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IT Introduction Welcome to Business 514.

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1 IT Introduction Welcome to Business 514

2 Technology is “technology” only for people who are born before it was invented. –
Alan Kay

3 Managers translate strategy into day to day business processes in an environment that is becoming increasingly complex and interdependent

4 Pressures Market Technological Global Economy and Strong Competition
Changing Nature of the Workforce Powerful Customers Technological Technological innovation and obsolescence Information Overload

5 Pressures (cont.) Societal Ethical Issues Social Responsibility
Government Regulations Government Deregulations Shrinking budgets and subsidies Ethical Issues

6 The only constant is change……

7 Change People IT - Computer is expanding from a tool for information management to a tool for communication – Innovation and creativity

8 Old business processes, management practices, organizational structures and ways of working have become inappropriate for the new volatile, global, competitive business environment.

9 e-Everything Age

10 The Age of Networked Intelligence
Not just networking of technology but it is about the networking of humans through technology

11 Digital Economy Individuals and enterprises create wealth by applying knowledge, networked human intelligence, and effort to manufacturing, agriculture, and services

12 Knowledge Economy Based on the application of human know how
Life long learner “SMART” products Economy added value will be created by brain not brawn Mass Customized rather than mass-produced (Boutique Bakers/Garden scents)

13 The 3 C’s Jobs of the future will be in the content sector computing
communications content Interactive Multimedia The 3 C’s

14 The 3 C’s explained: Communications - interactive TV, home shopping, video dial tone, and video conferencing Computing - business applications, and education software Content - entertainment, games and video on demand, and electronic delivery

15 Key Issues Transition to network computing
Move from Legacy systems to client/server How much infrastructure? Centralization vs decentralization – finding the balance Role of end user

16 Keys of Success Rethink Missions - new strategies, new structures.
Innovation - The collection, dissemination and analysis of customer information has become an essential prerequisite of a modern retailing operation. Technology is no longer just an aid - its the heart of the strategy. Agility / Flexibility. Organizational Learning - New networks are opening the bandwidth of human communication.

17 Why Organizations need Information Systems
Meeting Global Challenges Capturing opportunities in the Market Place Supporting Corporate Strategy Linking Departments Whose Functions are different Enhancing Worker Productivity Increasing Quality of Goods and Services

18 Control Systems

19 Information Age Transform the corporation enabled by information technology The goal should not just be cost control but the dramatic and profound transformation of customer service, responsiveness, and innovation

20 Management Control Systems
Primary Tools of result control Measures Criteria Processes

21 Review of Systems Are we measuring the right things
Are the right people receiving the information Are measure compatible with management philosophy Is the system being used as intended

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