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UNIT 4 – Relationships & Human Reproductive System

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1 UNIT 4 – Relationships & Human Reproductive System
7.2 Pregnancy-Female Reproduction Chapters

2 *Study for 5 minutes then turn in blue notes
Make sure your name is on both blue sheets Turn in pregnancy interview

3 Quiz

4 Objectives USOE 61a. Review the anatomy and physiology of the female reproductive system

5 Review of the Rules Advocating sexual relationships outside of marriage Advocating homosexuality Advocating the use of birth control Discussing the intricacies of sex *If I say that I cannot answer a question it is because it falls under one or more of the above categories. *I cannot teach this is in class & you cannot talk about these things in class!

6 Anonymous Questions

7 Female Reproductive System

8 The functions of the female reproductive system
-Produce sex hormones -Produce eggs -Provide a nourishing environment in which a fertilized egg can develop into a baby

9 A. 2. 1. 3. 9. 3a. 12. 4. 10. 7. 11. 6.

10 2. B. Internal 1. 3. 3a. 4.

11 Vulva – Two outer folds of tissue that provide protection for the other organs and the opening to the urethra. Includes: Mons veneris, labia majora, labia minora, clitoris, and urinary and vaginal openings. 5. Clitoris: a structure located just beneath the labia minora that is very sensitive and is analogous to the glans of the male system.

12 6. Labia majora – the outer folds of tissue covering the vaginal opening.
2. 1. 3. 9. 3a. 12. 4. 10. 7. 11. 6. Labia majora

13 7. Labia minora – two thinner folds of tissue under the labia majora.
2. 1. 3. 9. 3a. 12. 4. 10. 7. Labia minora 11. 6. Labia majora

14 12. Urethra – tube through which urine passes from the bladder to outside the body.
1. 3. 9. 3a. 12. Urethra 4. 10. 7. Labia minora 11. 6. Labia majora

15 4. Vagina– hollow, muscular passage leading from the uterus to the outside of the body (birth canal). 2. 1. 3. 9. 3a. 12. Urethra 4. Vagina 10. 7. Labia minora 11. 6. Labia majora

16 2. B. Internal 1. 3. 3a. 4. Vagina

17 3. Uterus– muscular organ where a fertilized ovum develops.
2. 1. 3. Uterus 9. 3a. 12. Urethra 4. Vagina 10. 7. Labia minora 11. 6. Labia majora

18 2. B. Internal 1. 3. Uterus 3a. 4. Vagina

19 3a. Cervix– small end of the uterus which is located at the back of the vagina.
2. 1. 3. Uterus 9. 3a. Cervix Cervix=means neck 12. Urethra 4. Vagina 10. 7. Labia minora 11. 6. Labia majora

20 2. B. Internal 1. 3. Uterus 3a. Cervix 4. Vagina

21 1. Ovary– female sex gland that produce ova (eggs) and sex hormones (estrogen & progesterone).
2. 1. Ovary 3. Uterus 9. 3a. Cervix Cervix=means neck 12. Urethra 4. Vagina 10. 7. Labia minora 11. 6. Labia majora

22 2. B. Internal 1. Ovary 3. Uterus 3a. Cervix 4. Vagina

23 Clarification Progesterone: The hormone produced by the corpus luteum of the ovary that causes the uterine lining to thicken. Estrogen: A class of hormones that produces female secondary sex characteristics and affects the menstrual cycle. Also found in lesser amounts in males.

24 2. Fallopian tube– tube that extend from near each ovary and connect to the uterus. The eggs travel through these tubes and fertilization usually takes place here. 2. Fallopian tube 1. Ovary 3. Uterus 9. 3a. Cervix Cervix=means neck 12. Urethra 4. Vagina 10. 7. Labia minora 11. 6. Labia majora

25 2. Fallopian tube B. Internal 1. Ovary 3. Uterus 3a. Cervix 4. Vagina

26 Fallopian tubes The end of each fallopian tube is made up of fingerlike projections that partly surround the ovaries. These extensions are called fimbriae.

27 9. Bladder- collects urine
2. Fallopian tube 1. Ovary 3. Uterus 9. bladder 3a. Cervix Cervix=means neck 12. Urethra 4. Vagina 10. 7. Labia minora 11. 6. Labia majora

28 10. Anus- opening through which solid waste passes from the body.
2. Fallopian tube 1. Ovary 3. Uterus 9. bladder 3a. Cervix Cervix=means neck 12. Urethra 4. Vagina 10. Anus 7. Labia minora 11. 6. Labia majora

29 11. Perineum-The area between the vagina and anus
2. Fallopian tube 1. Ovary 3. Uterus 9. bladder 3a. Cervix Cervix=means neck 12. Urethra 4. Vagina 10. Anus 7. Labia minora 11. Perineum 6. Labia majora

30 Labeling Check

31 A. 1. Ovary 3. Uterus 9. Bladder 3a. Cervix 12. Urethra 4. Vagina
2. Fallopian Tube 1. Ovary 3. Uterus 9. Bladder 3a. Cervix 12. Urethra 4. Vagina 10. Anus 7. Labia minora 11. Perineum 6. Labia majora

32 2. Fallopian Tube B. Internal 1. Ovary 3. Uterus 3a. Cervix 4. Vagina

33 Menstrual Cycle

34 Menstrual Cycle Menstrual Cycle – during the menstrual cycle, an ovary releases a mature egg. The egg travels to the uterus. If the egg is not fertilized, the uterine lining is shed and a new cycle begins. On average, a women’s menstrual cycle lasts 28 days. However, cycles as short as 21 days or as long as 35 days are normal. The endocrine system controls the menstrual cycle. Involved the hormones: FSH, LH, estrogen, & progesterone.

35 Menstrual Cycle Continued
Diet, stress, exercise, and weight gain/loss affect the menstrual cycle. May be irregular at times especially puberty Except during pregnancy, menstrual cycles occur each month from puberty until about the age of At that time of life, called menopause, the ovaries slow down their hormone production and no longer release mature eggs. Gradually, the menstrual cycle stops, and the women is no longer able to become pregnant.

36 During the first half of the cycle, an egg matures inside one of the ovaries. Meanwhile, the lining of the uterus thickens. At about the middle of the cycle- or day 14- ovulation occurs. The mature egg is released by the ovary and travels into the fallopian tube. A women is most fertile, or able to become pregnant, around the time of ovulation. It takes about 7 days for the egg to travel through the fallopian tube into the uterus. During this time the uterine lining continues to thicken, and the blood supply to it increases. If the egg has not ben fertilized by the time it reaches the uterus, the uterine lining breaks down. The blood and tissue of the thickened lining pass out of the body through the vagina through a process called menstration, or the menstrual period. As menstation is taking place, another egg begins to mature in one of the ovaries. Thus menstruation marks the end of one cycle and the beginning of another. Mentrual period lasts about 3-5 days. *total blood loss is about 4 tablespoons to a cup-this blood comes from the lining thickening and filling with blood.


38 Concerns About the Female Reproductive System
Menstruation is not “being sick.” There may be slight discomfort in the lower back, legs, and pelvis, particularly on the first day, and a slight tendency to fatigue. Breast changes may occur either preceding or at various times throughout the monthly cycle. Sometimes tenderness and enlargement of the breasts occur. Mood swings may also occur in the normal menstrual cycle. This is called premenstrual syndrome (PMS). Manifestations of this hormonal effect on women may include depression or irritability.








46 Breast Self Exam Done monthly
Use right hand to examine left breast, left hand to examine right breast using a small circular motion. Look for anything odd Lumps/ hard knot Swelling/fluid Puckering of skin Change in nipple Discharge from nipple Change in breast size Any changes since last month Be sure to check the armpit as well! *Bring any changes, lumps, swelling, harness, or other unusual features to a physician's attention

47 Female Cancers Breast cancer
No prevention, but EARLY DETECTION IS THE KEY!!! Symptoms include: Change in breast or nipple appearance Lump or swelling in the breast Lump in the armpit

48 Mammogram Done yearly once you are 40 years old
Can be done sooner if there is a family history of breast cancer It’s an x-ray of the breast that can detect breast cancer.

49 Female Cancers Cervical Cancer Ovarian Cancer
Can be detected by a Pap Smear (most effective test for diagnosing cancer) Linked to Human Papillomavirus (HPV) which is an STD Risk Factors – y/o, having sexual intercourse at a young age, not having regular Pap smears, and having multiple sexual partners. Ovarian Cancer Symptoms are similar to other diseases so it is hard to diagnose Causes abnormal bleeding, unusual fatigue, unexplained weight gain or loss Only 25% survival rate because early detection is difficult

50 Other Female Reproductive Problems
Ovarian cysts- ovarian cysts are growths on the ovary. Large ones may be painful and need to be surgically removed Endometriosis- condition in which tissue from the lining of the uterus- the endometrium- grows outside the uterus, in the pelvic cavity. The condition can be very painful and is usually treated with hormones or surgery. Infertility- causes of infertility in women include blocked fallopian tubes and problems with ovulation.


52 Assignment- Color the Female reproductive system
Ovary- Dark Green Fallopian Tube- Purple Uterus- brown 3a. Cervix- Light Blue 4. Vagina- Yellow 6. Labia majora- light green 7. Labia minora- pink 9. Bladder- gray (you can use your pencil) 10. Anus- red 11. Perineum- dark blue 12. Urethra- orange

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