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Communication and the Process

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1 Communication and the Process
SPONGE: Take out a piece of paper and write down a definition of communication and tell me why communication is important to you.

2 Definition of Communication:
The dynamic process of encoding and decoding messages to achieve understanding.

3 3 Ways we communicate: Verbal – Using Words
Nonverbal – With out words (gestures, facials etc.) Vocal – sighs, laughing, crying, groans etc. Pitch, rate, tone, etc. Activity: Calculate Communication

4 5 TYPE OF COMMUNICATION Intrapersonal Communication - Communication with yourself. Consists of personal, unvoiced thoughts. Interpersonal Communication - One to one basis. Group Communication - Three or more people. Public Communication - Involves one or more speakers who present a message to a group of inactive listeners. Usually used to persuade or inform a group. Mass Communication - One or more people communicate with a large audience. Usually senders and receivers are not together at the same time. Example: radio, television, newspaper, and magazines.

5 Why is communication (Verbal) Important:
Talking is faster – In the time it would take you to read a page, you can say the ideas and get a response. Talking takes less concentration. Often you can do other things while you have a conversation. Talking can be more meaningful. You can use your voice to add extra meaning to your words. Talking is more immediate. You can deal with problems right at the moment. You don’t’ need to wait for written response. Talking is more convenient. You don’t need any special materials like paper and pencils.

6 Why is Nonverbal More Accurate:
Body Language is usually harder to hide. Facial expressions are a reaction to something. You can “say” anything. If verbal and nonverbal contradict each other, people will usually look to the nonverbal for the “truth”.

7 CM Process #5 #3 #6 #4 #8 #8 #2 #1 #7 #7 #9 The route the message travels on:

8 Communication Process Vocabulary:
Sender: A person who transmits a message Receiver: A person who intercepts a message and then decodes it. Encode: Assigning meaning/symbols to create a message to send. (idea or thought) Message: An idea or thought which is transmitted (verbal or nonverbal). Decode: Assigning meaning/symbols to the message received.  Feedback: The reaction the receiver gives to the message offered by the sender. Communication Interference/Barriers: Distractions! Any obstacle (attitudinal, social, educational, cultural, or environmental) which gets in the way of effective Communication. Internal –tired, sick, hungry, emotional etc. External-loud surroundings, NOISES! Communication Environment: The place in which the CM experience takes place. Channel: Means by which a message is sent. (voice, symbols, body language)

9 GROUP ACTIVITY: Get into groups of 3 or 4.
By drawing a scenario your must create the communication process. You must LABEL all parts to the communication process (9 parts). Group will present to the class.

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