all sizes use computers to record data and keep track of records.

35 What are the parts of a computer system?
hardware, software, and data

36 Name five data storage devices.
hard drives, CD-ROM drives, DVD drives, disks, flash or thumb drives, and DVDs

37 End of

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