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Advertising Chapter 19.

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1 Advertising Chapter 19

2 Ch 19 Sec 1 – Advertising Media
What you’ll learn . . . The concept and purpose of advertising The different types of advertising media

3 Advertising and Its Purpose
Advertising is any paid form of nonpersonal promotion of ideas, goods, or services by an identified sponsor Advertising is everywhere!

4 Two main types of advertising
Promotional advertising Introduces new products and businesses Encourages an interest in products Explains product and service features Institutional advertising Attempts to create a favorable impression and goodwill for a business or an organization.

5 Types of Media Print Media Broadcast Media Online Advertising
Media are the agencies, means, or instruments used to convey advertising messages to the public. Print Media Broadcast Media Online Advertising Specialty Media

6 Print Media Written advertising that may be included in everything from newspaper and magazines to direct mail, signs and billboards. They are among the oldest and most effective types of advertising.

7 Newspaper Advertising
Local (Salt Lake Tribune) or National (USA Today) Daily or weekly Shopper Little editorial content Delivered free

8 Newspaper Advertising
Advantages Large readership and a high level of reader involvement Advertisers can target certain people The cost is relatively low Ads are timely Disadvantages Wasted circulation Short life Black and white (although many papers are changing to color format)

9 Magazine Advertising Classified as Local, regional, or national
Weeklies, monthlies, and quarterlies Consumer or business (trade)

10 Magazine Advertising Advantages Can target audiences Longer life span
Print quality is good People keep magazines longer than newspapers Offer a variety of presentation formats Disadvantages Less mass appeal within a geographical area More expensive Deadlines make them less timely

11 Direct-Mail Advertising
Sent by businesses directly through the mail Sent to a home or business Electronic mail Includes newsletters, catalogs, coupons, samplers, price lists, circulars, invitations, postage-paid reply cards, and letters. Mailing lists are assembled from current customer records or they may be purchased.

12 Direct-Mail Advertising
Advantages Can be highly selective Controlled timing Can be used to actually make the sale Disadvantages Low response level People think of it as “junk mail” Dated lists Cost is high

13 Directory Advertising
An alphabetical listing of households and businesses. The best known are telephone directories.

14 Directory Advertising
Advantages Relatively inexpensive Can be used with all demographic groups Are found in 98% of American households Usually kept for at least a year Disadvantage Only printed once a year Some service business’ are used infrequently; therefore, directory advertising must be combined with another type.

15 Outdoor Advertising Standardized signs are available to local, regional, or national advertisers. Purchased from outdoor advertising companies in standard sizes Are placed in highly traveled roads, and freeways where there is high visibility. Posters – pre-printed sheets put up like wallpaper on outdoor billboards. Painted bulletins – painted billboards that are changed about every six months to a year. Spectaculars – use lights or moving parts and are in high traffic areas.

16 A billboard gets right to the point

17 Which type of outdoor advertising is this?


19 Outdoor Advertising Advantages
Highly visible and relatively inexpensive 24-hour a day message and located to reach specific target markets Disadvantages Becoming more restricted – increasingly regulated Limited viewing time

20 Transit Advertising Uses public transportation facilities
Commuter trains, taxis and buses, station posters near or in subways and in railroad, bus, and airline terminals

21 Transit Advertising Advantages Reaches a wide captive audience
Economical Defined market Disadvantages Not available in smaller towns and cities Subject to defacement

22 Broadcast Media Includes radio and television
The average person will spend nearly ten years watching TV and almost six years listening to the radio over a 70 year lifetime.


24 Television Advertising
Communicates with sound, action, and color. Prime time is between 8 and 11 p.m. Is appealing to large companies with widespread distribution.

25 Got Milk ad Click the black rectangle to play the video

26 Television Advertising
Advantages Can be directed to an audience with a specific interest Message can be adapted to take advantages of holidays and special events Disadvantages Highest production cost of any media type High dollar cost for the time used Actual audience size is not assured – people leave the room or channel surf – effect of TIVO

27 Radio Radio Advertising
Radio reaches 96 % of people over 12 yrs which makes it very effective Best times are “drive times” – morning and late afternoon/early evening

28 Radio Advertising Advantages
Can select an audience, such as teens by choosing the right station More flexible than print – messages can be easily changed It’s a mobile medium – can be taken just about anywhere Disadvantages Short life span – when broadcast, it is over Lack of visual involvement

29 Online Advertising Placing advertising messages on the Internet
Banner ads – created with rich media technology that uses the strategy of popping up and interrupting the readers search

30 Specialty Media Relatively inexpensive, useful items with an advertisers name printed on them Given away with no obligation attached Calendars, magnets, pens, pencils, memo pads, and key chains

31 Other Advertising Media
Businesses are constantly creating innovative means of transmitting their messages Sports arena billboards, ads in movie theaters, hot air balloons and blimps, skywriting, etc.

32 Media Planning and Selection
The process of selecting the advertising media and deciding the time or space in which the ads should appear to accomplish a marketing objective

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