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FI-WARE RSS fundamentals Telefónica I+D

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1 FI-WARE RSS fundamentals Telefónica I+D

2 Revenue sharing service (RSS) GE - Telefónica I+D
Tanguy Architecture of Applications and Services Ecosystem and Delivery Framework

3 RSS GE overview Nueva diapositiva

4 RSS GE overview The RSS GE offers the following services
REST service to receive CDRs (Charging Data Records) REST service to control the expenditure limits for users A Web Interface service for RSS administrators Management of settlement process, files and transactions Management of RS models Management of stores and application providers Access to graphical reports A Web Interface service for Store administrators Management of their settlement process, files and transactions Management of their RS models Management of their application providers Access to their graphical reports

5 RSS Interactions RSS GE Store GE Repository GE Accounting GE RSS DB
Customer Co. RSS DB Bill (charging) CDRs RSS GE Expenditure limits Store GE CDRs RS models SDRs Repository GE RSS reports & files Accounting GE RS models Price models Launch settlement

6 CDRs The RSS GE receives CDRs and stores them in its DB
Containing charging information for all contracted services Refunds are also handled

7 CDRs Using APIs OAuth protected Creates RSS entries from CDRs Verb URI
Description POST /rss/cdrs Process one or more CDRs resources received Detailed description at User & Programmer’s Manual

8 Expenditure limits The RSS GE manages expenditure limits control in order to prevent fraud Application providers can limit the amount of money spent using the services by a customer in a specific time interval Maximum limit that can not be exceeded Notification limit: when exceeded a notification is sent to the user For each purchase, the accumulated balance is checked and updated Once the limit is exceeded, it will not be possible to purchase anything until next period of time Limits per user, provider or service Today, it has been a big growth in the number of electronic transactions involving payments. A priori, neither providers nor customers are completely trusted about the authenticity of each of these transactions. Due to a fraud risk or due to the customer could take the control on his/her expenditures, a functionalidty about the expenditure control is usefull and can be integrated in the RSS generic enabler. Thanks to this new functionality, a customer or provider is able to stablish expenditure limits for a given period of time (monthly, weekly …). So, each of the transactions that a customer intends to do is previously checked in order to see if the limit has been reached, allowing the transaction or not. Customers will not be able to buy a service or product until the next defined period of time. This way, the impact of a possible fraud is minimized and customers are not able to control their expenses. The expenditure limits could be fixed for any user in application providers or specific users in any application provider. Additionally, through the expenditure limit functionality, some umbral information can be given in the way that the payment system can launch notifications when the umbrals are reached, providing additional information to the user for a better management of their expenses.

9 Expenditure limits Different types of limits
Limits for service, user or provider Parameter Mandatory Type Description type Yes String "daily“, "weekly“, "monthly“ or "perTransaction" currency Currency identifier maxAmount No Number Maximal amount for the user to expend. No limit is applied if negative or no value is given. notificationAmounts Number[0..N] Amounts for which a notification will be send if they are reached by the expenses. Parameter Mandatory Type Description service Yes String Service for which the limits are defined userLimits LimitType[0..N] Information for the general expenditure limits to apply over the user payments. providerLimits Providers related data for the expenditure limits to apply over the user payments. serviceLimits LimitType [0..N] Data for the expenditure limits to apply over the user payments and defined by the service. The service limits must been provided in the system.

10 Expenditure limits Using APIs OAuth protected
Limit Management for a provider URI: /expenditureLimit/limitManagement/{providerId} Verb Description GET Get the existing limits for a provider POST Create or update limits for a provider DELETE Delete existing limits of a provider Detailed description at User & Programmer’s Manual

11 Expenditure limits Using APIs Limit Management for a user Verb
URI: /expenditureLimit/limitManagement/{providerId}/{userId} Verb Description GET Get the existing limits for a customer POST Create or update limits for a customer DELETE Delete existing limits of a customer Detailed description at User & Programmer’s Manual

12 Expenditure limits Using APIs Balance and Accumulated management Verb
URI: /expenditureLimit/balanceAccumulated/{userId}?QueryParameters URI: /expenditureLimit/balanceAccumulated/{userId} URI: /expenditureLimit/balanceAccumulated/{userId}/reset Verb Description GET Get the current accumulated expenses of a customer POST Check the balance of a customer PUT Update the cumulative expenses of a customer PUT Delete the cumulative expenses of a customer Detailed description at User & Programmer’s Manual

13 Admin portal For RSS administrator and Stores
Authentication delegated to the IDM GE RSS Administrator portal Store Administrator portal

14 Settlement A settlement process is periodically or manually executed
The RSS GE calculates revenue shares based on RS models and creates settlement files Service Provider Period Start Period End Payment Method conwet D2B APPLICATION_ID APPLICATION_CLASS EVENT_ID GROSS_AMOUNT TAX_AMOUNT TOTAL_AMOUNT RS_PERCENTAGE CURRENCY Santander City Lights application SaaS Single payment event 15,20 0,00 80 EUR Smart City Lights application 3,20 TOTAL 18,40

15 RS models Map a set of parameters to an algorithm Supported algorithms
Service provider, Application Id, Application Class… Supported algorithms Linear algorithm Linear algorithm with fixed cost Additional algorithms can be defined Such as exponential (volume dependent percentage) Provider ID Revenue Share % Product Class CoNWeT 80 Applications UPM 70 Games MOVISTAR Films

16 Stores & Providers Store Provider
External component integrated with the business framework offering a set of services that are published to a selected set of marketplaces. The RSS administrator can manage Stores using the RSS Provider Actor who publishes and offers (provides) certain business functionality on the Web through a service/application endpoint. The RSS administrator can manage service providers associated to Stores and Store administrator can manage their service providers

17 Analytics The RSS GE supports reporting capabilities for RSS Administrator and Store Administrators 4 Different types of predefined reports Transactions: graphical info about transactions in a period of time Detailed description at User & Programmer’s Manual

18 Analytics Summary: evolution of transactions and comparative graphs
Detailed description at User & Programmer’s Manual

19 Analytics Top applications: most purchased or incomes generated apps
Detailed description at User & Programmer’s Manual

20 Analytics Price Interval: comparing the distribution of the charges amount Detailed description at User & Programmer’s Manual

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