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Personal Hygiene and Care / Consumer Awareness

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1 Personal Hygiene and Care / Consumer Awareness
Chapter 4

2 Taking Care of Your Teeth
Regular brushing / flossing (daily) Fluoride- a substance that fights tooth decay Choose snacks wisely Foods high in calcium for strong teeth Protect your teeth (contact sports) Regular check-ups (1yr)

3 Plaque- soft colorless sticky film containing bacteria that grows on your teeth

4 If plaque is not removed from teeth it can turn into: Tartar- a hard material cannot be removed from brushing

5 Orthodontist –a dentist who specializes in irregularities of the teeth and jaw

6 Parts of the Skin Epidermis : thinner outer layer of the skin Dermis :
Thicker inner layer of the skin


8 Taking Care of Your Skin
Keep it clean Wash 2x/day and blot dry with a clean towel Protect it from the sun SPF 15 Treat your skin gently

9 Acne- a skin condition caused by overly active oil glands Dermatologist –a doctor who treats skin disorders

10 Your Nails Cuticle- a nonliving band of epidermis
Wash hands warm/soapy water Nail clipper Emery board

11 Dandruff- flaking of the outer layer of dead skin cells Usually caused by a dry scalp

12 Head Lice Wingless insects that are easy to catch from another person by sharing hats, combs, and brushes

13 Taking Care of Your Hair
Wash it with a gentle shampoo Brush/Comb it to help spread natural oils (1 per day)

14 Caring for Your Eyes and Ears
Lesson 2

15 Taking Care of Your Eyes
Protect from eyestrain (TV) Protect from injury (safety glasses) Protect from infection (no rubbing) If get something in eye, blink so tears wash it away Protect from the sun (sunglasses) Regular check-ups

16 Farsightedness : can’t see close Nearsightedness : can’t see far Astigmatism : shape of your cornea or lens causes objects to look blurred


18 Taking Care of Your Ears
Protect from loud noises Listening to loud music can cause hearing loss Protect from the cold For infections- see a doctor


20 Decibels- how loudness of sound is measured Sound waves- vibration or movements in the air

21 Choosing Health Products
Lesson 3

22 Consumer : someone who buys products or services Advertisements : messages used to persuade consumers to buy goods or services

23 Making an Informed Choice pg 100 What Labels can tell You pg101

24 Factors That Influence Consumer Choice
Save money Natural ingredients Fragrance Secret ingredients A friend TV commercial

25 Comparison Shopping Price Unit price (cost / per ounce) Benefits
Reputation Warranty – a promise to make repairs or refund money if the product does not work as claimed

26 The best way to compare the benefits of 2 products is to compare the information on the label

27 Discount Stores- stores that offer lower prices but have fewer salespeople and services Coupon- slips of paper that save you money on certain brands

28 Generic- products sold in plain packages Fraud- deliberate deceit or trickery

29 Health Care in Your Community
Lesson 4

30 Specialist- a doctor trained to handle particular health problems Voluntary Health Groups- organizations that work to treat and eliminate certain diseases

31 Health Insurance- pay a monthly or yearly fee to an insurance company that agrees to pay for some or most costs Managed Care- a health insurance plan that saves money by limiting people’s choice of doctors


33 Specialists Ophthalmologist - treats diseases of the eye
Allergist - asthma, hay fever, allergies Orthopedist - broken bones Orthodontist – tooth / jaw irregularities Otolaryngologist – ears, nose, throat Cardiologist - heart problems Dermatologist - skin conditions Urologist - urinary system problems Pediatrician – children and teens

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