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DanubeHack 2.0, Bratislava, SK. 2016

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Presentation on theme: "DanubeHack 2.0, Bratislava, SK. 2016"— Presentation transcript:

1 DanubeHack 2.0, Bratislava, SK. 2016
  Potential of UAVs Drones as a data source DanubeHack 2.0, Bratislava, SK. 2016

2 UAV’s can be scary…but they don’t have to be.
Excellent source of rapid, quality and high res information Base for creating further data and information Environmental, emergency, town planning, financial, survey or racing applications

3 Rapid data Most drones can collect from 1m2 to 100s ha of information at a time. 50cm – 5m resolution or a HD video. Image can be overlaid with vector or rastor data. Analysis can be done in the field. Outputs are real, up-to-date for detail or informed decisions.

4 Drone Racing: example Requirements:
Space! Indoor or outdoor space (open or sports fields, warehouses, abandoned lots etc) Accessibility (how far from city or transport) Permission to fly a drone. (not close to airports or aerodromes etc) Maybe a good bar for a beer afterwards…

5 Drone Racing: example Data:
Drone imagery of locations with other aerial images (satellite) Cadastre data, landuse data or town planning maps Locations of all airports and airfields. Access app or info on best bars in a city.

6 Drone Racing: example Output:
landuse map highlighting all suitable areas for drone racing. Interactive app – area/city/country scale Huge, thirsty audience and demand in drone industry.

7 Thank you for your attention

8 @AirPortUAV

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