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A new HR for a digital age

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1 A new HR for a digital age
Evi Ifekwe, Deputy General Manager, Recruitment, Manpower Planning, and Development, Total EP Nigeria Limited

2 Reflections: Our current HR Practice
HR is struggling with the challenges of managing a global, flexible workforce – technology aided work; Social media Technology has already transformed HR and the application of data analytics will foster even more profound change. Finding, Attracting, and Retaining the best talents. Designing appropriate employment contracts to meet changing industry and organizational needs. Transferring the right organizational culture between generations of staff; maintaining one ‘ethos’. Achieving employee developmental needs with constant reduction in training budgets Finding ways to constantly engage with workers to address the challenges of this global, flexible and remote workforce Designing and implementing appropriate tools, Rewarding employee performance, maintaining employee motivation. A new HR for a digital age – CIPMN Conference 2015, Ifekwe Evi

3 What has changed? Communication
Think, understand and communicate in the language of business. Globalization of Work Management of diverse teams, with varied characteristics, operations from different parts of the world, with new tools. Value Proposition Make the value of HR more prominent and understood. Regulatory Environment Government regulation requires the business to operate in a new way Strategic Partnerships Service Delivery to internal and external customers Sophistication of workers Engagement of highly talented employees, from different generations, with different group and individual aspirations. System Improvements Move from administration to higher-value-added activities. Employee Engagement Understand employee needs, and constantly engage. A new HR for a digital age – CIPMN Conference 2015, Ifekwe Evi

4 A new HR for a digital age – CIPMN Conference 2015, Ifekwe Evi
Some global HR metrics A new HR for a digital age – CIPMN Conference 2015, Ifekwe Evi

5 How do we get there? Balancing the global and the local
Identify, hire and manage talent globally while retaining important local insights Culture change Constantly align HR Strategy to global and external business environment. Leadership - HR executives have to be courageous leaders, able to force an argument on what is good business. People-Centric HR In a digital world, we need people-centric HR systems designed around real people needs, not process.  Proactive and Flexible, Fact Based policies and business rules Metrics and Measurement HR needs to create data structures that will deliver information on business goals to help the company understand their workforce, but also to optimize their talent-related processes. Flexible and virtual workforce but not at the cost of loyalty and career development Retain the best talent maintain employee engagement in the face of a less committed, more flexible workforce. Information Curation HR is experiencing a flood of information, so we must develop an effective means of filtering necessary and relevant information. A new HR for a digital age – CIPMN Conference 2015, Ifekwe Evi

6 A new HR for a digital age – CIPMN Conference 2015, Ifekwe Evi
Thank You!! Q&A A new HR for a digital age – CIPMN Conference 2015, Ifekwe Evi

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