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RMS & OMS Update to SPOR change liaisons

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1 RMS & OMS Update to SPOR change liaisons

2 RMS and OMS go-live Technical delivery: Business delivery:
RMS/OMS planned go-live 19 June 2017 – subject to confirmation RMS RMS lists available for search and export RMS change request and other functionality ready to be used to support the mapping activity started in 2016 by NCAs OMS OMS functionality available but subject to the planned improvements over summer releases OMS dictionary content being reviewed to address feedback received during UAT and planned to be released with the summer releases OMS dictionary content is limited to NCA organisations at the go-live, (MAHs, MAAs, MRL data available in Q3 (see slide 10) Business delivery: EMA Data Stewards team ready to support data management and business queries – meet the team (slide 12) Process and SLAs in place

3 SPOR on-boarding plan RMS and OMS user on-boarding
NCAs on-boarding starts in June Industry on-boarding starts in October RMS and OMS functionality roll-out NCAs use of RMS (mostly for Change Requests (CRs)) as of June Industry use of RMS as of October NCAs & Industry use of OMS as of October OMS content roll-out Q3, Q4 2017 Q1, Q3 2018

4 Access to SPOR Stakeholders access IdentityIQ (IIQ) SPOR services
Stakeholders can use SPOR services depending of their user role (Guest user, Unaffiliated user, NCA user, NCA translator, NCA Super User, Industry user, Industry Super User) Guest Users can browse public information in SPOR (login is not required) To use SPOR services stakeholders need to log in the SPOR portal using a username and a password which is obtained through IIQ IIQ - central point for managing the user access to EMA’s systems (inc. SPOR) New users will need go to IIQ to self-register Once the account is activated they can request the relevant SPOR role IIQ is also used to request SPOR user role Super Users (SU) can approve other Users roles for their organisation via IIQ Jira service desk needs to be used for submitting docs for the 1st Super User (SU) of the Organisation EMA Service Desk IIQ SPOR user role confirming Account Activation Document submission for 1st SU via EMA ServiceDesk Login to SPOR portal to use SPOR services

5 SPOR user roles vs. functionality
Guest user Unaffiliated user Industry user NCA NCA Translator Industry Super user Super user Login Not required required Login required View Public data Yes View Restricted data No Search data Download data Submit Change Request (CRs) Can submit CRs in OMS for a new org. (1 pending request at a time) Translations Permission to authorise users Can authorise Industry users Can authorise NCA users

6 RMS and OMS user on-boarding
2017 2018 User Roles Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Guest User Unaffiliated User NCAs NCA Super User NCA User & NCA Translator Industry Industry Super User Industry Users Non-Registered users have Guest User access only Registered users will be given Unaffiliated User role by default NCA Super User registration and authorisation NCA User & NCA Translator registration and authorisation Industry Super User registration and authorisation Industry Users registration and authorisation

7 RMS core functionality & services
Data Lists from EUTCT New lists for OMS & PMS EDQM Lists & U&M Lists (ISO standard lists) EV lists (New) EV Terms (New) API New API (Application Programming Interface) for NCAs and Industry to receive data from RMS and submit data to RMS Backward compatible API for NCAs Change Requests Submitting requests for New /Updated lists and terms via RMS web interface Translations Translations done directly via RMS (one by one) or via a bulk upload NCAs only functionality Preferences New capabilities to subscribe and receive notifications of changes, to tag terms and save searches View, export, search Functionality to view RMS Lists and Terms Simple and advanced search Help and Support New self-registration process to obtain access to SPOR, Customer support, RMS user guide Upload translations Subscription notifications New or improved functionality, content comparing to EUTCT Area where functionality is not be fully working but this not prevents the business process to be executed

8 RMS content RMS go-live Q2 2017 October Date tbc CRs - NCAs only
Key Points at which new Referentials data is added RMS go-live Q2 2017 Start submitting Change Requests (CRs) for Referentials Note: EUTCT will continue for Substance lists, until SMS is delivered. At RMS go-live NCAs can use backward compatible EUTCT APIs. October CRs - NCAs only CRs - Industry Date tbc Referentials data will be expanded over time with Lists to support ISO standards for products and substances: ISO – Referential data to support substance registration and ISO – Referential data to support products Further Lists can also be added upon request, usually as a result of the introduction of new Telematics systems Lists migrated from the EUTCT (e.g. Shelf life type, Target species) New Lists to support OMS (e.g. party classification) Updated Lists (partially at go-live) for ISO (pharmaceutical dose form, routes of administration and packaging) ISO (units of measurement) (these are flat Lists from EUTCT which have been structured with full ISO data elements)

9 OMS core functionality & services
Data NCA organisations at go live MAHs (NAP-H/CAP-H&V); MAAs (CAP-H&V); MRL Applicants in Q3-17 Sponsors (NAP/CAP-H) in Q4-17 Manuf. (CAP-H&V) in Q1-18 Manuf. (NAP-H&V) in Q3-18 API New API (Application Programming Interface) for NCAs and Industry to receive data from OMS Submission of data via CRs fully functional on the next release Change Requests Submitting requests for New /Updated organisations via OMS web interface (fully functional on the next release) Documents Open, download documents Search & View Search Organisation and Locations published View details of Organisations and Locations Export Fully functional on one of the next releases Help and Support New self-registration process to obtain access to SPOR, Customer support, OMS user guide Upload translations Subscription notifications Area where functionality will be fully functional on the next release

10 OMS content OMS go-live Q2 2017 13 April 2018 OMS–eAF Integration (*)
Key Points at which new organisation data is published in OMS Mapping of Organisations data against OMS and submission of Change Requests (CRs) for Organisations (*) subject to planning OMS go-live Q2 2017 OMS–eAF Integration (*) OMS Integration with XEVMPD (*) RMS & OMS–CESSP MAA integration (*) CESSP MAA Enforcement Q3 2017 Q4 2017 Q1 2018 Q3 2018 Product data comparison exercise Date tbc NCAs/Regulatory Authorities Sponsors: (H) CAPs & NAPs Manufacturers: (H+V) NAPs Manufacturers: (H+V) CAPs - MAHs: (H+V) CAPs & (H) NAPs - MAAs: (H+V) CAPs - MRL applicants (Vet) Additional Organisation data will be added in future, its prioritisation will be defined at a later stage

11 RMS and OMS functionality roll-out
2017 2018 Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec NCAs Industry Start using RMS: e.g. Search; Export, Submit Change Requests (CRs), Translations, Preferences, Documents, New API, Backward Compatible API Start using OMS: e.g. Search; Export; Submit CRs, Documents, API Start using RMS: e.g. Search; Export, Submit CRs, Preferences, Documents, API Start using OMS: e.g. Search; Export; Submit CRs, Documents, API Industry NCAs SPOR functionality

12 EMA data stewards – meet the team
1st line support Joanna Borkowicz Pedro Batista 2nd line support Kepa Amutxastegi Katerina Bursikova Nuno Lopes Jaume Gonzalez Isabel Chicharo Elena Nastac Cristina Rusu Dimitrios Daravigkas Debora Martins EMA data stewards - specialised EMA team that will manage SPOR data and provide support to stakeholders

13 SPOR SLAs Indicative RMS and OMS SLAs, based on experience
RMS requests aimed to be validated within 2-5 working days and approved within 1-2 months OMS standard requests aimed to be approved within 5 working days In future the SLAs will be reviewed as these are new services where the workload still need to be verified SLAs will be discussed with stakeholders as SPOR data will be consumed by other systems Some additional information of the RMS and OMS SLAs (draft) are listed in the annex

14 Impacts at go-live At RMS (Referential Management System) and OMS (Organisation Management System) go-live, submission processes will continue as before and there will be no immediate process changes for stakeholders Some changes in the current submission processes are being explored and consultation is taking place with stakeholders on these e.g. changes in Art 57 submission process are being discussed with Art.57 IWG. Consultation is also taking place with eAF group to prioritise and plan for eAF integration with OMS (it is already integrated with EUTCT/RMS) From SPOR go-live to SPOR becoming mandatory in a given regulatory process there is normally a period which is not less than 6 months. Stakeholders (NCAs and Industry) are requested to carry on with agreed activities such as mappings and submitting change requests

15 R & O Network Activities Industry Super User (SU) registration
13 April 2018 SPOR on-boarding vs stakeholder activities 2017 2018 2019 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 RMS & OMS R & O Network Activities RMS Go-live OMS Go-live NCA data MAH data Sponsor data CAP Manufacturers NAP Manufacturers RMS & OMS –xEVMPD Integration RMS & OMS–CESSP (MAA) Integration RMS & OMS–CT Portal Integration RMS & OMS –eAF Integration NCA mapping of Referentials NCA user registration NCA submit RMS CRs NCA mapping of Organisations Ind. SU Industry Super User (SU) registration Industry User registration Industry mapping of Referentials & submit RMS CRs Industry mapping of Organisations NCA and Industry submit OMS Change Requests-MAH NCA/Industry submit OMS CRs - CAP Manufacturers NCA/Industry submit OMS CRs –NAP Manufacturers

16 Thank you

17 Annex

18 RMS SLAs in detail - DRAFT
Add Term Update Term Delete term Add list Update list Return Request Validation Within 2-5 working days (w/d) Within 3 w/d Within 5 w/d Within 15 w/d N/A Approval Within 1 month when owned by RMS No approval SLA when owned by external providers Within 2 month when owned by RMS Within 2 month Outcome - A provisional Term is available for use if the request if validated - The Term becomes current (final) if the request is approved - The Term is only updated if the request is approved - The Term is not physically deleted rather its status is updated to “Non-current” if the request is approved - The List is available for use if the request is approved - The List is updated if the request is approved - The requestor has 2 weeks to reply back with additional information required, after which point the request is rejected

19 OMS SLAs in detail - DRAFT
Add Org./Loc. Loc(s) Update Org. Loc. Delete Org./Loc Add Org./Loc. due to a split Returned on hold Approval Within 5 working days (w/d) Within 5 w/d Within 10 w/d Within 5 w/d after reply from the requestor Outcome The Org./ Loc. is available for use if the request is approved The Loc. is available for use if the request is approved The Org. is updated if the request is approved The Org. is not physically deleted rather its status is updated to “Inactive” if the request is approved The Org./Loc. is available for use if the request is approved The requestor has 2 weeks to reply back with additional information required, after which point the request is rejected

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