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Domains of Life Refer to Domains Chart.

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1 Domains of Life Refer to Domains Chart

2 The 3 Domains

3 Modern Classification
We now use a system with the largest groups called Domains. The kingdoms of life all fall into one of three domains: Bacteria Archaea Eukarya

4 Modern Classification
Traditionally we still break living things into 6 Kingdoms, but this is under great dispute as we continue to gather DNA evidence on eukaryotes and find new prokaryotic life deep in the soil and deep in the ocean. There could be 20 or even 30 different Kingdoms!

5 1. Kingdom Bacteria Prokaryotes (no nucleus) One cell (unicellular)
Cell walls with peptidoglycan Autotrophs (producers) or Heterotrophs (consumers, decomposers) Common bacteria, cyanobacteria Very diverse (divided into multiple bacteria kingdoms)

6 2. Kingdom Archaea Prokaryotes (no nucleus) One cell (unicellular) Cell walls but no peptidoglycan Autotrophs (producers = make own food) or Heterotrophs (need to eat others) Live in extreme environments (hot, cold, no oxygen) Very diverse (divided into multiple Archaea kingdoms)

7 3. Kingdom Fungi Eukaryotes Most multicellular; some unicellular
(cells with nucleus and membrane-bound organelles) Most multicellular; some unicellular Cell wall made of chitin (a carbohydrate) Heterotrophs - consumers - decomposers Mushrooms, yeasts, molds

8 Mold Yeast

9 4. Kingdom Plantae Eukaryotes All multicellular
(cells with nucleus and membrane-bound organelles) All multicellular Cell wall made of cellulose (a carbohydrate) Autotrophs (have chloroplasts) - producers Mosses, ferns, flowering plants, conifers (needles and cones)

10 Mosses Ferns Conifers (needles, cones)

11 5. Kingdom Animalia Eukaryotes All multicellular NO cell wall
(cells with nucleus and membrane-bound organelles) All multicellular NO cell wall Heterotrophs (consumers) Sponges, jellyfish, coral, worms, starfish, clams, crabs, fishes, sharks, frogs, salamanders, lizards, turtles, birds, mammals Typical Sponge

12 Coral Reef: sponges, coral, sea anemones, fish, arthropods

13 Sponges, sea anemones, jellyfish, Worms, mussels, squid, octopus, shrimp, starfish, sea urchins.
All the chordates: Fish, amphibians, reptiles, birds, mammals

14 6. Kingdom(s) Protista Eukaryotes
(cells with nucleus and membrane-bound organelles) Most with one cell (unicellular); some with many cells (multicellular) Cell walls of various compositions Autotrophs (producers) or Heterotrophs (consumers) Amoebas, Paramecium, Slime molds, Algae, Seaweed “Trash Can” group: If it has a nucleus but isn’t a fungus, plant or animal then it must be a protist! Very diverse (divided into multiple protist kingdoms)

15 Amoeba Slime mold Paramecium Kelp (seaweed)

16 Assignment Finish Domains chart worksheet

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