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Use More Soap Building Supply Chain Models Fixed Costs Aggregation

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Presentation on theme: "Use More Soap Building Supply Chain Models Fixed Costs Aggregation"— Presentation transcript:

1 Use More Soap Building Supply Chain Models Fixed Costs Aggregation
Transportation Costs Inventory Costs Basic Model Building

2 Fixed Costs Capital costs Operating costs
Investments in depreciable assets buildings equipment patents Operating costs Recurring expenses labor rent fuel

3 Different Animals $4,000,000 to expand a plant
Annual operating expenses Handling costs Transportation costs Ordering costs Do not mix

4 Cost of Capital Use Cost of Capital Careful about “fixed” costs
Opportunity Cost Financing Cost, etc. Careful about “fixed” costs

5 Aggregation Aggregating Products Families or baskets
Products with similar characteristics

6 Aggregating Customers
By segment Commercial Consumer etc. Geographically Census Tract ZIP Code 3-digit ZIP State Territory

7 Calculating Transport Costs
Regression against past costs Depend on Distance Location Order size!

8 Calculating Transport Costs
Regression against past costs Depend on Distance Location Order size!

9 A Classic Trap Aggregating Large and Small Customers Total Cost
Average Shipment Large Shipment Small Shipment Shipment Size

10 A Classic Trap Aggregating Large and Small Customers
Cost of Average Shipment Total Cost Average Cost of Shipment Average Shipment Large Shipment Small Shipment Shipment Size

11 Aggregate Transport Costs
Average of shipment costs Not cost of average shipment

12 What Problems? Changing Channels
Must re-cost many shipments and average Easier to Cost a single average shipment

13 Inventory Typical Model Pull Model
Inventory grows as sqrt of Throughput Pull Model Inventory depends on Shipment sizes Number of channels

14 Modeling Traditional Inventory

15 Approximating the curve
Requires integer variables to force solver to take all the expensive Rapid Increase before any of the inexpensive Slow Increase Inventory Rapid Increase Slow Increase Break Throughput Max

16 How that works Throughput = CWT of throughput
Rapid = CWT of throughput incurring high inventory cost (up to Break) Slow = CWT of throughput beyond Break incurring low inventory cost IsRapidFull = Binary variable indicating which region we are in IsRapidFull = 0 means Throughput is less than Break IsRapidFull = 1 means Throughput is more

17 Constraints Throughput = Slow + Rapid Rapid <= Break
Rapid >= Break*IsRapidFull Slow <= (Max-Break)*IsRapidFull Cost = High Cost * Rapid + Low Cost * Slow

18 Modeling Pull Inventory
Count the number of Channels Need Integer Variable for each channel IsChannelUsed = 1 if used, 0 otherwise Volume on Channel <= IsChannelUsed*Bound The smaller the bound, the better this works (typically).

19 Reality Probably some combination
“Safety Stock” increases with additional distribution centers More smaller centers = more safety stock Quadratic relationship Pull inventory depends on channels and modes

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