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Lecture 9 Web: Text: To: 37607

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1 Lecture 9 Web: Text: To: 37607
Type in: <your question>

2 Lecture 9 objectives Understand principles of protein sequencing
Understand principles and applications of MS Understand assumptions and limitations of MM kinetics Understand experimental determination of MM parameters

3 Protein structure and isolation
Column chromatography principles Gel electrophoresis ( non-denaturing and SDS) Proteomics

4 Differences in the “proteome”

5 Sequencing proteins

6 Sequencing proteins

7 Sequencing proteins is a step-wise process

8 Sequencing proteins

9 Protein sequencing Why cut up protein prior to sequencing?
Why multiple ways of cutting up protein?

10 Protein sequencing NB-B-C-A E-R-X-A B-A-Q-N S-A-F-EC NB-B-C-A-

11 Sequencing proteins

12 Mass spectrometry (Mass spec)

13 MS Example

14 MS-MS to sequence proteins

15 Random fragmentation A-B-C-D A-B-C-D A-B-C-D A-B-C-D A- B-C-D A-B- C-D
Signal intensity m/z A-B-C A-B-C- A-B- A A-B-C-D A-B-C-D

16 MS Example

17 Using MS to generate a “proteome”
Copyright  2013 Pearson Canada Inc.

18 Using MS to generate a “proteome”
Copyright  2013 Pearson Canada Inc.

19 Protein purified, now what?
What do we want to know about our protein (Hexokinase)?

20 Simplifying kinetics Initial rate = [P] ≈ 0 Practically 100% ES  P
At GIVEN [E], rate ∝ on [S]

21 Michaelis-Menten kinetics: A model
Makes several assumptions: 1. _________________ (Vo) 2. At given [__] 3. [__] ≫ [__] 4. At steady state: ES formation=ES breakdown

22 Determining Km V 0 = V Max [S] S + K m S + K m = V Max [S] V 0
S + K m = V Max [S] 0.5 V Max S + K m = 2[S] K m = [S] when V o = ½ V Max

23 The Michaelis-Menten kinetics graph

24 Measuring Initial Velocity at different [S]

25 The Michaelis-Menten kinetics graph

26 How to estimate VMax? y = mx + c

27 The Lineweaver-Burk plot

28 The turnover number (k2 or kcat)
Turnover number = number of S molecules  P per second

29 Turnover number Eg: k2 = 1000 molecules sec-1
1/k2 = 1/1000 sec molecule-1 1/k2 = sec molecule-1

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